Bhinadi Rain Bhali - The awakening of the soul bride

The awakening of the soul bride

In the embrace of night, adorned with dewdrops,
and in the tender arms of day's delight,
her love shines through the soul window  
and stirs the slumbering soul-bride.

The young bride awakens from love's light
she finds herself imbued with the essence truth.
She is fortunate to have her lovers' love. 
She foresakes the veils of falsehood and deceit,
she casts away the allure of dualistic love,
and relinquishes slavery of others. 

She wears the necklace of truth
around her neck.  With palms pressed together, 
she asks for the precious gift of the True Name:

"I am blessed with what you please. 
Now my day is beautiful and my night is auspicious" 
