According to Jane, this is a "brief poem that holds the intention of my whole life and that of my poems. " Here is Jane singing the song of acceptance, practicing to choosing to make the unwanted wanted.
A Cedary FragranceEven now,
decades after,
I wash my face with cold water –
Not for discipline,
nor memory,
nor the icy, awakening slap,
but to practice
to make the unwanted wanted.
by Jane Hirshfield, from Given Sugar, Given Salt, 2001 Here is Jane reading this poem. Start at around 2:00 -
A Cedary FragranceEven now,
decades after,
I wash my face with cold water –
Not for discipline,
nor memory,
nor the icy, awakening slap,
but to practice
to make the unwanted wanted.
by Jane Hirshfield, from Given Sugar, Given Salt, 2001 Here is Jane reading this poem. Start at around 2:00 -
- Jane Hirschfield
Balance is noticed most when almost failed of -
in an elephant's delicate wavering
on her circus stool, for instance,
or that moment
when a ladder starts to tip but steadies back.
There are, too, its mysterious departures.
Hours after the dishes are washed and stacked,
a metal bowl clangs to the floor,
the weight of drying water all that altered;
a painting vertical for years
one morning - why? - requires a restoring tap.
You have felt it disappearing
from your own capricious heart -
a restlessness enters, the smallest leaning begins.
Already then inevitable,
the full collision,
the life you will describe afterward always as "after"
- Jane Hirschfield
Balance is noticed most when almost failed of -
in an elephant's delicate wavering
on her circus stool, for instance,
or that moment
when a ladder starts to tip but steadies back.
There are, too, its mysterious departures.
Hours after the dishes are washed and stacked,
a metal bowl clangs to the floor,
the weight of drying water all that altered;
a painting vertical for years
one morning - why? - requires a restoring tap.
You have felt it disappearing
from your own capricious heart -
a restlessness enters, the smallest leaning begins.
Already then inevitable,
the full collision,
the life you will describe afterward always as "after"
Heaven’ Garden by Randy Burns
God made a beatous garden
With lovely flowers strown,
But one straight, narrow pathway
That was not overgrown.
And to this beauteous garden
He brought mankind to live,
And said: "To you, my children,
These lovely flowers I give.
Prune ye my vines and fig trees,
With care my flowerets tend,
But keep the pathway open
Your home is at the end."
Then came another master,
Who did not love mankind,
And planted on the pathway
Gold flowers for them to find.
And mankind saw the bright flowers,
That, glitt'ring in the sun,
Quite hid the thorns of av'rice
That poison blood and bone;
And far off many wandered,
And when life's night came on,
They still were seeking gold flowers,
Lost, helpless and alone.
O, cease to heed the glamour
That blinds your foolish eyes,
Look upward to the glitter
Of stars in God's clear skies.
Their ways are pure and harmless
And will not lead astray,
Bid aid your erring footsteps
To keep the narrow way.
And when the sun shines brightly
Tend flowers that God has given
And keep the pathway open
That leads you on to heaven.
- Robert Frost
Thoughts on God’s Garden
The following poem has Robert Frost’s take on man’s purpose and potential return to home (heaven). The forbidden fruit of the Bible is substituted by gold flowers. The simplicity of the poem is apparent; it is one of Frost’s earlier poems and it’s not interesting as his later work. It reminds me of “valon nikki pursalat” - Gurbani’s reference to the “narrow path” to heaven. It also reminds me of Mirza Ghalib’s khayaabaan khayaabaan iram: “Wherever I see your footsteps, flowerbed after flowerbed I see heaven’s garden.”
First the poem and then my thoughts -
In a Disused Graveyard
The living come with grassy tread
To read the gravestones on the hill;
The graveyard draws the living still,
But never anymore the dead.
To read the gravestones on the hill;
The graveyard draws the living still,
But never anymore the dead.
The verses in it say and say:
"The ones who living come today
To read the stones and go away
Tomorrow dead will come to stay."
So sure of death the marbles rhyme,
Yet can't help marking all the time
How no one dead will seem to come.
What is it men are shrinking from?
It would be easy to be clever
And tell the stones: Men hate to die
And have stopped dying now forever.
I think they would believe the lie.
My comments
In Frost's poem, the narrator doesn't want to be reminded of death. But the gravestones in graveyard are a constant reminder of death. The stones are saying -- in their inscriptions -- that "Tomorrow dead will come to stay." The narrator, in his spite, wants to play a trick on the stones and tell them that the reason why this graveyard is dead is because people have stopped dying. And he believes that the stones would believe him because they have not seen dead people arrive in this graveyard.
We are like these stones. Forgetful. We tend to forget death. We tend to be living in a dead graveyard. We are as stupid as the stones. We are gullible. In the gaiety of the living days, we forget that death will ever come. We are sure of something that will not come to pass.
We are like dead graveyards. Because we have not seen death ourself, we tend to ignore it. If someone would tell us that death does not happen anymore, we would probably believe them.
Once the goddess Parvati wanted to become beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful. She was already quite beautiful, but her present beauty did not satisfy her. She wanted to become beautynon pareil.
Parvati knew that this kind of beauty could be acquired only by virtue of intense prayer and meditation. She decided to leave her husband, Shiva, and go into seclusion so that she could practise spiritual disciplines without interruption.
Before leaving, she asked Nandi not to allow any woman who looked like her to enter Lord Shiva’s place. She said, “Many times my Lord has been deceived by women who take my form and try to approach him. You have to be absolutely sure that it is I who have returned, and nobody else. Otherwise, I am sure that in my absence some women will try to fool you.”
After issuing her strict instructions, Parvati withdrew into the forest for an indefinite length of time.
All her jewellery and lovely garments she left behind so that she could give her full attention to prayer and meditation.
A few months later, an asura or demon, who happened to pass by Shiva’s place, noticed the gigantic gates outside it. The demon asked one of the guards, “Whose place is this?”
“It is Lord Shiva’s place,” the guard replied.
“I would like to be admitted,” said the demon haughtily.
“It is absolutely forbidden,” said the guard. “I have received special instructions from Parvati and nobody may be admitted.”
Outwardly the demon pretended to be detached. “All right,” he said, “if you do not allow people to enter, what can I do?”
Inwardly he was seething with rage. He went home and came back to the gate a few days later. This time he took the form of a tiny creature. It was something like a snake. Because this creature was so tiny, it was able to pass through the gate unnoticed by the guards. It was almost invisible to the eye. Once it was inside Shiva’s home, the creature assumed the form of Parvati. She was beautiful beyond description.
When Shiva saw his wife standing before him, he was filled with joy. He came forward to embrace her but, as he put his arms around the false Parvati, the demon suddenly resumed its old form. The demon attacked Shiva and a terrible fight took place.
Eventually Shiva gained the upper hand and the demon lay dying on the ground. With his last breath, the demon said to Shiva, “You have killed me, but I am warning you. One day my brother will come and kill you. He will take Parvati’s form and kill you. He is much stronger than I am.”
It was well known that this demon did not have a brother. His threat was all lies. He wanted Shiva to destroy the real Parvati when she returned from the forest.
The problem of the false Parvatis went on for many, many years. Just as Parvati had foreseen other beings took her form and tried to fool the guards. Sometimes the guards refused to admit them and, at other times, when they were able to enter successfully, Shiva recognised them. Shiva did not want to be fooled a second time.
After a long time, one Parvati came and requested admittance. She behaved so much like the real Parvati that the guards opened the gate. She entered and started walking towards Shiva. Shiva immediately suspected her. “O God,” he sighed, “another one has come to fool me.”
Shiva prepared to defend himself once again. This time, from his body, countless beings emerged to destroy the false Parvati. But to Shiva’s great surprise, countless beings also emerged from the body of this particular Parvati. A huge battle raged between the two sides.
As Shiva gazed at the many beings who were fighting for Parvati, he realised that only the real Parvati could have this kind of spiritual power.
“You are my real Parvati!” he cried, throwing down his weapons. Shiva advanced towards her. As he came nearer, he noticed that his wife was now much, much more beautiful than she had been previously. Because she had prayed and meditated for so many years, she had become beauty unparalleled.
Can you imagine, a divine cosmic goddess, a supreme goddess, dying for beauty! It is no wonder that all women crave beauty at every second of their lives. It all started with our supreme goddess, Parvati.
Kumarsambhava -- the epic poem of Kalidas. On this page, first there is a synopsis of Kumarsambhava. Following is the translation of this Epic poem of Kalidas, which starts with the birth of Parvati. In the end there is the original sanskrit version of Kumarsambhava.
I had been doing some research on Gauri, and so I thought of reading some of the original text. I am lucky to have studies Sanskrit in high school for 4 years so I can understand some of this in the original language. Here it is in one place for future researchers.
One of Kalidasa's greatest works is 'Kumarasambhava'. Critics maintain that Kalidasa wrote only the first eight chapters of the epic poem. The work describes the marriage of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati. It begins with a fine description of that giant among mountains, the Himalaya. Kalidasa writes: "Himalaya is rich in life. Living there are the Siddhas. Kinnaras and Vidyadhara beauties. Clouds in front of the caves look like curtains. You can trace the track of lions' by looking at the precious stones spilled from the heads of elephants and not by bloodstains. You have to know the paths they tread by recognizing 'Sarala' trees against whose stem the elephants rub themselves attracted by the sweet milk exuded by the trees. All the things needed for a sacrifice ('Yajna') are available here. Brahma (the God of creation) himself has made this the king of the mountains." It is not only a place for lovers who want to find happiness in life; it is also an ideal retreat for those who want to meditate.
Parvati is the daughter of Parvataraja, the King of the Himalayas. In course of time she blossomed into a girl of matchless beauty. She was very good-looking, like a fine portrait drawn by a master-painter. Women wear jewelry with a feeling that their beauty is enhanced by it. But the neck of Parvati appeared to enhance the beauty of the necklace itself. Parvati's speech was sweet as the playing of the Veena. And her bearing reminded one of a deer.
Narada, a great sage in our epics, is a wandering minstrel. He once came to the court of Parvataraja, and predicted that the king's daughter would marry Lord Shiva. But Parvataraja was doubtful whether Lord Shiva would accept the bride. Neither he
volunteered to ask Shiva nor did the latter came forward to ask for the hand of Parvati. Shiva was in penance atop one of the biggest mountains in the Himalayas. Parvataraja sent his daughter to serve the Lord who acquiesced to have her near him. Parvati served him with utmost, pure hearted devotion; she would daily cleanse his place of penance, and keep ready the articles of 'Tapas' like pure water, leaves of grass, flowers, etc.
While Shiva sat thus in penance, a 'Rakshasa' named Tarakasura began to trouble the Devas. They, in panic, went to Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, and sought salvation. He told them that Parvati had. To marry Lord Shiva and that the son born out of their wedlock would be able to defeat demon Taraka. But then, how to make Lord Shiva, in deep penance to awake physically and consent to marry Parvati?
Devendra is the king of the Devas. One of the Gods at his court was Kama (Manmatha) whose wife was the beautiful Rati. Kama had the capacity to make any one desire to marry.Devendracommanded him to see that Lord Shiva would develop a wish to marry Parvati. Kama, Rati and their friend Vasanta (Lord of spring) set about the task.
Though it was not the season, Kama created all the glory and beauty of the spring. Mild, pleasant breeze began to blow from the south. Flowers were sprinkling down from 'Ashoka' trees. Birds and the bees began to savor the fresh flower of the young mango leaves.
But all this would not deter Lord Shiva from his penance. Kama went there. Shiva was
doing his penance sitting on a tiger-skin under a Devadaru tree. Kama was overwhelmed on seeing the exquisite grace of Lord and the cupid's bow and arrow fell down without his being aware of it. At this time, Parvati arrived on the scence to attend to her daily chores of service to the Lord. She wore a saree colored like the bright red rays of the Sun. Nice spring flowers adorned her plait. A diamond chain shone on her forehead. Her gait was like that of a delicate flower- creeper.
This great beauty of Parvati inspired Kama, who hitherto was somewhat, dejected, again to strive to fulfil his task. Parvati raised her hands to offer her garland of lotus flowers to Shiva who also eagerly came out of his penance to accept the offering. Kama was waiting for such a moment and exercised his 'sword of love'. Shiva eyed Parvati once and immediately realised that he had been weaned away. From his penance. How could this happen?
Kama, Cupid, was ready with his and arrow for action.
Lord Shiva was angry and opened his Third Eye. A great fire flowed forth. Kama was burnt to ashes and Shiva then disappeared. Rati, seeing her husband destroyed collapsed unconscious. Parvati's father sorrowfully took her to his home.
Regaining consciousness after some time, Rati lamented that she too would end her life. Then a voice from the sky told her that Kama would come back to life when Lord Shiva married Parvati.
Meanwhile,Parvati sat for a highly strenuous penance. She would setup a huge fire around her and standing amidst the fire in blazing Sun would stare at the Sun God. She would sit unmoved in pouring rain and biting cold and winds. To test this damsel engaged in such severe penace,
Lord Shiva himself appeared before her in the guise of a 'Brahmacharf (a young lad who had his 'Upanayana' or sacred thread ceremony) and began to pour abuse on Shiva thus; "Why do you wish to accept the hand of one whose bracelet is a snake? Why do you, a damsel in glorious silk, seek unison with one wearing an elephant-skin? Don't people laugh to see you driving around with Him sitting on an old, emaciated ox? Add to his grotesqueness his three eyes! Why did you? Have to choose such a groom?"
Not knowing that the lad was Shiva in disguise, Parvati naturally was angry with him for abusing Shiva. She asked her aide to' send the boy away and she herself rose to leave the place. Shiva then appeared to her in his true form. Parvati on seeing his divine form was overwhelmed. She stood glued to the ground not knowing what to do. The poet's description of this scene is extraordinarily beautiful.
Parvati sent word through her maid to Shiva to ask him to talk to her father about their marriage. Shiva thereupon sent a message to him through the seven great Sages. The king of the Himalayas gladly agreed. The marriage took place in a grand style.
The part authored by Kalidasa in 'Kumarasambhava' ends here. The remaining episodes such as the birth of the son Kumara to Shiva and Parvati, his becoming the Commander of the Devas' forces and the slaying of the demon Tarakasura are written by another poet.
Kalidasa's works are known for their triple qualities -- a sense of beauty, a capacity for appreciation of the aesthetic values and our traditional culture. Kalidasa's portrayals of the great Himalayan mountain and of the mode in which the season of spring (vasanta') blossomed are some of the most lyrical expressions in the language. His descriptions are vivid and heart-warming; it is as if we are seeing the events happening before us. Kalidasa's portrayal of Parvati's grace and beauty magnificently shows his ability as a poet. Rati's lament upon Kama being consigned to flames moves us to tears. Kalidasa is equally at ease in portraying the happy marital life of Shiva and Parvati as a couple deeply in love as also of picturing the grace and beauty of both nature and man, Feelings of joy and sorrow and all other emotions.
Crowning all these pen-pictures of things that are beautiful and sweet in life is Kalidasa's extolling of a noble culture. What does 'culture' mean? It is a sense of decent behavior - in body and mind; it is the blossoming of the mind and heart to savor the rich and colorful beauty around us -- such as the color and fragrance of flowers which gladden the hearts of one and all. The thought, word and action of a man's mature mind give happiness to others. Besides describing these in a masterly style and imagination, Kalidasa also exhibits his powers of perception while recognizing what we can call as 'beauty in action and behavior'. Episodes such as the Parvataraja's not going by himself to see Shiva even when sage Narada tells him that Parvati was to marry Shiva, his agreeing for Parvati's desire to go to serve Shiva, her sitting for penance, his acceptance of Shiva's offer, sent through the seven Sages, to marry Parvati -- all these enable us to weave in our minds his personality shining with full grace and honor. Parvati allows no distraction of her mind and engages herself with singular devotion; she sits for a strenuous penance to make Shiva accept her and would not tolerate anyone abusing Him. All these show the high culture in which she is molded. Though stirred a bit on noticing the beauty of Parvati, Shiva, in his anger at being disturbed in his penance, burns down Kama, puts Parvati's mind and thoughts to test, sends the seven Great Sages to Parvataraja -- thus exhibiting his maturity ofmind. In fact, Shiva was not enamoured by the physical beauty of Parvati and only destroyed Kama who attempted to make him desire her physically. Actually he admired her several fine, noble qualities and her devout penance. Both he and Parvati were performing penance and leading a life of sacrifice -- i.e., 'tapasya'. Both were embodiments of purity. Born to them was Kumara. His parents' penance fortified him with strength to destroy the demon Taraka.
