The Best Blogs on Emily Dickinson Poems:
Digital and Electronic Research Resources
In addition to links cited above in
Dickinson Manuscripts and Related Collections, the electronic resources listed below are useful in pursuing Dickinson interests.
Emily Dickinson Archive ( Emily Dickinson Archive (2013) makes high-resolution images of Dickinson’s surviving manuscripts available in open access, and provides readers with a website through which they can view images of manuscripts held in multiple libraries and archives. This first phase of the EDA includes images for the corpus of poems identified in The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition, edited by R. W. Franklin (Cambridge: Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, 1998).
Digitized Dickinson Manuscripts This link allows the user to peruse Amherst College's complete collection (850 items) of Emily Dickinson manuscripts. The
College's Archives and Special Collections department houses about half of Dickinson's poetry manuscripts.
Dickinson Electronic Archives A website devoted to the study of Emily Dickinson, her writing practices, writings directly influencing her work, and critical and creative writings generated by her work. Includes texts of letters, correspondence of the Dickinson family, and teaching resources. The DEA is produced by the Dickinson Editing Collective, Martha Nell Smith and Lara Vetter, General Editors and Coordinators.
Emily Dickinson International Society A member society formed in 1988 to promote, perpetuate, and enhance the study and appreciation of Emily Dickinson throughout the world. The society publishes the Emily Dickinson Journal and the Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin and hosts annual meetings and conferences about topics of interest in Dickinson studies.
Emily Dickinson Online A website with “quick and easy access” to information about the poet, including sections on Fast Facts," "Bibliography,'" "Links," and a "Photo Album" of Dickinson-related images.
Emily Dickinson Lexicon Project The Emily Dickinson Lexicon is an on-line dictionary of all of the words in Emily Dickinson’s collected poems (Johnson 1955 and Franklin 1998 editions), using Dickinson's own Noah Webster's 1844 American Dictionary of the English Language as the primary source for definitions.
Radical Scatters: Emily Dickinson’s Fragments and Related Texts A subscripton may be required to access this material, which is related to the printed text cited above in Printed Materials.
Emily Dickinson's Correspondences: A Born-Digital Textual Inquiry A searchable archive of seventy-four poems and letters from Emily’s correspondence with Susan Dickinson. Each text is presented with a digitized scan of the holograph manuscript.
Dickinson Listserv An e-mail subscription list devoted to discussion of the work of Emily Dickinson. It is open to anyone interested in Dickinson's writing.
Emily Dickinson Bibliography An extensive bibliography related to Dickinson, created and maintained by Donna Campbell, Washington State University
Emily Dickinson’s Herbarium (Harvard’s Houghton Library) Full color photographs of each page of Dickinson's herbarium.
Dickinson Family Association An organization of and for the descendents of Nathaniel Dickinson, from whom the poet was descended. Nathaniel Dickinson came from England to Connecticut by 1637 and later settled in Hadley, Massachusetts (the town from which Amherst was created in 1759).
Emily Dickinson's Monson A guide to Monson, Massachusetts, where Emily Norcross Dickinson, the poet's mother, was born and raised.
Dickinson Printed Texts On-line
(see above for information about digitized manuscripts)
The Poems of Emily Dickinson ed. by Thomas Johnson (1955). A digitized edition of this landmark work.
Dickinson in The Norton Anthology of Poetry A guide to Emily Dickinson poems in The Norton Anthology of Poetry (5th edition) and Amherst College manuscript holdings.
Academy of American Poets The Dickinson page includes a list of poems and links to selected texts.
Poetry Foundation The Dickinson page includes a list of poems and links to selected texts.
Poems of Emily Dickinson, First, Second, and Third Series (Project Gutenberg) The 1890s editions of Dickinson's work.
Modern American Poetry: Emily Dickinson Dickinson poems selected from An Online Journal and Multimedia Companion to Anthology of Modern American Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2000)
Poems of Emily Dickinson Electronic texts of the 1890s editions of Dickinson's poems, available through Google Books.
First Series Electronic text of the 1890 edition (11th printing), ed. by Mabel Loomis Todd and Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
Second Series Electronic text of the 1891 edition (4th printing), ed. by Mabel Loomis Todd and Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
Third Series Electronic text of the 1896 edition (2nd printing), ed. by Mabel Loomis Todd.
The Complete Poems Electronic text of the 1924 edition of Dickinson's poems, selected and with an introduction by her niece Martha Dickinson Bianchi.