Kalidasa's poem gives us a vivid picture of what a good, meaningful life a man could and should lead as propounded by our learned ancestors.
The Birth of the War-god is an epic poem in seventeen cantos. It consists of 1096 stanzas, or about 4400 lines of verse. The subject is the marriage of the god Shiva, the birth of his son, and the victory of this son over a powerful demon. The story was not invented by Kalidasa, but taken from old mythology. Yet it had never been told in so masterly a fashion as had been the story of Rama's deeds by Valmiki. Kalidasa is therefore under less constraint in writing this epic than in writing The Dynasty of Raghu. I give first a somewhat detailed analysis of the matter of the poem.
First canto. The birth of Parvati.--The poem begins with a description of the great Himalaya mountain-range.
God of the distant north, the Snowy Range
O’er other mountains towers imperially;
Earth's measuring-rod, being great and free from change,
Sinks to the eastern and the western sea.
Whose countless wealth of natural gems is not
Too deeply blemished by the cruel snow;
One fault for many virtues is forgot,
The moon's one stain for beams that endless flow.
Where demigods enjoy the shade of clouds
Girding his lower crests, but often seek,
When startled by the sudden rain that shrouds
His waist, some loftier, ever sunlit peak.
Where bark of birch-trees makes, when torn in strips
And streaked with mountain minerals that blend
To written words ’neath dainty finger-tips,
Such dear love-letters as the fairies send. p. 158
Whose organ-pipes are stems of bamboo, which
Are filled from cavern-winds that know no rest,
As if the mountain strove to set the pitch
For songs that angels sing upon his crest.
Where magic herbs that glitter in the night
Are lamps that need no oil within them, when
They fill cave-dwellings with their shimmering light
And shine upon the loves of mountain men.
Who offers roof and refuge in his caves
To timid darkness shrinking from the day;
A lofty soul is generous; he saves
Such honest cowards as for protection pray.
Who brings to birth the plants of sacrifice;
Who steadies earth, so strong is he and broad.
The great Creator, for this service' price,
Made him the king of mountains, and a god.
[paragraph continues] Himalaya marries a wife, to whom in course of time a daughter is born, as wealth is born when ambition pairs with character. The child is named Parvati, that is, daughter of the mountain. Her father takes infinite delight in her, as well he may; for
She brought him purity and beauty too,
As white flames to the lamp that burns at night;
Or Ganges to the path whereby the true
Reach heaven; or judgment to the erudite.
She passes through a happy childhood of sand-piles, balls, dolls, and little girl friends, when all at once young womanhood comes upon her.
As pictures waken to the painter's brush,
Or lilies open to the morning sun,
Her perfect beauty answered to the flush
Of womanhood when childish days were done. p. 159
Suppose a blossom on a leafy spray;
Suppose a pearl on spotless coral laid:
Such was the smile, pure, radiantly gay,
That round her red, red lips for ever played.
And when she spoke, the music of her tale
Was sweet, the music of her voice to suit,
Till listeners felt as if the nightingale
Had grown discordant like a jangled lute.
[paragraph continues] It is predicted by a heavenly being that she will one day become the wife of the god Shiva. This prediction awakens her father's pride, and also his impatience, since Shiva makes no advances. For the destined bridegroom is at this time leading a life of stern austerity and self-denial upon a mountain peak. Himalaya therefore bids his daughter wait upon Shiva. She does so, but without being able to divert him from his austerities.
Second canto. Brahma's self-revelation.--At this time, the gods betake themselves to Brahma, the Creator, and sing a hymn of praise, a part of which is given here.
Before creation, thou art one;
Three, when creation's work is done:
All praise and honour unto thee
In this thy mystic trinity.
Three various forms and functions three
Proclaim thy living majesty;
Thou dost create, and then maintain,
And last, destroyest all again.
Thy slow recurrent day and night
Bring death to all, or living light.
We live beneath thy waking eye;
Thou sleepest, and thy creatures die.
Solid and fluid, great and small,
And light and heavy--Thou art all;
Matter and form are both in thee:
Thy powers are past discovery. p. 160
Thou art the objects that unroll
Their drama for the passive soul;
Thou art the soul that views the play
Indifferently, day by day.
Thou art the knower and the known;
Eater and food art thou alone;
The priest and his oblation fair;
The prayerful suppliant and the prayer.
[paragraph continues] Brahma receives their worship graciously, and asks the reason of their coming. The spokesman of the gods explains to Brahma how a great demon named Taraka is troubling the world, and how helpless they are in opposing him. They have tried the most extravagant propitiation, and found it useless.
The sun in heaven dare not glow
With undiminished heat, but so
As that the lilies may awake
Which blossom in his pleasure-lake.
The wind blows gently as it can
To serve him as a soothing fan,
And dare not manifest its power,
Lest it should steal a garden flower.
The seasons have forgotten how
To follow one another now;
They simultaneously bring
Him flowers of autumn, summer, spring.
Such adoration makes him worse;
He troubles all the universe:
Kindness inflames a rascal's mind;
He should be recompensed in kind.
And all the means that we have tried
Against the rogue, are brushed aside,
As potent herbs have no avail
When bodily powers begin to fail. p. 161
We seek a leader, O our Lord,
To bring him to his just reward--
As saints seek evermore to win
Virtue, to end life's woe and sin--
That he may guide the heavenly host,
And guard us to the uttermost,
And from our foe lead captive back
The victory which still we lack.
[paragraph continues] Brahma answers that the demon's power comes from him, and he does not feel at liberty to proceed against it; "for it is not fitting to cut down even a poison-tree that one's own hand has planted." But he promises that a son shall be born to Shiva and Parvati, who shall lead the gods to victory. With this answer the gods are perforce content, and their king, Indra, waits upon the god of love, to secure his necessary co-operation.
Third canto. The burning of Love.--Indra waits upon Love, who asks for his commands. Indra explains the matter, and asks Love to inflame Shiva with passion for Parvati. Love thereupon sets out, accompanied by his wife Charm and his friend Spring. When they reach the mountain where Shiva dwells, Spring shows his power. The snow disappears; the trees put forth blossoms; bees, deer, and birds waken to new life. The only living being that is not influenced by the sudden change of season is Shiva, who continues his meditation, unmoved. Love himself is discouraged, until he sees the beauty of Parvati, when he takes heart again. At this moment, Shiva chances to relax his meditation, and Parvati approaches to do him homage. Love seizes the lucky moment, and prepares to shoot his bewildering arrow at Shiva. But the great god sees him, and before the arrow is discharged, darts fire from his eye, whereby Love is consumed. Charm falls in a swoon, Shiva vanishes, and the wretched Parvati is carried away by her father.
Fourth canto. The lament of Charm.--This canto is given entire.
p. 162
The wife of Love lay helpless in a swoon,
Till wakened by a fate whose deadliest sting
Was preparation of herself full soon
To taste the youthful widow's sorrowing.
Her opening eyes were fixed with anxious thought
On every spot where he might be, in vain,
Were gladdened nowhere by the sight she sought,
The lover she should never see again.
She rose and cried aloud: "Dost thou yet live,
Lord of my life?" And at the last she found
Him whom the wrathful god could not forgive,
Her Love, a trace of ashes on the ground.
With breaking heart, with lovely bosom stained
By cold embrace of earth, with flying hair,
She wept and to the forest world complained,
As if the forest in her grief might share.
"Thy beauty slew the pride that maidens cherish;
Perfect its loveliness in every part;
I saw that beauty fade away and perish,
Yet did not die. How hard is woman's heart!
Where art thou gone? Thy love a moment only
Endured, and I for ever need its power;
Gone like the stream that leaves the lily lonely,
When the dam breaks, to mourn her dying flower.
Thou never didst a thing to cause me anguish;
I never did a thing to work thee harm;
Why should I thus in vain affliction languish?
Why not return to bless thy grieving Charm?
Of playful chastisements art thou reminded,
Thy flirtings punished by my girdle-strands,
Thine eyes by flying dust of blossoms blinded,
Held for thy meet correction in these hands? p. 163
I loved to hear the name thou gav’st me often
'Heart of my heart.' Alas! It was not true,
But lulling phrase, my coming grief to soften:
Else in thy death, my life had ended, too.
Think not that on the journey thou hast taken
So newly, I should fail to find thy track;
Ah, but the world! The world is quite forsaken,
For life is love; no life, when thee they lack.
Thou gone, my love, what power can guide the maiden
Through veils of midnight darkness in the town
To the eager heart with loving fancies laden,
And fortify against the storm-cloud's frown?
The wine that teaches eyes their gladdest dances,
That bids the love-word trippingly to glide,
Is now deception; for if flashing glances
Lead not to love, they lead to naught beside.
And when he knows thy life is a remembrance,
Thy friend the moon will feel his shining vain,
Will cease to show the world a circle's semblance,
And even in his waxing time, will wane.
Slowly the mango-blossoms are unfolding
On twigs where pink is struggling with the green,
Greeted by koïl-birds sweet concert holding--
Thou dead, who makes of flowers an arrow keen?
Or weaves a string of bees with deft invention,
To speed the missile when the bow is bent?
They buzz about me now with kind intention,
And mortify the grief which they lament.
Arise! Assume again thy radiant beauty!
Rebuke the koïl-bird, whom nature taught
Such sweet persuasion; she forgets her duty
As messenger to bosoms passion-fraught. p. 164
Well I remember, Love, thy suppliant motion,
Thy trembling, quick embrace, the moments blest
By fervent, self-surrendering devotion
And memories like these deny me rest.
Well didst thou know thy wife; the springtime garland,
Wrought by thy hands, O charmer of thy Charm!
Remains to bid me grieve, while in a far land
Thy body seeks repose from earthly harm.
Thy service by the cruel gods demanded,
Meant service to thy wife left incomplete,
My bare feet with coquettish streakings banded--
Return to end the adorning of my feet.
No, straight to thee I fly, my body given,
A headlong moth, to quick-consuming fire,
Or e’er my cunning rivals, nymphs in heaven,
Awake in thee an answering desire.
Yet, dearest, even this short delay is fated
For evermore a deep reproach to prove,
A stain that may not be obliterated,
If Charm has lived one moment far from Love.
And how can I perform the last adorning
Of thy poor body, as befits a wife?
So strangely on the path that leaves me mourning
Thy body followed still the spirit's life.
I see thee straighten out thy blossom-arrow,
The bow slung careless on thy breast the while,
Thine eyes in mirthful, sidelong glance grow narrow,
Thy conference with friendly Spring, thy smile.
But where is Spring? Dear friend, whose art could fashion
The flowery arrow for thee? Has the wrath
Of dreadful Shiva, in excess of passion,
Bade him, too, follow on that fatal path?"
Heart-smitten by the accents of her grief
Like poisoned darts, soothing her fond alarm,
Incarnate Spring appeared, to bring relief
As friendship can, to sore-lamenting Charm.
And at the sight of him, she wept the more,
And often clutched her throat, and beat her breast;
For lamentation finds an open door
In the presence of the friends we love the best.
Stifling, she cried: "Behold the mournful matter!
In place of him thou seekest, what is found?
A something that the winds of heaven scatter,
A trace of dove-grey ashes on the ground.
Arise, O Love! For Spring knows no estranging,
Thy friend in lucky hap and evil lot;
Man's love for wife is ever doubtful, changing;
Man's love for man abides and changes not.
With such a friend, thy dart, on dainty pinion
Of blossoms, shot from lotus-fibre string,
Reduced men, giants, gods to thy dominion--
The triple world has felt that arrow sting.
But Love is gone, far gone beyond returning,
A candle snuffed by wandering breezes vain;
And see! I am his wick, with Love once burning,
Now blackened by the smoke of nameless pain.
In slaying Love, fate wrought but half a slaughter,
For I am left. And yet the clinging vine
Must fall, when falls the sturdy tree that taught her
Round him in loving tenderness to twine.
So then, fulfil for me the final mission
Of him who undertakes a kinsman's part;
Commit me to the flames (my last petition)
And speed the widow to her husband's heart. p. 166
The moonlight wanders not, the moon forsaking;
Where sails the cloud, the lightning is not far;
Wife follows mate, is law of nature's making,
Yes, even among such things as lifeless are.
My breast is stained; I lay among the ashes
Of him I loved with all a woman's powers;
Now let me lie where death-fire flames and flashes,
As glad as on a bed of budding flowers.
Sweet Spring, thou camest oft where we lay sleeping
On blossoms, I and he whose life is sped;
Unto the end thy friendly office keeping,
Prepare for me the last, the fiery bed.
And fan the flame to which I am committed
With southern winds; I would no longer stay;
Thou knowest well how slow the moments flitted
For Love, my love, when I was far away.
And sprinkle some few drops of water, given
In friendship, on his ashes and on me;
That Love and I may quench our thirst in heaven
As once on earth, in heavenly unity.
And sometimes seek the grave where Love is lying;
Pause there a moment, gentle Spring, and shower
Sweet mango-clusters to the winds replying;
For he thou lovedst, loved the mango-flower."
As Charm prepared to end her mortal pain
In fire, she heard a voice from heaven cry,
That showed her mercy, as the early rain
Shows mercy to the fish, when lakes go dry:
"O wife of Love! Thy lover is not lost
For evermore. This voice shall tell thee why
He perished like the moth, when he had crossed
The dreadful god, in fire from Shiva's eye. p. 167
When darts of Love set Brahma in a flame,
To shame his daughter with impure desire,
He checked the horrid sin without a name,
And cursed the god of love to die by fire.
But Virtue interceded in behalf
Of Love, and won a softening of the doom:
'Upon the day when Shiva's heart shall laugh
In wedding joy, for mercy finding room,
He shall unite Love's body with the soul,
A marriage-present to his mountain bride.'
As clouds hold fire and water in control,
Gods are the fount of wrath, and grace beside.
So, gentle Charm, preserve thy body sweet
For dear reunion after present pain;
The stream that dwindles in the summer heat,
Is reunited with the autumn rain."
Invisibly and thus mysteriously
The thoughts of Charm were turned away from death;
And Spring, believing where he might not see,
Comforted her with words of sweetest breath.
The wife of Love awaited thus the day,
Though racked by grief, when fate should show its power,
As the waning moon laments her darkened ray
And waits impatient for the twilight hour.
Fifth canto. The reward of self-denial.--Parvati reproaches her own beauty, for "loveliness is fruitless if it does not bind a lover." She therefore resolves to lead a life of religious self-denial, hoping that the merit thus acquired will procure her Shiva's love. Her mother tries in vain to dissuade her; her father directs her to a fit mountain peak, and she retires to her devotions. She lays aside all ornaments, lets her hair hang unkempt, and assumes the hermit's dress of bark. While she is spending her days in self-denial, she is visited by a Brahman youth, who compliments her highly upon her rigid devotion, and declares that her conduct proves the
p. 168
truth of the proverb: Beauty can do no wrong. Yet he confesses himself bewildered, for she seems to have everything that heart can desire. He therefore asks her purpose in performing these austerities, and is told how her desires are fixed upon the highest of all objects, upon the god Shiva himself, and how, since Love is dead, she sees no way to win him except by ascetic religion. The youth tries to dissuade Parvati by recounting all the dreadful legends that are current about Shiva: how he wears a coiling snake on his wrist, a bloody elephant-hide upon his back, how he dwells in a graveyard, how he rides upon an undignified bull, how poor he is and of unknown birth. Parvati's anger is awakened by this recital. She frowns and her lip quivers as she defends herself and the object of her love.
Shiva, she said, is far beyond the thought
Of such as you: then speak no more to me.
Dull crawlers hate the splendid wonders wrought
By lofty souls untouched by rivalry.
They search for wealth, whom dreaded evil nears,
Or they who fain would rise a little higher;
The world's sole refuge neither hopes nor fears
Nor seeks the objects of a small desire.
Yes, he is poor, yet he is riches' source;
This graveyard-haunter rules the world alone;
Dreadful is he, yet all beneficent force:
Think you his inmost nature can be known?
All forms are his; and he may take or leave
At will, the snake, or gem with lustre white;
The bloody skin, or silk of softest weave;
Dead skulls, or moonbeams radiantly bright.
For poverty he rides upon a bull,
While Indra, king of heaven, elephant-borne,
Bows low to strew his feet with beautiful,
Unfading blossoms in his chaplet worn.
Yet in the slander spoken in pure hate
One thing you uttered worthy of his worth: p. 169
How could the author of the uncreate
Be born? How could we understand his birth?
Enough of this! Though every word that you
Have said, be faithful, yet would Shiva please
My eager heart all made of passion true
For him alone. Love sees no blemishes.
[paragraph continues] In response to this eloquence, the youth throws off his disguise, appearing as the god Shiva himself, and declares his love for her. Parvati immediately discontinues her religious asceticism; for "successful effort regenerates."
Sixth canto. Parvati is given in marriage.--While Parvati departs to inform her father of what has happened, Shiva summons the seven sages, who are to make the formal proposal of marriage to the bride's parents. The seven sages appear, flying through the air, and with them Arundhati, the heavenly model of wifely faith and devotion. On seeing her, Shiva feels his eagerness for marriage increase, realising that
All actions of a holy life
Are rooted in a virtuous wife.
[paragraph continues] Shiva then explains his purpose, and sends the seven sages to make the formal request for Parvati's hand. The seven sages fly to the brilliant city of Himalaya, where they are received by the mountain god. After a rather portentous interchange of compliments, the seven sages announce their errand, requesting Parvati's hand in behalf of Shiva. The father joyfully assents, and it is agreed that the marriage shall be celebrated after three days. These three days are spent by Shiva in impatient longing.
Seventh canto. Parvati's wedding.--The three days are spent in preparations for the wedding. So great is Parvati's unadorned beauty that the waiting-women can hardly take their eyes from her to inspect the wedding-dress. But the preparations are complete at last; and the bride is beautiful indeed.
p. 170
As when the flowers are budding on a vine,
Or white swans rest upon a river's shore,
Or when at night the stars in heaven shine,
Her lovely beauty grew with gems she wore.
When wide-eyed glances gave her back the same
Bright beauty--and the mirror never lies--
She waited with impatience till he came:
For women dress to please their lovers' eyes.
[paragraph continues] Meanwhile Shiva finishes his preparations, and sets out on his wedding journey, accompanied by Brahma, Vishnu, and lesser gods. At his journey's end, he is received by his bride's father, and led through streets ankle-deep in flowers, where the windows are filled with the faces of eager and excited women, who gossip together thus:
For his sake it was well that Parvati
Should mortify her body delicate;
Thrice happy might his serving-woman be,
And infinitely blest his bosom's mate.
[paragraph continues] Shiva and his retinue then enter the palace, where he is received with bashful love by Parvati, and the wedding is celebrated with due pomp. The nymphs of heaven entertain the company with a play, and Shiva restores the body of Love.
Eighth canto. The honeymoon.--The first month of marital bliss is spent in Himalaya's palace. After this the happy pair wander for a time among the famous mountain-peaks. One of these they reach at sunset, and Shiva describes the evening glow to his bride. A few stanzas are given here.
See, my belovèd, how the sun
With beams that o’er the water shake
From western skies has now begun
A bridge of gold across the lake.
Upon the very tree-tops sway
The peacocks; even yet they hold p. 171
And drink the dying light of day,
Until their fans are molten gold.
The water-lily closes, but
With wonderful reluctancy;
As if it troubled her to shut
Her door of welcome to the bee.
The steeds that draw the sun's bright car,
With bended neck and falling plume
And drooping mane, are seen afar
To bury day in ocean's gloom.
The sun is down, and heaven sleeps:
Thus every path of glory ends;
As high as are the scalèd steeps,
The downward way as low descends.
[paragraph continues] Shiva then retires for meditation. On his return, he finds that his bride is peevish at being left alone even for a little time, and to soothe her, he describes the night which is now advancing. A few stanzas of this description run as follows.
The twilight glow is fading far
And stains the west with blood-red light,
As when a reeking scimitar
Slants upward on a field of fight.
And vision fails above, below,
Around, before us, at our back;
The womb of night envelops slow
The world with darkness vast and black.
Mute while the world is dazed with light,
The smiling moon begins to rise
And, being teased by eager night,
Betrays the secrets of the skies.
Moon-fingers move the black, black hair
Of night into its proper place,
Who shuts her eyes, the lilies fair,
As he sets kisses on her face.
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[paragraph continues] Shiva and Parvati then drink wine brought them by the guardian goddess of the grove, and in this lovely spot they dwell happily for many years.
Ninth canto. The journey to Mount Kailasa.--One day the god of fire appears as a messenger from the gods before Shiva, to remonstrate with him for not begetting the son upon whom heaven's welfare depends. Shiva deposits his seed in Fire, who departs, bent low with the burden. Shortly afterwards the gods wait upon Shiva and Parvati, who journey with them to Mount Kailasa, the splendid dwelling-place of the god of wealth. Here also Shiva and Parvati spend happy days.
Tenth canto. The birth of Kumara.--To Indra, king of the gods, Fire betakes himself, tells his story, and begs to be relieved of his burden. Indra advises him to deposit it in the Ganges. Fire therefore travels to the Ganges, leaves Shiva's seed in the river, and departs much relieved. But now it is the turn of Ganges to be distressed, until at dawn the six Pleiades come to bathe in the river. They find Shiva's seed and lay it in a nest of reeds, where it becomes a child, Kumara, the future god of war.
Eleventh canto. The birth of Kumara, continued.--Ganges suckles the beautiful infant. But there arises a dispute for the possession of the child between Fire, Ganges, and the Pleiades. At this point Shiva and Parvati arrive, and Parvati, wondering at the beauty of the infant and at the strange quarrel, asks Shiva to whom the child belongs. When Shiva tells her that Kumara is their own child, her joy is unbounded.
Because her eyes with happy tears were dim,
’Twas but by snatches that she saw the boy;
Yet, with her blossom-hand caressing him,
She felt a strange, an unimagined joy.
The vision of the infant made her seem
A flower unfolding in mysterious bliss; p. 173
Or, billowy with her joyful tears, a stream;
Or pure affection, perfect in a kiss.
[paragraph continues] Shiva conducts Parvati and the boy back to Mount Kailasa, where gods and fairies welcome them with music and dancing. Here the divine child spends the days of a happy infancy, not very different from human infancy; for he learns to walk, gets dirty in the courtyard, laughs a good deal, pulls the scanty hair of an old servant, and learns to count: "One, nine, two, ten, five, seven." These evidences of healthy development cause Shiva and Parvati the most exquisite joy.
Twelfth canto. Kumara is made general.--Indra, with the other gods, waits upon Shiva, to ask that Kumara, now a youth, may be lent to them as their leader in the campaign against Taraka. The gods are graciously received by Shiva, who asks their errand. Indra prefers their request, where- upon Shiva bids his son assume command of the gods, and slay Taraka. Great is the joy of Kumara himself, of his mother Parvati, and of Indra.
Thirteenth canto. Kumara is consecrated general.--Kumara takes an affectionate farewell of his parents, and sets out with the gods. When they come to Indra's paradise, the gods are afraid to enter, lest they find their enemy there. There is an amusing scene in which each courteously invites the others to precede him, until Kumara ends their embarrassment by leading the way. Here for the first time Kumara sees with deep respect the heavenly Ganges, Indra's garden and palace, and the heavenly city. But he becomes red- eyed with anger on beholding the devastation wrought by Taraka.
He saw departed glory, saw the state
Neglected, ruined, sad, of Indra's city,
As of a woman with a cowardly mate:
And all his inmost heart dissolved in pity.
He saw how crystal floors were gashed and torn
By wanton tusks of elephants, were strewed p. 174
With skins that sloughing cobras once had worn:
And sadness overcame him as he viewed.
He saw beside the bathing-pools the bowers
Defiled by elephants grown overbold,
Strewn with uprooted golden lotus-flowers,
No longer bright with plumage of pure gold,
Rough with great, jewelled columns overthrown,
Rank with invasion of the untrimmed grass:
Shame strove with sorrow at the ruin shown,
For heaven's foe had brought these things to pass.
[paragraph continues] Amid these sorrowful surroundings the gods gather and anoint Kumara, thus consecrating him as their general.
Fourteenth canto. The march.--Kumara prepares for battle, and marshals his army. He is followed by Indra riding on an elephant, Agni on a ram, Yama on a buffalo, a giant on a ghost, Varuna on a dolphin, and many other lesser gods. When all is ready, the army sets out on its dusty march.
Fifteenth canto. The two armies clash.--The demon Taraka is informed that the hostile army is approaching, but scorns the often-conquered Indra and the boy Kumara. Nevertheless, he prepares for battle, marshals his army, and sets forth to meet the gods. But he is beset by dreadful omens of evil.
For foul birds came, a horrid flock to see,
Above the army of the foes of heaven,
And dimmed the sun, awaiting ravenously
The feast of demon corpses to be given.
And monstrous snakes, as black as powdered soot,
Spitting hot poison high into the air,
Brought terror to the army underfoot,
And crept and coiled and crawled before them there.
The sun a sickly halo round him had;
Coiling within it frightened eyes could see p. 175
Great, writhing serpents, enviously glad
Because the demon's death so soon should be.
And in the very circle of the sun
Were phantom jackals, snarling to be fed;
And with impatient haste they seemed to run
To drink the demon's blood in battle shed.
There fell, with darting flame and blinding flash
Lighting the farthest heavens, from on high
A thunderbolt whose agonising crash
Brought fear and shuddering from a cloudless sky.
There came a pelting rain of blazing coals
With blood and bones of dead men mingled in;
Smoke and weird flashes horrified their souls;
The sky was dusty grey like asses' skin.
The elephants stumbled and the horses fell,
The footmen jostled, leaving each his post,
The ground beneath them trembled at the swell
Of ocean, when an earthquake shook the host.
And dogs before them lifted muzzles foul
To see the sun that lit that awful day,
And pierced the ears of listeners with a howl
Dreadful yet pitiful, then slunk away.
[paragraph continues] Taraka's counsellors endeavour to persuade him to turn back, but he refuses; for timidity is not numbered among his faults. As he advances even worse portents appear, and finally warning voices from heaven call upon him to desist from his undertaking. The voices assure him of Kumara's prowess and inevitable victory; they advise him to make his peace while there is yet time. But Taraka's only answer is a defiance.
"You mighty gods that flit about in heaven
And take my foeman's part, what would you say?
Have you forgot so soon the torture given
By shafts of mine that never miss their way? p. 176
Why should I fear before a six-days child?
Why should you prowl in heaven and gibber shrill,
Like dogs that in an autumn night run wild,
Like deer that sneak through forests, trembling still?
The boy whom you have chosen as your chief
In vain upon his hermit-sire shall cry;
The upright die, if taken with a thief:
First you shall perish, then he too shall die."
[paragraph continues] And as Taraka emphasises his meaning by brandishing his great sword, the warning spirits flee, their knees knocking together. Taraka laughs horribly, then mounts his chariot, and advances against the army of the gods. On the other side the gods advance, and the two armies clash.
Sixteenth canto. The battle between gods and demons.--This canto is entirely taken up with the struggle between the two armies. A few stanzas are given here.
As pairs of champions stood forth
To test each other's fighting worth,
The bards who knew the family fame
Proclaimed aloud each mighty name.
As ruthless weapons cut their way
Through quilted armour in the fray,
White tufts of cotton flew on high
Like hoary hairs upon the sky.
Blood-dripping swords reflected bright
The sunbeams in that awful fight;
Fire-darting like the lightning-flash,
They showed how mighty heroes clash.
The archers' arrows flew so fast,
As through a hostile breast they passed,
That they were buried in the ground,
No stain of blood upon them found. p. 177
The swords that sheaths no longer clasped,
That hands of heroes firmly grasped,
Flashed out in glory through the fight,
As if they laughed in mad delight.
And many a warrior's eager lance
Shone radiant in the eerie dance,
A curling, lapping tongue of death
To lick away the soldier's breath.
Some, panting with a bloody thirst,
Fought toward the victim chosen first,
But had a reeking path to hew
Before they had him full in view.
Great elephants, their drivers gone
And pierced with arrows, struggled on,
But sank at every step in mud
blade liquid by the streams of blood.
The warriors falling in the fray,
Whose heads the sword had lopped away,
Were able still to fetch a blow
That slew the loud-exulting foe.
The footmen thrown to Paradise
By elephants of monstrous size,
Were seized upon by nymphs above,
Exchanging battle-scenes for love.
The lancer, charging at his foe,
Would pierce him through and bring him low,
And would not heed the hostile dart
That found a lodgment in his heart.
The war-horse, though unguided, stopped
The moment that his rider dropped,
And wept above the lifeless head,
Still faithful to his master dead. p. 178
Two lancers fell with mortal wound
And still they struggled on the ground;
With bristling hair, with brandished knife,
Each strove to end the other's life.
Two slew each other in the fight;
To Paradise they took their flight;
There with a nymph they fell in love,
And still they fought in heaven above.
Two souls there were that reached the sky;
From heights of heaven they could spy
Two writhing corpses on the plain,
And knew their headless forms again.
As the struggle comes to no decisive issue, Taraka seeks out the chief gods, and charges upon them.
Seventeenth canto. Taraka is slain.--Taraka engages the principal gods and defeats them with magic weapons. When they are relieved by Kumara, the demon turns to the youthful god of war, and advises him to retire from the battle.
Stripling, you are the only son
Of Shiva and of Parvati.
Go safe and live! Why should you run
On certain death? Why fight with me?
Withdraw! Let sire and mother blest
Clasp living son to joyful breast.
Flee, son of Shiva, flee the host
Of Indra drowning in the sea
That soon shall close upon his boast
In choking waves of misery.
For Indra is a ship of stone;
Withdraw, and let him sink alone.
[paragraph continues] Kumara answers with modest firmness.
The words you utter in your pride,
O demon- prince, are only fit; p. 179
Yet I am minded to abide
The fight, and see the end of it.
The tight-strung bow and brandished sword
Decide, and not the spoken word.
[paragraph continues] And with this the duel begins. When Taraka finds his arrows parried by Kumara, he employs the magic weapon of the god of wind. When this too is parried, he uses the magic weapon of the god of fire, which Kumara neutralises with the weapon of the god of water. As they fight on, Kumara finds an opening, and slays Taraka with his lance, to the unbounded delight of the universe.
Here the poem ends, in the form in which it has come down to us. It has been sometimes thought that we have less than Kalidasa wrote, partly because of a vague tradition that there were once twenty-three cantos, partly because the customary prayer is lacking at the end. These arguments are not very cogent. Though the concluding prayer is not given in form, yet the stanzas which describe the joy of the universe fairly fill its place. And one does not see with what matter further cantos would be concerned. The action promised in the earlier part is completed in the seventeenth canto.
It has been somewhat more formidably argued that the concluding cantos are spurious, that Kalidasa wrote only the first seven or perhaps the first eight cantos. Yet, after all, what do these arguments amount to? Hardly more than this, that the first eight cantos are better poetry than the last nine. As if a poet were always at his best, even when writing on a kind of subject not calculated to call out his best. Fighting is not Kalidasa's forte; love is. Even so, there is great vigour in the journey of Taraka, the battle, and the duel. It may not be the highest kind of poetry, but it is wonderfully vigorous poetry of its kind. And if we reject the last nine cantos, we fall into a very much greater difficulty. The poem would be glaringly incomplete, its early promise obviously disregarded. We should have a Birth of the War- god in which the poet stopped before the war-god was born.
There seems then no good reason to doubt that we have the epic substantially as Kalidasa wrote it. Plainly, it has a unity which is lacking in Kalidasa's other epic, The Dynasty
p. 180
of Raghu, though in this epic, too, the interest shifts. Parvati's love-affair is the matter of the first half, Kumara's fight with the demon the matter of the second half. Further, it must be admitted that the interest runs a little thin. Even in India, where the world of gods runs insensibly into the world of men, human beings take more interest in the adventures of men than of gods. The gods, indeed, can hardly have adventures; they must be victorious.The Birth of the War-god pays for its greater unity by a poverty of adventure.
It would be interesting if we could know whether this epic was written before or after The Dynasty of Raghu. But we have no data for deciding the question, hardly any for even arguing it. The introduction to The Dynasty of Raghu seems, indeed, to have been written by a poet who yet had his spurs to win. But this is all.
As to the comparative excellence of the two epics, opinions differ. My own preference is for The Dynasty of Raghu, yet there are passages in The Birth of the War-god of a piercing beauty which the world can never let die.
Next: The Cloud-Messenger
I had been doing some research on Gauri, and so I thought of reading some of the original text. I am lucky to have studies Sanskrit in high school for 4 years so I can understand some of this in the original language. Here it is in one place for future researchers.
One of Kalidasa's greatest works is 'Kumarasambhava'. Critics maintain that Kalidasa wrote only the first eight chapters of the epic poem. The work describes the marriage of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati. It begins with a fine description of that giant among mountains, the Himalaya. Kalidasa writes: "Himalaya is rich in life. Living there are the Siddhas. Kinnaras and Vidyadhara beauties. Clouds in front of the caves look like curtains. You can trace the track of lions' by looking at the precious stones spilled from the heads of elephants and not by bloodstains. You have to know the paths they tread by recognizing 'Sarala' trees against whose stem the elephants rub themselves attracted by the sweet milk exuded by the trees. All the things needed for a sacrifice ('Yajna') are available here. Brahma (the God of creation) himself has made this the king of the mountains." It is not only a place for lovers who want to find happiness in life; it is also an ideal retreat for those who want to meditate.
Parvati is the daughter of Parvataraja, the King of the Himalayas. In course of time she blossomed into a girl of matchless beauty. She was very good-looking, like a fine portrait drawn by a master-painter. Women wear jewelry with a feeling that their beauty is enhanced by it. But the neck of Parvati appeared to enhance the beauty of the necklace itself. Parvati's speech was sweet as the playing of the Veena. And her bearing reminded one of a deer.
Narada, a great sage in our epics, is a wandering minstrel. He once came to the court of Parvataraja, and predicted that the king's daughter would marry Lord Shiva. But Parvataraja was doubtful whether Lord Shiva would accept the bride. Neither he
volunteered to ask Shiva nor did the latter came forward to ask for the hand of Parvati. Shiva was in penance atop one of the biggest mountains in the Himalayas. Parvataraja sent his daughter to serve the Lord who acquiesced to have her near him. Parvati served him with utmost, pure hearted devotion; she would daily cleanse his place of penance, and keep ready the articles of 'Tapas' like pure water, leaves of grass, flowers, etc.
While Shiva sat thus in penance, a 'Rakshasa' named Tarakasura began to trouble the Devas. They, in panic, went to Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, and sought salvation. He told them that Parvati had. To marry Lord Shiva and that the son born out of their wedlock would be able to defeat demon Taraka. But then, how to make Lord Shiva, in deep penance to awake physically and consent to marry Parvati?
Devendra is the king of the Devas. One of the Gods at his court was Kama (Manmatha) whose wife was the beautiful Rati. Kama had the capacity to make any one desire to marry.Devendracommanded him to see that Lord Shiva would develop a wish to marry Parvati. Kama, Rati and their friend Vasanta (Lord of spring) set about the task.
Though it was not the season, Kama created all the glory and beauty of the spring. Mild, pleasant breeze began to blow from the south. Flowers were sprinkling down from 'Ashoka' trees. Birds and the bees began to savor the fresh flower of the young mango leaves.
But all this would not deter Lord Shiva from his penance. Kama went there. Shiva was
doing his penance sitting on a tiger-skin under a Devadaru tree. Kama was overwhelmed on seeing the exquisite grace of Lord and the cupid's bow and arrow fell down without his being aware of it. At this time, Parvati arrived on the scence to attend to her daily chores of service to the Lord. She wore a saree colored like the bright red rays of the Sun. Nice spring flowers adorned her plait. A diamond chain shone on her forehead. Her gait was like that of a delicate flower- creeper.
This great beauty of Parvati inspired Kama, who hitherto was somewhat, dejected, again to strive to fulfil his task. Parvati raised her hands to offer her garland of lotus flowers to Shiva who also eagerly came out of his penance to accept the offering. Kama was waiting for such a moment and exercised his 'sword of love'. Shiva eyed Parvati once and immediately realised that he had been weaned away. From his penance. How could this happen?
Kama, Cupid, was ready with his and arrow for action.
Lord Shiva was angry and opened his Third Eye. A great fire flowed forth. Kama was burnt to ashes and Shiva then disappeared. Rati, seeing her husband destroyed collapsed unconscious. Parvati's father sorrowfully took her to his home.
Regaining consciousness after some time, Rati lamented that she too would end her life. Then a voice from the sky told her that Kama would come back to life when Lord Shiva married Parvati.
Meanwhile,Parvati sat for a highly strenuous penance. She would setup a huge fire around her and standing amidst the fire in blazing Sun would stare at the Sun God. She would sit unmoved in pouring rain and biting cold and winds. To test this damsel engaged in such severe penace,
Lord Shiva himself appeared before her in the guise of a 'Brahmacharf (a young lad who had his 'Upanayana' or sacred thread ceremony) and began to pour abuse on Shiva thus; "Why do you wish to accept the hand of one whose bracelet is a snake? Why do you, a damsel in glorious silk, seek unison with one wearing an elephant-skin? Don't people laugh to see you driving around with Him sitting on an old, emaciated ox? Add to his grotesqueness his three eyes! Why did you? Have to choose such a groom?"
Not knowing that the lad was Shiva in disguise, Parvati naturally was angry with him for abusing Shiva. She asked her aide to' send the boy away and she herself rose to leave the place. Shiva then appeared to her in his true form. Parvati on seeing his divine form was overwhelmed. She stood glued to the ground not knowing what to do. The poet's description of this scene is extraordinarily beautiful.
Parvati sent word through her maid to Shiva to ask him to talk to her father about their marriage. Shiva thereupon sent a message to him through the seven great Sages. The king of the Himalayas gladly agreed. The marriage took place in a grand style.
The part authored by Kalidasa in 'Kumarasambhava' ends here. The remaining episodes such as the birth of the son Kumara to Shiva and Parvati, his becoming the Commander of the Devas' forces and the slaying of the demon Tarakasura are written by another poet.
Kalidasa's works are known for their triple qualities -- a sense of beauty, a capacity for appreciation of the aesthetic values and our traditional culture. Kalidasa's portrayals of the great Himalayan mountain and of the mode in which the season of spring (vasanta') blossomed are some of the most lyrical expressions in the language. His descriptions are vivid and heart-warming; it is as if we are seeing the events happening before us. Kalidasa's portrayal of Parvati's grace and beauty magnificently shows his ability as a poet. Rati's lament upon Kama being consigned to flames moves us to tears. Kalidasa is equally at ease in portraying the happy marital life of Shiva and Parvati as a couple deeply in love as also of picturing the grace and beauty of both nature and man, Feelings of joy and sorrow and all other emotions.
Crowning all these pen-pictures of things that are beautiful and sweet in life is Kalidasa's extolling of a noble culture. What does 'culture' mean? It is a sense of decent behavior - in body and mind; it is the blossoming of the mind and heart to savor the rich and colorful beauty around us -- such as the color and fragrance of flowers which gladden the hearts of one and all. The thought, word and action of a man's mature mind give happiness to others. Besides describing these in a masterly style and imagination, Kalidasa also exhibits his powers of perception while recognizing what we can call as 'beauty in action and behavior'. Episodes such as the Parvataraja's not going by himself to see Shiva even when sage Narada tells him that Parvati was to marry Shiva, his agreeing for Parvati's desire to go to serve Shiva, her sitting for penance, his acceptance of Shiva's offer, sent through the seven Sages, to marry Parvati -- all these enable us to weave in our minds his personality shining with full grace and honor. Parvati allows no distraction of her mind and engages herself with singular devotion; she sits for a strenuous penance to make Shiva accept her and would not tolerate anyone abusing Him. All these show the high culture in which she is molded. Though stirred a bit on noticing the beauty of Parvati, Shiva, in his anger at being disturbed in his penance, burns down Kama, puts Parvati's mind and thoughts to test, sends the seven Great Sages to Parvataraja -- thus exhibiting his maturity ofmind. In fact, Shiva was not enamoured by the physical beauty of Parvati and only destroyed Kama who attempted to make him desire her physically. Actually he admired her several fine, noble qualities and her devout penance. Both he and Parvati were performing penance and leading a life of sacrifice -- i.e., 'tapasya'. Both were embodiments of purity. Born to them was Kumara. His parents' penance fortified him with strength to destroy the demon Taraka.
Kalidasa's poem gives us a vivid picture of what a good, meaningful life a man could and should lead as propounded by our learned ancestors.
First canto. The birth of Parvati.--The poem begins with a description of the great Himalaya mountain-range.
O’er other mountains towers imperially;
Earth's measuring-rod, being great and free from change,
Sinks to the eastern and the western sea.
Whose countless wealth of natural gems is not
Too deeply blemished by the cruel snow;
One fault for many virtues is forgot,
The moon's one stain for beams that endless flow.
Where demigods enjoy the shade of clouds
Girding his lower crests, but often seek,
When startled by the sudden rain that shrouds
His waist, some loftier, ever sunlit peak.
Where bark of birch-trees makes, when torn in strips
And streaked with mountain minerals that blend
To written words ’neath dainty finger-tips,
Such dear love-letters as the fairies send. p. 158
Whose organ-pipes are stems of bamboo, which
Are filled from cavern-winds that know no rest,
As if the mountain strove to set the pitch
For songs that angels sing upon his crest.
Where magic herbs that glitter in the night
Are lamps that need no oil within them, when
They fill cave-dwellings with their shimmering light
And shine upon the loves of mountain men.
Who offers roof and refuge in his caves
To timid darkness shrinking from the day;
A lofty soul is generous; he saves
Such honest cowards as for protection pray.
Who brings to birth the plants of sacrifice;
Who steadies earth, so strong is he and broad.
The great Creator, for this service' price,
Made him the king of mountains, and a god.
[paragraph continues] Himalaya marries a wife, to whom in course of time a daughter is born, as wealth is born when ambition pairs with character. The child is named Parvati, that is, daughter of the mountain. Her father takes infinite delight in her, as well he may; for
As white flames to the lamp that burns at night;
Or Ganges to the path whereby the true
Reach heaven; or judgment to the erudite.
She passes through a happy childhood of sand-piles, balls, dolls, and little girl friends, when all at once young womanhood comes upon her.
Or lilies open to the morning sun,
Her perfect beauty answered to the flush
Of womanhood when childish days were done. p. 159
Suppose a blossom on a leafy spray;
Suppose a pearl on spotless coral laid:
Such was the smile, pure, radiantly gay,
That round her red, red lips for ever played.
And when she spoke, the music of her tale
Was sweet, the music of her voice to suit,
Till listeners felt as if the nightingale
Had grown discordant like a jangled lute.
[paragraph continues] It is predicted by a heavenly being that she will one day become the wife of the god Shiva. This prediction awakens her father's pride, and also his impatience, since Shiva makes no advances. For the destined bridegroom is at this time leading a life of stern austerity and self-denial upon a mountain peak. Himalaya therefore bids his daughter wait upon Shiva. She does so, but without being able to divert him from his austerities.
Second canto. Brahma's self-revelation.--At this time, the gods betake themselves to Brahma, the Creator, and sing a hymn of praise, a part of which is given here.
Three, when creation's work is done:
All praise and honour unto thee
In this thy mystic trinity.
Three various forms and functions three
Proclaim thy living majesty;
Thou dost create, and then maintain,
And last, destroyest all again.
Thy slow recurrent day and night
Bring death to all, or living light.
We live beneath thy waking eye;
Thou sleepest, and thy creatures die.
Solid and fluid, great and small,
And light and heavy--Thou art all;
Matter and form are both in thee:
Thy powers are past discovery. p. 160
Thou art the objects that unroll
Their drama for the passive soul;
Thou art the soul that views the play
Indifferently, day by day.
Thou art the knower and the known;
Eater and food art thou alone;
The priest and his oblation fair;
The prayerful suppliant and the prayer.
[paragraph continues] Brahma receives their worship graciously, and asks the reason of their coming. The spokesman of the gods explains to Brahma how a great demon named Taraka is troubling the world, and how helpless they are in opposing him. They have tried the most extravagant propitiation, and found it useless.
With undiminished heat, but so
As that the lilies may awake
Which blossom in his pleasure-lake.
The wind blows gently as it can
To serve him as a soothing fan,
And dare not manifest its power,
Lest it should steal a garden flower.
The seasons have forgotten how
To follow one another now;
They simultaneously bring
Him flowers of autumn, summer, spring.
Such adoration makes him worse;
He troubles all the universe:
Kindness inflames a rascal's mind;
He should be recompensed in kind.
And all the means that we have tried
Against the rogue, are brushed aside,
As potent herbs have no avail
When bodily powers begin to fail. p. 161
We seek a leader, O our Lord,
To bring him to his just reward--
As saints seek evermore to win
Virtue, to end life's woe and sin--
That he may guide the heavenly host,
And guard us to the uttermost,
And from our foe lead captive back
The victory which still we lack.
[paragraph continues] Brahma answers that the demon's power comes from him, and he does not feel at liberty to proceed against it; "for it is not fitting to cut down even a poison-tree that one's own hand has planted." But he promises that a son shall be born to Shiva and Parvati, who shall lead the gods to victory. With this answer the gods are perforce content, and their king, Indra, waits upon the god of love, to secure his necessary co-operation.
Third canto. The burning of Love.--Indra waits upon Love, who asks for his commands. Indra explains the matter, and asks Love to inflame Shiva with passion for Parvati. Love thereupon sets out, accompanied by his wife Charm and his friend Spring. When they reach the mountain where Shiva dwells, Spring shows his power. The snow disappears; the trees put forth blossoms; bees, deer, and birds waken to new life. The only living being that is not influenced by the sudden change of season is Shiva, who continues his meditation, unmoved. Love himself is discouraged, until he sees the beauty of Parvati, when he takes heart again. At this moment, Shiva chances to relax his meditation, and Parvati approaches to do him homage. Love seizes the lucky moment, and prepares to shoot his bewildering arrow at Shiva. But the great god sees him, and before the arrow is discharged, darts fire from his eye, whereby Love is consumed. Charm falls in a swoon, Shiva vanishes, and the wretched Parvati is carried away by her father.
Fourth canto. The lament of Charm.--This canto is given entire.
p. 162
Till wakened by a fate whose deadliest sting
Was preparation of herself full soon
To taste the youthful widow's sorrowing.
Her opening eyes were fixed with anxious thought
On every spot where he might be, in vain,
Were gladdened nowhere by the sight she sought,
The lover she should never see again.
She rose and cried aloud: "Dost thou yet live,
Lord of my life?" And at the last she found
Him whom the wrathful god could not forgive,
Her Love, a trace of ashes on the ground.
With breaking heart, with lovely bosom stained
By cold embrace of earth, with flying hair,
She wept and to the forest world complained,
As if the forest in her grief might share.
"Thy beauty slew the pride that maidens cherish;
Perfect its loveliness in every part;
I saw that beauty fade away and perish,
Yet did not die. How hard is woman's heart!
Where art thou gone? Thy love a moment only
Endured, and I for ever need its power;
Gone like the stream that leaves the lily lonely,
When the dam breaks, to mourn her dying flower.
Thou never didst a thing to cause me anguish;
I never did a thing to work thee harm;
Why should I thus in vain affliction languish?
Why not return to bless thy grieving Charm?
Of playful chastisements art thou reminded,
Thy flirtings punished by my girdle-strands,
Thine eyes by flying dust of blossoms blinded,
Held for thy meet correction in these hands? p. 163
I loved to hear the name thou gav’st me often
'Heart of my heart.' Alas! It was not true,
But lulling phrase, my coming grief to soften:
Else in thy death, my life had ended, too.
Think not that on the journey thou hast taken
So newly, I should fail to find thy track;
Ah, but the world! The world is quite forsaken,
For life is love; no life, when thee they lack.
Thou gone, my love, what power can guide the maiden
Through veils of midnight darkness in the town
To the eager heart with loving fancies laden,
And fortify against the storm-cloud's frown?
The wine that teaches eyes their gladdest dances,
That bids the love-word trippingly to glide,
Is now deception; for if flashing glances
Lead not to love, they lead to naught beside.
And when he knows thy life is a remembrance,
Thy friend the moon will feel his shining vain,
Will cease to show the world a circle's semblance,
And even in his waxing time, will wane.
Slowly the mango-blossoms are unfolding
On twigs where pink is struggling with the green,
Greeted by koïl-birds sweet concert holding--
Thou dead, who makes of flowers an arrow keen?
Or weaves a string of bees with deft invention,
To speed the missile when the bow is bent?
They buzz about me now with kind intention,
And mortify the grief which they lament.
Arise! Assume again thy radiant beauty!
Rebuke the koïl-bird, whom nature taught
Such sweet persuasion; she forgets her duty
As messenger to bosoms passion-fraught. p. 164
Well I remember, Love, thy suppliant motion,
Thy trembling, quick embrace, the moments blest
By fervent, self-surrendering devotion
And memories like these deny me rest.
Well didst thou know thy wife; the springtime garland,
Wrought by thy hands, O charmer of thy Charm!
Remains to bid me grieve, while in a far land
Thy body seeks repose from earthly harm.
Thy service by the cruel gods demanded,
Meant service to thy wife left incomplete,
My bare feet with coquettish streakings banded--
Return to end the adorning of my feet.
No, straight to thee I fly, my body given,
A headlong moth, to quick-consuming fire,
Or e’er my cunning rivals, nymphs in heaven,
Awake in thee an answering desire.
Yet, dearest, even this short delay is fated
For evermore a deep reproach to prove,
A stain that may not be obliterated,
If Charm has lived one moment far from Love.
And how can I perform the last adorning
Of thy poor body, as befits a wife?
So strangely on the path that leaves me mourning
Thy body followed still the spirit's life.
I see thee straighten out thy blossom-arrow,
The bow slung careless on thy breast the while,
Thine eyes in mirthful, sidelong glance grow narrow,
Thy conference with friendly Spring, thy smile.
But where is Spring? Dear friend, whose art could fashion
The flowery arrow for thee? Has the wrath
Of dreadful Shiva, in excess of passion,
Bade him, too, follow on that fatal path?"
Heart-smitten by the accents of her grief
Like poisoned darts, soothing her fond alarm,
Incarnate Spring appeared, to bring relief
As friendship can, to sore-lamenting Charm.
And at the sight of him, she wept the more,
And often clutched her throat, and beat her breast;
For lamentation finds an open door
In the presence of the friends we love the best.
Stifling, she cried: "Behold the mournful matter!
In place of him thou seekest, what is found?
A something that the winds of heaven scatter,
A trace of dove-grey ashes on the ground.
Arise, O Love! For Spring knows no estranging,
Thy friend in lucky hap and evil lot;
Man's love for wife is ever doubtful, changing;
Man's love for man abides and changes not.
With such a friend, thy dart, on dainty pinion
Of blossoms, shot from lotus-fibre string,
Reduced men, giants, gods to thy dominion--
The triple world has felt that arrow sting.
But Love is gone, far gone beyond returning,
A candle snuffed by wandering breezes vain;
And see! I am his wick, with Love once burning,
Now blackened by the smoke of nameless pain.
In slaying Love, fate wrought but half a slaughter,
For I am left. And yet the clinging vine
Must fall, when falls the sturdy tree that taught her
Round him in loving tenderness to twine.
So then, fulfil for me the final mission
Of him who undertakes a kinsman's part;
Commit me to the flames (my last petition)
And speed the widow to her husband's heart. p. 166
The moonlight wanders not, the moon forsaking;
Where sails the cloud, the lightning is not far;
Wife follows mate, is law of nature's making,
Yes, even among such things as lifeless are.
My breast is stained; I lay among the ashes
Of him I loved with all a woman's powers;
Now let me lie where death-fire flames and flashes,
As glad as on a bed of budding flowers.
Sweet Spring, thou camest oft where we lay sleeping
On blossoms, I and he whose life is sped;
Unto the end thy friendly office keeping,
Prepare for me the last, the fiery bed.
And fan the flame to which I am committed
With southern winds; I would no longer stay;
Thou knowest well how slow the moments flitted
For Love, my love, when I was far away.
And sprinkle some few drops of water, given
In friendship, on his ashes and on me;
That Love and I may quench our thirst in heaven
As once on earth, in heavenly unity.
And sometimes seek the grave where Love is lying;
Pause there a moment, gentle Spring, and shower
Sweet mango-clusters to the winds replying;
For he thou lovedst, loved the mango-flower."
As Charm prepared to end her mortal pain
In fire, she heard a voice from heaven cry,
That showed her mercy, as the early rain
Shows mercy to the fish, when lakes go dry:
"O wife of Love! Thy lover is not lost
For evermore. This voice shall tell thee why
He perished like the moth, when he had crossed
The dreadful god, in fire from Shiva's eye. p. 167
When darts of Love set Brahma in a flame,
To shame his daughter with impure desire,
He checked the horrid sin without a name,
And cursed the god of love to die by fire.
But Virtue interceded in behalf
Of Love, and won a softening of the doom:
'Upon the day when Shiva's heart shall laugh
In wedding joy, for mercy finding room,
He shall unite Love's body with the soul,
A marriage-present to his mountain bride.'
As clouds hold fire and water in control,
Gods are the fount of wrath, and grace beside.
So, gentle Charm, preserve thy body sweet
For dear reunion after present pain;
The stream that dwindles in the summer heat,
Is reunited with the autumn rain."
Invisibly and thus mysteriously
The thoughts of Charm were turned away from death;
And Spring, believing where he might not see,
Comforted her with words of sweetest breath.
The wife of Love awaited thus the day,
Though racked by grief, when fate should show its power,
As the waning moon laments her darkened ray
And waits impatient for the twilight hour.
Fifth canto. The reward of self-denial.--Parvati reproaches her own beauty, for "loveliness is fruitless if it does not bind a lover." She therefore resolves to lead a life of religious self-denial, hoping that the merit thus acquired will procure her Shiva's love. Her mother tries in vain to dissuade her; her father directs her to a fit mountain peak, and she retires to her devotions. She lays aside all ornaments, lets her hair hang unkempt, and assumes the hermit's dress of bark. While she is spending her days in self-denial, she is visited by a Brahman youth, who compliments her highly upon her rigid devotion, and declares that her conduct proves the
p. 168
truth of the proverb: Beauty can do no wrong. Yet he confesses himself bewildered, for she seems to have everything that heart can desire. He therefore asks her purpose in performing these austerities, and is told how her desires are fixed upon the highest of all objects, upon the god Shiva himself, and how, since Love is dead, she sees no way to win him except by ascetic religion. The youth tries to dissuade Parvati by recounting all the dreadful legends that are current about Shiva: how he wears a coiling snake on his wrist, a bloody elephant-hide upon his back, how he dwells in a graveyard, how he rides upon an undignified bull, how poor he is and of unknown birth. Parvati's anger is awakened by this recital. She frowns and her lip quivers as she defends herself and the object of her love.
Of such as you: then speak no more to me.
Dull crawlers hate the splendid wonders wrought
By lofty souls untouched by rivalry.
They search for wealth, whom dreaded evil nears,
Or they who fain would rise a little higher;
The world's sole refuge neither hopes nor fears
Nor seeks the objects of a small desire.
Yes, he is poor, yet he is riches' source;
This graveyard-haunter rules the world alone;
Dreadful is he, yet all beneficent force:
Think you his inmost nature can be known?
All forms are his; and he may take or leave
At will, the snake, or gem with lustre white;
The bloody skin, or silk of softest weave;
Dead skulls, or moonbeams radiantly bright.
For poverty he rides upon a bull,
While Indra, king of heaven, elephant-borne,
Bows low to strew his feet with beautiful,
Unfading blossoms in his chaplet worn.
Yet in the slander spoken in pure hate
One thing you uttered worthy of his worth: p. 169
How could the author of the uncreate
Be born? How could we understand his birth?
Enough of this! Though every word that you
Have said, be faithful, yet would Shiva please
My eager heart all made of passion true
For him alone. Love sees no blemishes.
[paragraph continues] In response to this eloquence, the youth throws off his disguise, appearing as the god Shiva himself, and declares his love for her. Parvati immediately discontinues her religious asceticism; for "successful effort regenerates."
Sixth canto. Parvati is given in marriage.--While Parvati departs to inform her father of what has happened, Shiva summons the seven sages, who are to make the formal proposal of marriage to the bride's parents. The seven sages appear, flying through the air, and with them Arundhati, the heavenly model of wifely faith and devotion. On seeing her, Shiva feels his eagerness for marriage increase, realising that
Are rooted in a virtuous wife.
[paragraph continues] Shiva then explains his purpose, and sends the seven sages to make the formal request for Parvati's hand. The seven sages fly to the brilliant city of Himalaya, where they are received by the mountain god. After a rather portentous interchange of compliments, the seven sages announce their errand, requesting Parvati's hand in behalf of Shiva. The father joyfully assents, and it is agreed that the marriage shall be celebrated after three days. These three days are spent by Shiva in impatient longing.
Seventh canto. Parvati's wedding.--The three days are spent in preparations for the wedding. So great is Parvati's unadorned beauty that the waiting-women can hardly take their eyes from her to inspect the wedding-dress. But the preparations are complete at last; and the bride is beautiful indeed.
p. 170
Or white swans rest upon a river's shore,
Or when at night the stars in heaven shine,
Her lovely beauty grew with gems she wore.
When wide-eyed glances gave her back the same
Bright beauty--and the mirror never lies--
She waited with impatience till he came:
For women dress to please their lovers' eyes.
[paragraph continues] Meanwhile Shiva finishes his preparations, and sets out on his wedding journey, accompanied by Brahma, Vishnu, and lesser gods. At his journey's end, he is received by his bride's father, and led through streets ankle-deep in flowers, where the windows are filled with the faces of eager and excited women, who gossip together thus:
Should mortify her body delicate;
Thrice happy might his serving-woman be,
And infinitely blest his bosom's mate.
[paragraph continues] Shiva and his retinue then enter the palace, where he is received with bashful love by Parvati, and the wedding is celebrated with due pomp. The nymphs of heaven entertain the company with a play, and Shiva restores the body of Love.
Eighth canto. The honeymoon.--The first month of marital bliss is spent in Himalaya's palace. After this the happy pair wander for a time among the famous mountain-peaks. One of these they reach at sunset, and Shiva describes the evening glow to his bride. A few stanzas are given here.
With beams that o’er the water shake
From western skies has now begun
A bridge of gold across the lake.
Upon the very tree-tops sway
The peacocks; even yet they hold p. 171
And drink the dying light of day,
Until their fans are molten gold.
The water-lily closes, but
With wonderful reluctancy;
As if it troubled her to shut
Her door of welcome to the bee.
The steeds that draw the sun's bright car,
With bended neck and falling plume
And drooping mane, are seen afar
To bury day in ocean's gloom.
The sun is down, and heaven sleeps:
Thus every path of glory ends;
As high as are the scalèd steeps,
The downward way as low descends.
[paragraph continues] Shiva then retires for meditation. On his return, he finds that his bride is peevish at being left alone even for a little time, and to soothe her, he describes the night which is now advancing. A few stanzas of this description run as follows.
And stains the west with blood-red light,
As when a reeking scimitar
Slants upward on a field of fight.
And vision fails above, below,
Around, before us, at our back;
The womb of night envelops slow
The world with darkness vast and black.
Mute while the world is dazed with light,
The smiling moon begins to rise
And, being teased by eager night,
Betrays the secrets of the skies.
Moon-fingers move the black, black hair
Of night into its proper place,
Who shuts her eyes, the lilies fair,
As he sets kisses on her face.
p. 172
[paragraph continues] Shiva and Parvati then drink wine brought them by the guardian goddess of the grove, and in this lovely spot they dwell happily for many years.
Ninth canto. The journey to Mount Kailasa.--One day the god of fire appears as a messenger from the gods before Shiva, to remonstrate with him for not begetting the son upon whom heaven's welfare depends. Shiva deposits his seed in Fire, who departs, bent low with the burden. Shortly afterwards the gods wait upon Shiva and Parvati, who journey with them to Mount Kailasa, the splendid dwelling-place of the god of wealth. Here also Shiva and Parvati spend happy days.
Tenth canto. The birth of Kumara.--To Indra, king of the gods, Fire betakes himself, tells his story, and begs to be relieved of his burden. Indra advises him to deposit it in the Ganges. Fire therefore travels to the Ganges, leaves Shiva's seed in the river, and departs much relieved. But now it is the turn of Ganges to be distressed, until at dawn the six Pleiades come to bathe in the river. They find Shiva's seed and lay it in a nest of reeds, where it becomes a child, Kumara, the future god of war.
Eleventh canto. The birth of Kumara, continued.--Ganges suckles the beautiful infant. But there arises a dispute for the possession of the child between Fire, Ganges, and the Pleiades. At this point Shiva and Parvati arrive, and Parvati, wondering at the beauty of the infant and at the strange quarrel, asks Shiva to whom the child belongs. When Shiva tells her that Kumara is their own child, her joy is unbounded.
’Twas but by snatches that she saw the boy;
Yet, with her blossom-hand caressing him,
She felt a strange, an unimagined joy.
The vision of the infant made her seem
A flower unfolding in mysterious bliss; p. 173
Or, billowy with her joyful tears, a stream;
Or pure affection, perfect in a kiss.
[paragraph continues] Shiva conducts Parvati and the boy back to Mount Kailasa, where gods and fairies welcome them with music and dancing. Here the divine child spends the days of a happy infancy, not very different from human infancy; for he learns to walk, gets dirty in the courtyard, laughs a good deal, pulls the scanty hair of an old servant, and learns to count: "One, nine, two, ten, five, seven." These evidences of healthy development cause Shiva and Parvati the most exquisite joy.
Twelfth canto. Kumara is made general.--Indra, with the other gods, waits upon Shiva, to ask that Kumara, now a youth, may be lent to them as their leader in the campaign against Taraka. The gods are graciously received by Shiva, who asks their errand. Indra prefers their request, where- upon Shiva bids his son assume command of the gods, and slay Taraka. Great is the joy of Kumara himself, of his mother Parvati, and of Indra.
Thirteenth canto. Kumara is consecrated general.--Kumara takes an affectionate farewell of his parents, and sets out with the gods. When they come to Indra's paradise, the gods are afraid to enter, lest they find their enemy there. There is an amusing scene in which each courteously invites the others to precede him, until Kumara ends their embarrassment by leading the way. Here for the first time Kumara sees with deep respect the heavenly Ganges, Indra's garden and palace, and the heavenly city. But he becomes red- eyed with anger on beholding the devastation wrought by Taraka.
Neglected, ruined, sad, of Indra's city,
As of a woman with a cowardly mate:
And all his inmost heart dissolved in pity.
He saw how crystal floors were gashed and torn
By wanton tusks of elephants, were strewed p. 174
With skins that sloughing cobras once had worn:
And sadness overcame him as he viewed.
He saw beside the bathing-pools the bowers
Defiled by elephants grown overbold,
Strewn with uprooted golden lotus-flowers,
No longer bright with plumage of pure gold,
Rough with great, jewelled columns overthrown,
Rank with invasion of the untrimmed grass:
Shame strove with sorrow at the ruin shown,
For heaven's foe had brought these things to pass.
[paragraph continues] Amid these sorrowful surroundings the gods gather and anoint Kumara, thus consecrating him as their general.
Fourteenth canto. The march.--Kumara prepares for battle, and marshals his army. He is followed by Indra riding on an elephant, Agni on a ram, Yama on a buffalo, a giant on a ghost, Varuna on a dolphin, and many other lesser gods. When all is ready, the army sets out on its dusty march.
Fifteenth canto. The two armies clash.--The demon Taraka is informed that the hostile army is approaching, but scorns the often-conquered Indra and the boy Kumara. Nevertheless, he prepares for battle, marshals his army, and sets forth to meet the gods. But he is beset by dreadful omens of evil.
Above the army of the foes of heaven,
And dimmed the sun, awaiting ravenously
The feast of demon corpses to be given.
And monstrous snakes, as black as powdered soot,
Spitting hot poison high into the air,
Brought terror to the army underfoot,
And crept and coiled and crawled before them there.
The sun a sickly halo round him had;
Coiling within it frightened eyes could see p. 175
Great, writhing serpents, enviously glad
Because the demon's death so soon should be.
And in the very circle of the sun
Were phantom jackals, snarling to be fed;
And with impatient haste they seemed to run
To drink the demon's blood in battle shed.
There fell, with darting flame and blinding flash
Lighting the farthest heavens, from on high
A thunderbolt whose agonising crash
Brought fear and shuddering from a cloudless sky.
There came a pelting rain of blazing coals
With blood and bones of dead men mingled in;
Smoke and weird flashes horrified their souls;
The sky was dusty grey like asses' skin.
The elephants stumbled and the horses fell,
The footmen jostled, leaving each his post,
The ground beneath them trembled at the swell
Of ocean, when an earthquake shook the host.
And dogs before them lifted muzzles foul
To see the sun that lit that awful day,
And pierced the ears of listeners with a howl
Dreadful yet pitiful, then slunk away.
[paragraph continues] Taraka's counsellors endeavour to persuade him to turn back, but he refuses; for timidity is not numbered among his faults. As he advances even worse portents appear, and finally warning voices from heaven call upon him to desist from his undertaking. The voices assure him of Kumara's prowess and inevitable victory; they advise him to make his peace while there is yet time. But Taraka's only answer is a defiance.
And take my foeman's part, what would you say?
Have you forgot so soon the torture given
By shafts of mine that never miss their way? p. 176
Why should I fear before a six-days child?
Why should you prowl in heaven and gibber shrill,
Like dogs that in an autumn night run wild,
Like deer that sneak through forests, trembling still?
The boy whom you have chosen as your chief
In vain upon his hermit-sire shall cry;
The upright die, if taken with a thief:
First you shall perish, then he too shall die."
[paragraph continues] And as Taraka emphasises his meaning by brandishing his great sword, the warning spirits flee, their knees knocking together. Taraka laughs horribly, then mounts his chariot, and advances against the army of the gods. On the other side the gods advance, and the two armies clash.
Sixteenth canto. The battle between gods and demons.--This canto is entirely taken up with the struggle between the two armies. A few stanzas are given here.
To test each other's fighting worth,
The bards who knew the family fame
Proclaimed aloud each mighty name.
As ruthless weapons cut their way
Through quilted armour in the fray,
White tufts of cotton flew on high
Like hoary hairs upon the sky.
Blood-dripping swords reflected bright
The sunbeams in that awful fight;
Fire-darting like the lightning-flash,
They showed how mighty heroes clash.
The archers' arrows flew so fast,
As through a hostile breast they passed,
That they were buried in the ground,
No stain of blood upon them found. p. 177
The swords that sheaths no longer clasped,
That hands of heroes firmly grasped,
Flashed out in glory through the fight,
As if they laughed in mad delight.
And many a warrior's eager lance
Shone radiant in the eerie dance,
A curling, lapping tongue of death
To lick away the soldier's breath.
Some, panting with a bloody thirst,
Fought toward the victim chosen first,
But had a reeking path to hew
Before they had him full in view.
Great elephants, their drivers gone
And pierced with arrows, struggled on,
But sank at every step in mud
blade liquid by the streams of blood.
The warriors falling in the fray,
Whose heads the sword had lopped away,
Were able still to fetch a blow
That slew the loud-exulting foe.
The footmen thrown to Paradise
By elephants of monstrous size,
Were seized upon by nymphs above,
Exchanging battle-scenes for love.
The lancer, charging at his foe,
Would pierce him through and bring him low,
And would not heed the hostile dart
That found a lodgment in his heart.
The war-horse, though unguided, stopped
The moment that his rider dropped,
And wept above the lifeless head,
Still faithful to his master dead. p. 178
Two lancers fell with mortal wound
And still they struggled on the ground;
With bristling hair, with brandished knife,
Each strove to end the other's life.
Two slew each other in the fight;
To Paradise they took their flight;
There with a nymph they fell in love,
And still they fought in heaven above.
Two souls there were that reached the sky;
From heights of heaven they could spy
Two writhing corpses on the plain,
And knew their headless forms again.
As the struggle comes to no decisive issue, Taraka seeks out the chief gods, and charges upon them.
Seventeenth canto. Taraka is slain.--Taraka engages the principal gods and defeats them with magic weapons. When they are relieved by Kumara, the demon turns to the youthful god of war, and advises him to retire from the battle.
Of Shiva and of Parvati.
Go safe and live! Why should you run
On certain death? Why fight with me?
Withdraw! Let sire and mother blest
Clasp living son to joyful breast.
Flee, son of Shiva, flee the host
Of Indra drowning in the sea
That soon shall close upon his boast
In choking waves of misery.
For Indra is a ship of stone;
Withdraw, and let him sink alone.
[paragraph continues] Kumara answers with modest firmness.
O demon- prince, are only fit; p. 179
Yet I am minded to abide
The fight, and see the end of it.
The tight-strung bow and brandished sword
Decide, and not the spoken word.
[paragraph continues] And with this the duel begins. When Taraka finds his arrows parried by Kumara, he employs the magic weapon of the god of wind. When this too is parried, he uses the magic weapon of the god of fire, which Kumara neutralises with the weapon of the god of water. As they fight on, Kumara finds an opening, and slays Taraka with his lance, to the unbounded delight of the universe.
Here the poem ends, in the form in which it has come down to us. It has been sometimes thought that we have less than Kalidasa wrote, partly because of a vague tradition that there were once twenty-three cantos, partly because the customary prayer is lacking at the end. These arguments are not very cogent. Though the concluding prayer is not given in form, yet the stanzas which describe the joy of the universe fairly fill its place. And one does not see with what matter further cantos would be concerned. The action promised in the earlier part is completed in the seventeenth canto.
It has been somewhat more formidably argued that the concluding cantos are spurious, that Kalidasa wrote only the first seven or perhaps the first eight cantos. Yet, after all, what do these arguments amount to? Hardly more than this, that the first eight cantos are better poetry than the last nine. As if a poet were always at his best, even when writing on a kind of subject not calculated to call out his best. Fighting is not Kalidasa's forte; love is. Even so, there is great vigour in the journey of Taraka, the battle, and the duel. It may not be the highest kind of poetry, but it is wonderfully vigorous poetry of its kind. And if we reject the last nine cantos, we fall into a very much greater difficulty. The poem would be glaringly incomplete, its early promise obviously disregarded. We should have a Birth of the War- god in which the poet stopped before the war-god was born.
There seems then no good reason to doubt that we have the epic substantially as Kalidasa wrote it. Plainly, it has a unity which is lacking in Kalidasa's other epic, The Dynasty
p. 180
of Raghu, though in this epic, too, the interest shifts. Parvati's love-affair is the matter of the first half, Kumara's fight with the demon the matter of the second half. Further, it must be admitted that the interest runs a little thin. Even in India, where the world of gods runs insensibly into the world of men, human beings take more interest in the adventures of men than of gods. The gods, indeed, can hardly have adventures; they must be victorious.The Birth of the War-god pays for its greater unity by a poverty of adventure.
It would be interesting if we could know whether this epic was written before or after The Dynasty of Raghu. But we have no data for deciding the question, hardly any for even arguing it. The introduction to The Dynasty of Raghu seems, indeed, to have been written by a poet who yet had his spurs to win. But this is all.
As to the comparative excellence of the two epics, opinions differ. My own preference is for The Dynasty of Raghu, yet there are passages in The Birth of the War-god of a piercing beauty which the world can never let die.
अस्त्य् उत्तरस्यां दिशि देवतात्मा हिमालयो नाम नगाधिराजः ।
पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी विगाह्य स्थितः पृथिव्या इव मानदण्डः॥१.१॥
यं सर्वशैलाः परिकल्प्य वत्सं मेरौ स्थिते दोग्धरि दोहदक्षे ।
भास्वन्ति रत्नानि महौषधीश् च पृथूपदिष्टां दुदुहुर् धरित्रीम्॥१.२॥
अनन्तरत्नप्रभवस्य यस्य हिमं न सौभाग्यविलोपि जातम् ।
एको हि दोषो गुणसंनिपाते निमज्जतीन्दोः किरणेष्व् इवाङ्कः॥१.३॥
यश् चाप्सरोविभ्रममण्डनानां संपादयित्रीं शिखरैर् बिभर्ति ।
बलाहकच्छेदविभक्तरागाम् अकालसंध्याम् इव धातुमत्ताम्॥१.४॥
आमेखलं संचरतां घनानां च्छायाम् अधःसानुगतां निषेव्य ।
उद्वेजिता वृष्टिभिर् आश्रयन्ते शृङ्गाणि यस्यातपवन्ति सिद्धाः॥१.५॥
पदं तुषारस्रुतिधौतरक्तं यस्मिन्न् अदृष्ट्वापि हतद्विपानाम् ।
विदन्ति मार्गं नखरन्ध्रमुक्तैर् मुक्ताफलैः केसरिणां किराताः॥१.६॥
न्यस्ताक्षरा धातुरसेन यत्र भूर्जत्वचः कुञ्जरबिन्दुशोणाः ।
व्रजन्ति विद्याधरसुन्दरीणाम् अनङ्गलेखक्रिययोपयोगम्॥१.७॥
यः पूरयन् कीचकरन्ध्रभागान् दरीमुखोत्थेन समीरणेन ।
उद्गास्यताम् इच्छति किंनराणां तानप्रदायित्वम् इवोपगन्तुम्॥१.८॥
कपोलकण्डूः करिभिर् विनेतुं विघट्टितानां सरलद्रुमाणाम् ।
यत्र स्रुतक्षीरतया प्रसूतः सानूनि गन्धः सुरभीकरोति॥१.९॥
वनेचराणां वनितासखानां दरीगृहोत्सङ्गनिषक्तभासः ।
भवन्ति यत्रौषधयो रजन्याम् अतैलपूराः सुरतप्रदीपाः॥१.१०॥
उद्वेजयत्य् अङ्गुलिपार्ष्णिभागान् मार्गे शिलीभूतहिमे ऽपि यत्र ।
न दुर्वहश्रोणिपयोधरार्ता भिन्दन्ति मन्दां गतिम् अश्वमुख्यः॥१.११॥
दिवाकराद् रक्षति यो गुहासु लीनं दिवा भीतम् इवान्धकारम् ।
क्षुद्रे ऽपि नूनं शरणं प्रपन्ने ममत्वम् उच्चैःशिरसां सतीव॥१.१२॥
लाङ्गूलविक्षेपविसर्पिशोभैर् इतस् ततश् चन्द्रमरीचिगौरैः ।
यस्यार्थयुक्तं गिरिराजशब्दं कुर्वन्ति वालव्यजनैश् चमर्यः॥१.१३॥
यत्रांशुकाक्षेपविलज्जितानां यदृच्छया किंपुरुषाङ्गनानाम् ।
दरीगृहद्वारविलम्बिबिम्बास् तिरस्करिण्यो जलदा भवन्ति॥१.१४॥
भागीरथीनिर्झरसीकराणां वोढा मुहुः कम्पितदेवदारुः ।
यद् वायुर् अन्विष्टमृगैः किरातैर् आसेव्यते भिन्नशिखण्डिबर्हः॥१.१५॥
सप्तर्षिहस्तावचितावशेषाण्य् अधो विवस्वान् परिवर्तमानः ।
पद्मानि यस्याग्रसरोरुहाणि प्रबोधयत्य् ऊर्ध्वमुखैर् मयूखैः॥१.१६॥
यज्ञाङ्गयोनित्वम् अवेक्ष्य यस्य सारं धरित्रीधरणक्षमं च ।
प्रजापतिः कल्पितयज्ञभागं शैलाधिपत्यं स्वयम् अन्वतिष्ठत्॥१.१७॥
स मानसीं मेरुसखः पित्ṝ्णां कन्यां कुलस्य स्थितये स्थितिज्ञः ।
मेनां मुनीनाम् अपि माननीयाम् आत्मानुर्ऊपां विधिनोपयेमे॥१.१८॥
कालक्रमेणाथ तयोः प्रवृत्ते स्वर्ऊपयोग्ये सुरतप्रसङ्गे ।
मनोरमं यौवनम् उद्वहन्त्या गर्भो ऽभवद् भूधरराजपत्न्याः॥१.१९॥
असूत सा नागवधूपभोग्यं मैनाकम् अम्भोनिधिबद्धसख्यम् ।
क्रुद्धे ऽपि पक्षच्छिदि वृत्रशत्राव् अवेदनाज्ञं कुलिशक्षतानाम्॥१.२०॥
अथावमानेन पितुः प्रयुक्ता दक्षस्य कन्या भवपूर्वपत्नी ।
सती सती योगविसृष्टदेहा तां जन्मने शैलवधूं प्रपेदे॥१.२१॥
सा भूधराणाम् अधिपेन तस्यां समाधिमत्याम् उदपादि भव्या ।
सम्यक्प्रयोगाद् अपरिक्षतायां नीताव् इवोत्साहगुणेन संपत्॥१.२२॥
प्रसन्नदिक् पांसुविविक्तवातं शङ्खस्वनानन्तरपुष्पवृष्टि ।
शरीरिणां स्थावरजङ्गमानां सुखाय तज्जन्मदिनं बभूव॥१.२३॥
तया दुहित्रा सुतरां सवित्री स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकासे ।
विदूरभूमिर् नवमेघशब्दाद् उद्भिन्नया रत्नशलाकयेव॥१.२४॥
दिने दिने सा परिवर्धमाना लब्धोदया चान्द्रमसीव लेखा ।
पुपोष लावण्यमयान् विशेषाञ् ज्योत्स्नान्तराणीव कलान्तराणि॥१.२५॥
तां पार्वतीत्य् आभिजनेन नाम्ना बन्धुप्रियां बन्धुजनो जुहाव ।
उ मेति मात्रा तपसो निषिद्धा पश्चाद् उमाख्यां सुमुखी जगाम॥१.२६॥
महीभृतः पुत्रवतो ऽपि दृष्टिस् तस्मिन्न् अपत्ये न जगाम तृप्तिम् ।
अनन्तपुष्पस्य मधोर् हि चूते द्विरेफमाला सविशेषसङ्गा॥१.२७॥
प्रभामहत्या शिखयेव दीपस् त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः ।
संस्कारवत्येव गिरा मनीषी तया स पूतश् च विभूषितश् च॥१.२८॥
मन्दाकिनीसैकतवेदिकाभिः सा कन्दुकैः कृत्रिमपुत्रकैश् च ।
रेमे मुहुर् मध्यगता सखीनां क्रीडारसं निर्विशतीव बाल्ये॥१.२९॥
तां हंसमालाः शरदीव गङ्गां महौषधिं नक्तम् इवात्मभासः ।
स्थिरोपदेशाम् उपदेशकाले प्रपेदिरे प्राक्तनजन्मविद्याः॥१.३०॥
असंभृतं मण्डनम् अङ्गयष्टेर् अनासवाख्यं करणं मदस्य ।
कामस्य पुष्पव्यतिरिक्तम् अस्त्रं बाल्यात् परं साथ वयः प्रपेदे॥१.३१॥
उन्मीलितं तूलिकयेव चित्रं सूर्यांशुभिर् भिन्नम् इवारविन्दम् ।
बभूव तस्याश् चतुरस्रशोभि वपुर् विभक्तं नवयौवनेन॥१.३२॥
अभ्युन्नताङ्गुष्ठनखप्रभाभिर् निक्षेपणाद् रागम् इवोद्गिरन्तौ ।
आजह्रतुस् तच्चरणौ पृथिव्यां स्थलारविन्दश्रियम् अव्यवस्थाम्॥१.३३॥
सा राजहंसैर् इव संनताङ्गी गतेषु लीलाञ्चितविक्रमेषु ।
व्यनीयत प्रत्युपदेशलुब्धैर् आदित्सुभिर् नूपुरसिञ्जितानि॥१.३४॥
वृत्तानुपूर्वे च न चातिदीर्घे जङ्घे शुभे सृष्टवतस् तदीये ।
शेषाङ्गनिर्माणविधौ विधातुर् लावण्य उत्पाद्य इवास यत्नः॥१.३५॥
नागेन्द्रहस्तास् त्वचि कर्कशत्वाद् एकान्तशैत्यात् कदलीविशेषाः ।
लब्ध्वापि लोके परिणाहि र्ऊपं जातास् तदूर्वोर् उपमानबाह्याः॥१.३६॥
एतावता नन्व् अनुमेयशोभं काञ्चीगुणस्थानम् अनिन्दितायाः ।
आरोपितं यद् गिरिशेन पश्चाद् अनन्यनारीकमनीयम् अङ्कम्॥१.३७॥
तस्याः प्रविष्टा नतनाभिरन्ध्रं रराज तन्वी नवलोमराजिः ।
नीवीम् अतिक्रम्य सितेतरस्य तन्मेखलामध्यमणेर् इवार्चिः॥१.३८॥
मध्येन सा वेदिविलग्नमध्या वलित्रयं चारु बभार बाला ।
आरोहणार्थं नवयौवनेन कामस्य सोपानम् इव प्रयुक्तम्॥१.३९॥
अन्योन्यम् उत्पीडयद् उत्पलाक्ष्याः स्तनद्वयं पाण्डु तथा प्रवृद्धम् ।
मध्ये यथा श्याममुखस्य तस्य मृणालसूत्रान्तरम् अप्य् अलभ्यम्॥१.४०॥
शिरीषपुष्पाधिकसौकुमार्यौ बाहू तदीयाव् इति मे वितर्कः ।
पराजितेनापि कृतौ हरस्य यौ कण्ठपाशौ मकरध्वजेन॥१.४१॥
कण्ठस्य तस्याः स्तनबन्धुरस्य मुक्ताकलापस्य च निस्तलस्य ।
अन्योन्यशोभाजननाद् बभूव साधारणो भूषणभूष्यभावः॥१.४२॥
चन्द्रं गता पद्मगुणान् न भुङ्क्ते पद्माश्रिता चान्द्रमसीम् अभिख्याम् ।
उमामुखं तु प्रतिपद्य लोला द्विसंश्रयां प्रीतिम् अवाप लक्ष्मीः॥१.४३॥
पुष्पं प्रवालोपहितं यदि स्यान् मुक्ताफलं वा स्फुटविद्रुमस्थम् ।
ततो ऽनुकुर्याद् विशदस्य तस्यास् ताम्रौष्ठपर्यस्तरुचः स्मितस्य॥१.४४॥
स्वरेण तस्याम् अमृतस्रुतेव प्रजल्पितायाम् अभिजातवाचि ।
अप्य् अन्यपुष्टा प्रतिकूलशब्दा श्रोतुर् वितन्त्रीर् इव ताड्यमाना॥१.४५॥
प्रवातनीलोत्पलनिर्विशेषम् अधीरविप्रेक्षितम् आयताक्ष्या ।
तया गृहीतं नु मृगाङ्गनाभ्यस् ततो गृहीतं नु मृगाङ्गनाभिः॥१.४६॥
तस्याः शलाकाञ्जननिर्मितेव कान्तिर् भ्रुवोर् आनतलेखयोर् या ।
तां वीक्ष्य लीलाचतुराम् अनङ्गः स्वचापसौन्दर्यमदं मुमोच॥१.४७॥
लज्जा तिरश्चां यदि चेतसि स्याद् असंशयं पर्वतराजपुत्र्याः ।
तं केशपाशं प्रसमीक्ष्य कुर्युर् वालप्रियत्वं शिथिलं चमर्यः॥१.४८॥
सर्वोपमाद्रव्यसमुच्चयेन यथाप्रदेशं विनिवेशितेन ।
सा निर्मिता विश्वसृजा प्रयत्नाद् एकस्थसौन्दर्यदिदृक्षयेव॥१.४९॥
तां नारदः कामचरः कदा चित् कन्यां किल प्रेक्ष्य पितुः समीपे ।
समादिदेशैकवधूं भवित्रीं प्रेम्णा शरीरार्धहरां हरस्य॥१.५०॥
गुरुः प्रगल्भे ऽपि वयस्य् अतो ऽस्यास् तस्थौ निवृत्तान्यवराभिलाषः ।
ऋते कृशानोर् न हि मन्त्रपूतम् अर्हन्ति तेजांस्य् अपराणि हव्यम्॥१.५१॥
अयाचितारं न हि देवदेवम् अद्रिः सुतां ग्राहयितुं शशाक ।
अभ्यर्थनाभङ्गभयेन साधुर् माध्यस्थ्यम् इष्टे ऽप्य् अवलम्बते ऽर्थे॥१.५२॥
यदैव पूर्वे जनने शरीरं सा दक्षरोषात् सुदती ससर्ज ।
तदाप्रभृत्य् एव विमुक्तसङ्गः पतिः पशूनाम् अपरिग्रहो ऽभूत्॥१.५३॥
स कृत्तिवासास् तपसे यतात्मा गङ्गाप्रवाहोक्षितदेवदारु ।
प्रस्थं हिमाद्रेर् मृगनाभिगन्धि किं चित् क्वणत्किंनरम् अध्युवास॥१.५४॥
गणा नमेरुप्रसवावतंसा भूर्जत्वचः स्पर्शवतीर् दधानाः ।
मनःशिलाविच्छुरिता निषेदुः शैलेयनद्धेषु शिलातलेषु॥१.५५॥
तुषारसंघातशिलाः खुराग्रैः समुल्लिखन् दर्पकलः ककुद्मान् ।
दृष्टः कथं चिद् गवयैर् विविग्नैर् असोढसिंहध्वनिर् उन्ननाद॥१.५६॥
तत्राग्निम् आधाय समित्समिद्धं स्वम् एव मूर्त्यन्तरम् अष्टमूर्तिः ।
स्वयं विधाता तपसः फलानाम् केनापि कामेन तपश् चचार॥१.५७॥
अनर्घ्यम् अर्घ्येण तम् अद्रिनाथः स्वर्गौकसाम् अर्चितम् अर्चयित्वा ।
आराधनायास्य सखीसमेतां समादिदेश प्रयतां तनूजाम्॥१.५८॥
प्रत्यर्थिभूताम् अपि तां समाधेः शुश्र्ऊषमाणां गिरिशो ऽनुमेने ।
विकारहेतौ सति विक्रियन्ते येषां न चेतांसि त एव धीराः॥१.५९॥
अवचितबलिपुष्पा वेदिसंमार्गदक्षा नियमविधिजलानां बर्हिषां चोपनेत्री ।
गिरिशम् उपचचार प्रत्यहं सा सुकेशी नियमितपरिखेदा तच्छिरश्चन्द्रपादैः॥१.६०॥
तस्मिन् विप्रकृताः काले तारकेण दिवौकसः ।
तुरासाहं पुरोधाय धाम स्वायंभुवं ययुः॥२.१॥
तेषाम् आविर् अभूद् ब्रह्मा परिम्लानमुखश्रियाम् ।
सरसां सुप्तपद्मानां प्रातर् दीधितिमान् इव॥२.२,॥
अथ सर्वस्य धातारं ते सर्वे सर्वतोमुखम् ।
वागीशं वाग्भिर् अर्थ्याभिः प्रणिपत्योपतस्थिरे॥२.३॥
नमस् त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यं प्राक् सृष्टेः केवलात्मने ।
गुणत्रयविभागाय पश्चाद् भेदम् उपेयुषे॥२.४॥
यद् अमोघम् अपाम् अन्तर् उप्तं बीजम् अज त्वया ।
अतश् चराचरं विश्वं प्रभवस् तस्य गीयसे॥२.५॥
तिसृभिस् त्वम् अवस्थाभिर् महिमानम् उदीरयन् ।
प्रलयस्थितिसर्गाणाम् एकः कारणतां गतः॥२.६॥
स्त्रीपुंसाव् आत्मभागौ ते भिन्नमूर्तेः सिसृक्षया ।
प्रसूतिभाजः सर्गस्य ताव् एव पितरौ स्मृतौ॥२.७॥
स्वकालपरिमाणेन व्यस्तरात्रिंदिवस्य ते ।
यौ तु स्वप्नावबोधौ तौ भूतानां प्रलयोदयौ॥२.८॥
जगद्योनिर् अयोनिस् त्वं जगदन्तो निरन्तकः ।
जगदादिर् अनादिस् त्वं जगदीशो निरीश्वरः॥२.९॥
आत्मानम् आत्मना वेत्सि सृजस्य् आत्मानम् आत्मना ।
आत्मना कृतिना च त्वम् आत्मन्य् एव प्रलीयसे॥२.१०॥
द्रवः संघातकठिनः स्थूलः सूक्ष्मो लघुर् गुरुः ।
व्यक्तो व्यक्तेतरश् चासि प्राकाम्यं ते विभूतिषु॥२.११॥
उद्घातः प्रणवो यासां न्यायैस् त्रिभिर् उदीरणम् ।
कर्म यज्ञः फलं स्वर्गस् तासां त्वं प्रभवो गिराम्॥२.१२॥
त्वाम् आमनन्ति प्रकृतिं पुरुषार्थप्रवर्तिनीम् ।
तद्दर्शिनम् उदासीनं त्वाम् एव पुरुषं विदुः॥२.१३॥
त्वं पित्ṝ्णाम् अपि पिता देवानाम् अपि देवता ।
परतो ऽपि परश् चासि विधाता वेधसाम् अपि॥२.१४॥
त्वम् एव हव्यं होता च भोज्यं भोक्ता च शाश्वतः ।
वेद्यं च वेदिता चासि ध्याता ध्येयं च यत् परम्॥२.१५॥
इति तेभ्यः स्तुतीः श्रुत्वा यथार्था हृदयंगमाः ।
प्रसादाभिमुखो वेधाः प्रत्युवाच दिवौकसः॥२.१६॥
पुराणस्य कवेस् तस्य चतुर्मुखसमीरिता ।
प्रवृत्तिर् आसीच् छब्दानां चरितार्था चतुष्टयी॥२.१७॥
स्वागतं स्वान् अधीकारान् प्रभावैर् अवलम्ब्य वः ।
युगपद् युगबाहुभ्यः प्राप्तेभ्यः प्राज्यविक्रमाः॥२.१८॥
किम् इदं द्युतिम् आत्मीयां न बिभ्रति यथा पुरा ।
हिमक्लिष्टप्रकाशानि ज्योतींषीव मुखानि वः॥२.१९॥
प्रशमाद् अर्चिषाम् एतद् अनुद्गीर्णसुरायुधम् ।
वृत्रस्य हन्तुः कुलिशं कुण्ठिताश्रीव लक्ष्यते॥२.२०॥
किं चायम् अरिदुर्वारः पाणौ पाशः प्रचेतसः ।
मन्त्रेण हतवीर्यस्य फणिनो दैन्यम् आश्रितः॥२.२१॥
कुबेरस्य मनःशल्यं शंसतीव पराभवम् ।
अपविद्धगदो बाहुर् भग्नशाख इव द्रुमः॥२.२२॥
यमो ऽपि विलिखन् भूमिं दण्डेनास्तमितत्विषा ।
कुरुते ऽस्मिन्न् अमोघे ऽपि निर्वाणालातलाघवम्॥२.२३॥
अमी च कथम् आदित्याः प्रतापक्षतिशीतलाः ।
चित्रन्यस्ता इव गताः प्रकामालोकनीयताम्॥२.२४॥
पर्याकुलत्वान् मरुतां वेगभङ्गो ऽनुमीयते ।
अम्भसाम् ओघसंरोधः प्रतीपगमनाद् इव॥२.२५॥
आवर्जितजटामौलि- विलम्बिशशिकोटयः ।
रुद्राणाम् अपि मूर्धानः क्षतहुंकारशंसिनः॥२.२६॥
लब्धप्रतिष्ठाः प्रथमं यूयं किं बलवत्तरैः ।
अपवादैर् इवोत्सर्गाः कृतव्यावृत्तयः परैः॥२.२७॥
तद् ब्र्ऊत वत्साः किम् इतः प्रार्थयध्वे समागताः ।
मयि सृष्टिर् हि लोकानां रक्षा युष्मास्व् अवस्थिता॥२.२८॥
ततो मन्दानिलोद्धूत- कमलाकरशोभिना ।
गुरुं नेत्रसहस्रेण चोदयाम् आस वासवः॥२.२९॥
स द्विनेत्रो हरेश् चक्षुः सहस्रनयनाधिकम् ।
वाचस्पतिर् उवाचेदं प्राञ्जलिर् जलजासनम्॥२.३०॥
एवं यद् आत्थ भगवन्न् आमृष्टं नः परैः पदम् ।
प्रत्येकं विनियुक्तात्मा कथं न ज्ञास्यसि प्रभो॥२.३१॥
भवल्लब्धवरोदीर्णस् तारकाख्यो महासुरः ।
उपप्लवाय लोकानां धूमकेतुर् इवोत्थितः॥२.३२॥
पुरे तावन्तम् एवास्य तनोति रविर् आतपम् ।
दीर्घिकाकमलोन्मेषो यावन्मात्रेण साध्यते॥२.३३॥
सर्वाभिः सर्वदा चन्द्रस् तं कलाभिर् निषेवते ।
नादत्ते केवलां लेखां हरचूडामणीकृताम्॥२.३४॥
व्यावृत्तगतिर् उद्याने कुसुमस्तेयसाध्वसात् ।
न वाति वायुस् तत्पार्श्वे तालवृन्तानिलाधिकम्॥२.३५॥
पर्यायसेवाम् उत्सृज्य पुष्पसंभारतत्पराः ।
उद्यानपालसामान्यम् ऋतवस् तम् उपासते॥२.३६॥
तस्योपायनयोग्यानि रत्नानि सरितां पतिः ।
कथम् अप्य् अम्भसाम् अन्तर् आ निष्पत्तेः प्रतीक्षते॥२.३७॥
ज्वलन्मणिशिखाश् चैनं वासुकिप्रमुखा निशि ।
स्थिरप्रदीपताम् एत्य भुजंगाः पर्युपासते॥२.३८॥
ग्Qर्जोVइQVप्च् RCQCओfUL।।प्ज्NEच्\\\\ मुहुर् दूतहारितैः ।??
अनुकूलयतीन्द्रो ऽपि कल्पद्रुमविभूषणैः॥२.३९॥
इत्थम् आराध्यमानो ऽपि क्लिश्नाति भुवनत्रयम् ।
शाम्येत् प्रत्यपकारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः॥२.४०॥
तेनामरवधूहस्तैः सदयालूनपल्लवाः ।
अभिज्ञाश् छेदपातानां क्रियन्ते नन्दनद्रुमाः॥२.४१॥
वीज्यते स हि संसुप्तः श्वाससाधारणानिलैः ।
चामरैः सुरबन्दीनां बाष्पशीकरवर्षिभिः॥२.४२॥
उत्पाट्य मेरुशृङ्गाणि क्षुण्णानि हरितां खुरैः ।
आक्रीडपर्वतास् तेन कल्पिताः स्वेषु वेश्मसु॥२.४३॥
मन्दाकिन्याः पयःशेषं दिग्वारणमदाविलम् ।
हेमाम्भोरुहसस्यानां तद्वाप्यो धाम सांप्रतम्॥२.४४॥
भुवनालोकनप्रीतिः स्वर्गिभिर् नानुभूयते ।
खिलीभूते विमानानां तदापातभयात् पथि॥२.४५॥
यज्वभिः संभृतं हव्यं विततेष्व् अध्वरेषु सः ।
जातवेदोमुखान् मायी मिषताम् आच्छिनत्ति नः॥२.४६॥
उच्चैर् उच्चैःश्रवास् तेन हयरत्नम् अहारि च ।
देहबद्धम् इवेन्द्रस्य चिरकालार्जितं यशः॥२.४७॥
तस्मिन्न् उपायाः सर्वे नः क्र्ऊरे प्रतिहतक्रियाः ।
वीर्यवत्य् औषधानीव विकारे सांनिपातिके॥२.४८॥
जयाशा यत्र चास्माकं प्रतिघातोत्थितार्चिषा ।
हरिचक्रेण तेनास्य कण्ठे निष्क इवार्पितः॥२.४९॥
तदीयास् तोयदेष्व् अद्य पुष्करावर्तकादिषु ।
अभ्यस्यन्ति तटाघातं निर्जितैरावता गजाः॥२.५०॥
तद् इच्छामो विभो सृष्टं सेनान्यं तस्य शान्तये ।
कर्मबन्धच्छिदं धर्मं भवस्येव मुमुक्षवः॥२.५१॥
गोप्तारं सुरसैन्यानां यं पुरस्कृत्य गोत्रभित् ।
प्रत्यानेष्यति शत्रुभ्यो बन्दीम् इव जयश्रियम्॥२.५२॥
वचस्य् अवसिते तस्मिन् ससर्ज गिरम् आत्मभूः ।
गर्जितानन्तरां वृष्टिं सौभाग्येन जिगाय या॥२.५३॥
संपत्स्यते वः कामो यं कालः कश्चित् प्रतीक्ष्यताम् ।
न त्व् अस्य सिद्धौ यास्यामि सर्गव्यापारम् आत्मना॥२.५४॥
इतः स दैत्यः प्राप्तश्रीर् नेत एवार्हति क्षयम् ।
विषवृक्षो ऽपि संवर्ध्य स्वयं छेत्तुम् असांप्रतम्॥२.५५॥
वृतं तेनेदम् एव प्राङ् मया चास्मै प्रतिश्रुतम् ।
वरेण शमितं लोकान् अलं दग्धुं हि तत्तपः॥२.५६॥
संयुगे सांयुगीनं तम् उद्यतं प्रसहेत कः ।
अंशाद् ऋते निषिक्तस्य नीललोहितरेतसः॥२.५७॥
स हि देवः परं ज्योतिस् तमःपारे व्यवस्थितम् ।
परिच्छिन्नप्रभावर्द्धिर् न मया न च विष्णुना॥२.५८॥
उमार्ऊपेण ते यूयं संयमस्तिमितं मनः ।
शंभोर् यतध्वम् आक्रष्टुम् अयस्कान्तेन लोहवत्॥२.५९॥
उभे एव क्षमे वोढुम् उभयोर् वीर्यम् आहितनसंनिकृष्टम् इतो निषीदेति विसृष्टभूमिः ।अ॥२.६०॥
तस्यात्मा शितिकण्ठस्य सैनापत्यम् उपेत्य वः ।
मोक्ष्यते सुरबन्दीनां वेणीर् वीर्यविभूतिभिः॥२.६१॥
इति व्याहृत्य विबुधान् विश्वयोनिस् तिरोदधे ।
मनस्य् आहितकर्तव्यास् ते ऽपि प्रतिययुर् दिवम्॥२.६२॥
तत्र निश्चित्य कन्दर्पम् अगमत् पाकशासनः ।
मनसा कार्यसंसिद्धि- त्वराद्विगुणरंहसा॥२.६३॥
अथ स ललितयोषिद्भ्र्ऊलताचारुशृङ्गं रतिवलयपदाङ्के चापम् आसज्य कण्ठे ।
सहचरमधुहस्तन्यस्तचूताङ्कुरास्त्रः शतमखम् उपतस्थे प्राञ्जलिः पुष्पधन्वा॥२.६४॥
तस्मिन् मघोनस् त्रिदशान् विहाय सहस्रम् अक्ष्णां युगपत् पपात ।
प्रयोजनापेक्षितया प्रभूणां प्रायश् चलं गौरवम् आश्रितेषु॥३.१॥
स वासवेनासनसंनिकृष्टम् इतो निषीदेति विसृष्टभूमिः ।
भर्तुः प्रसादं प्रतिनन्द्य मूर्ध्ना वक्तुं मिथः प्राक्रमतैवम् एनम्॥३.२॥
आज्ञापय ज्ञातविशेष पुंसां लोकेषु यत् ते करणीयम् अस्ति ।
अनुग्रहं संस्मरणप्रवृत्तम् इच्छामि संवर्धितम् आज्ञया ते॥३.३॥
केनाभ्यसूया पदकाङ्क्षिणा ते नितान्तदीर्घैर् जनिता तपोभिः ।
यावद् भवत्य् आहितसायकस्य मत्कार्मुकस्यास्य निदेशवर्ती॥३.४॥
असंमतः कस् तव मुक्तिमार्गं पुनर्भवक्लेशभयात् प्रपन्नः ।
बद्धश् चिरं तिष्ठतु सुन्दरीणाम् आरेचितभ्र्ऊचतुरैः कटाक्षैः॥३.५॥
अध्यापितस्योशनसापि नीतिं प्रयुक्तरागप्रणिधिर् द्विषस् ते ।
कस्यार्थधर्मौ वद पीडयामि सिन्धोस् तटाव् ओघ इव प्रवृद्धः॥३.६॥
काम् एकपत्नीव्रतदुःखशीलां लोलं मनश् चारुतया प्रविष्टाम् ।
नितम्बिनीम् इच्छसि मुक्तलज्जां कण्ट्ःए स्वयंग्राहनिषक्तबाहुम्॥३.७॥??
कयासि कामिन् सुरतापराधात् पादानतः कोपनयावधूतः ।
यस्याः करिष्यामि दृढानुतापं प्रवालशय्याशरणं शरीरम्॥३.८॥
प्रसीद विश्राम्यतु वीर वज्रं शरैर् मदीयैः कतमः सुरारिः ।
बिभेतु मोघीकृतबाहुवीर्यः स्त्रीभ्यो ऽपि कोपस्फुरिताधराभ्यः॥३.९॥
तव प्रसादात् कुसुमायुधो ऽपि सहायम् एकं मधुम् एव लब्ध्वा ।
कुर्यां हरस्यापि पिनाकपाणेर् धैर्यच्युतिं के मम धन्विनो ऽन्ये॥३.१०॥
अथोरुदेशाद् अवतार्य पादम् आक्रान्तिसंभावितपादपीठम् ।
संकल्पिथार्थे विवृतात्मशक्तिम् आखण्डलः कामम् इदं बभाषे॥३.११॥
सर्वं सखे त्वय्य् उपपन्नम् एतद् उभे ममास्त्रे कुलिशं भवांश् च ।
वज्रं तपोवीर्यमहत्सु कुण्ट्ःअं त्वं सर्वतोगामि च साधकं च॥३.१२॥??
अवैमि ते सारम् अतः खलु त्वां कार्ये गुरुण्य् आत्मसमं नियोक्ष्ये ।
व्यादिश्यते भूधरताम् अवेक्ष्य कृष्णेन देहोद्वहनाय शेषः॥३.१३॥
आशंसता बाणगतिं वृषाङ्के कार्यं त्वया नः प्रतिपन्नकल्पम् ।
निबोध यज्ञांशभुजाम् इदानीम् उच्चैर्द्विषाम् ईप्सितम् एतद् एव॥३.१४॥
अमी हि वीर्यप्रभवं भवस्य जयाय सेनान्यम् उशन्ति देवाः ।
स च त्वदेकेषुनिपातसाध्यो ब्रह्माङ्गभूर् ब्रह्मणि योजितात्मा॥३.१५॥
तस्मै हिमाद्रेः प्रयतां तनूजां यतात्मने रोचयितुं यतस्व ।
योषित्सु तद्वीर्यनिषेकभूमिः सैव क्षमेत्य् आत्मभुवोपदिष्टम्॥३.१६॥
गुरोर् नियोगाच् च नगेन्द्रकन्या स्थाणुं तपस्यन्तम् अधित्यकायाम् ।
अन्वास्त इत्य् अप्सरसां मुखेभ्यः श्रुतं मया मत्प्रणिधिः स वर्गः॥३.१७॥
तद् गच्छ सिद्ध्यै कुरु देवकार्यम् अर्थो ऽयम् अर्थान्तरभाव्य एव ।
अपेक्षते प्रत्ययम् उत्तमं त्वां बीजाङ्कुरः प्राग् उदयाद् इवाम्भः॥३.१८॥
तस्मिन् सुराणां विजयाभ्युपाये तवैव नामास्त्रगतिः कृती त्वम् ।
अप्य् अप्रसिद्धं यशसे हि पुंसाम् अनन्यसाधारणम् एव कर्म॥३.१९॥
सुराः समभ्यर्थयितार एते कार्यं त्रयाणाम् अपि विष्टपानाम् ।
चापेन ते कर्म न चातिहिंस्रम् अहो बतासि स्पृहणीयवीर्यः॥३.२०॥
मधुश् च ते मन्मथ साहचर्याद् आसव् अनुक्तो ऽपि सहाय एव ।
समीरणो नोदयिता भवेति व्यादिश्यते केन हुताशनस्य॥३.२१॥
तथेति शेषाम् इव भर्तुर् आज्ञाम् आदाय मूर्ध्ना मदनः प्रतस्थे ।
ऐरावतास्फालनकर्कशेन हस्तेन पस्पर्श तदङ्गम् इन्द्रः॥३.२२॥
स माधवेनाभिमतेन सख्या रत्या च साशङ्कम् अनुप्रयातः ।
अङ्गव्ययप्रार्थितकार्यसिद्धिः स्थाण्वाश्रमं हैमवतं जगाम॥३.२३॥
तस्मिन् वने संयमिनां मुनीनां तपःसमाधेः प्रतिकूलवर्ती ।
संकल्पयोनेर् अभिमानभूतम् आत्मानम् आधाय मधुर् जजृम्भे॥३.२४॥
कुबेरगुप्तां दिशम् उष्णरश्मौ गन्तुं प्रवृत्ते समयं विलङ्घ्य ।
दिग् दक्षिणा गन्धवहं मुखेन व्यलीकनिःश्वासम् इवोत्ससर्ज॥३.२५॥
असूत सद्यः कुसुमान्य् अशोकः स्कन्धात् प्रभृत्य् एव सपल्लवानि ।
पादेन नापैक्षत सुन्दरीणां संपर्कम् आसिञ्जितनूपुरेण॥३.२६॥
सद्यः प्रवालोद्गमचारुपत्रे नीते समाप्तिं नवचूतबाणे ।
निवेशयाम् आस मधुर् द्विरेफान् नामाक्षराणीव मनोभवस्य॥३.२७॥
वर्णप्रकर्षे सति कर्णिकारं दुनोति निर्गन्धतया स्म चेतः ।
प्रायेण सामग्र्यविधौ गुणानां पराङ्मुखी विश्वसृजः प्रवृत्तिः॥३.२८॥
बालेन्दुवक्राण्य् अविकासभावाद् बभुः पलाशान्य् अतिलोहितानि ।
सद्यो वसन्तेन समागतानां नखक्षतानीव वनस्थलीनाम्॥३.२९॥
लग्नद्विरेफाञ्जनभक्तिचित्रम् मुखे मधुश्रीस् तिलकं प्रकाश्य ।
रागेण बालारुणकोमलेन चूतप्रवालोष्ठम् अलंचकार॥३.३०॥
मृगाः प्रियालद्रुममञ्जरीणां रजःकणैर् विघ्नितदृष्टिपाताः ।
मदोद्धताः प्रत्यनिलं विचेरुर् वनस्थलीर् मर्मरपत्रमोक्षाः॥३.३१॥
चूताङ्कुरास्वादकषायकण्ठः पुंस्कोकिलो यन् मधुरं चुकूज ।
मनस्विनीमानविघातदक्षं तद् एव जातं वचनं स्मरस्य॥३.३२॥
हिमव्यपायाद् विशदाधराणाम् आपाण्डुरीभूतमुखच्छवीनाम् ।
स्वेदोद्गमः किंपुरुषाङ्गनानां चक्रे पदं पत्रविशेषकेषु॥३.३३॥
तपस्विनः स्थाणुवनौकसस् ताम् आकालिकीं वीक्ष्य मधुप्रवृत्तिम् ।
प्रयत्नसंस्तम्भितविक्रियाणां कथं चिद् ईशा मनसां बभूवुः॥३.३४॥
तं देशम् आरोपितपुष्पचापे रतिद्वितीये मदने प्रपन्ने ।
काष्ठागतस्नेहरसानुविद्धं द्वन्द्वानि भावं क्रियया विवव्रुः॥३.३५॥
मधु द्विरेफः कुसुमैकपात्रे पपौ प्रियां स्वाम् अनुवर्तमानः ।
शृङ्गेण च स्पर्शनिमीलिताक्षीं मृगीम् अकण्डूयत कृष्णसारः॥३.३६॥
ददौ रसात् पङ्कजरेणुगन्धि गजाय गण्डूषजलं करेणुः ।
अर्धोपभुक्तेन बिसेन जायां संभावयाम् आस रथाङ्गनामा॥३.३७॥
गीतान्तरेषु श्रमवारिलेशैः किंचित्समुच्छ्वासितपत्रलेखम् ।
पुष्पासवाघूर्णितनेत्रशोभि प्रियामुखं किंपुरुषश् चुचुम्बे॥३.३८॥
पर्याप्तपुष्पस्तबकस्तनाभ्यः स्फुरत्प्रवालौष्ठमनोहराभ्यः ।
लतावधूभ्यस् तरवो ऽप्य् अवापुर् विनम्रशाखाभुजबन्धनानि॥३.३९॥
श्रुताप्सरोगीतिर् अपि क्षणे ऽस्मिन् हरः प्रसंख्यानपरो बभूव ।
आत्मेश्वराणां न हि जातु विघ्नाः समाधिभेदप्रभवो भवन्ति॥३.४०॥
लतागृहद्वारगतो ऽथ नन्दी वामप्रकोष्ठार्पितहेमवेत्रः ।
मुखार्पितैकाङ्गुलिसंज्ञयैव मा चापलायेति गणान् व्यनैषीत्॥३.४१॥
निष्कम्पवृक्षं निभृतद्विरेफं मूकाण्डजं शान्तमृगप्रचारम् ।
तच्छासनात् काननम् एव सर्वं चित्रार्पितारम्भम् इवावतस्थे॥३.४२॥
दृष्टिप्रपातं परिहृत्य तस्य कामः पुरःशुक्रम् इव प्रयाणे ।
प्रान्तेषु संसक्तनमेरुशाखं ध्यानास्पदं भूतपतेर् विवेश॥३.४३॥
स देवदारुद्रुमवेदिकायां शार्दूलचर्मव्यवधानवत्याम् ।
आसीनम् आसन्नशरीरपातस् त्र्यम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श॥३.४४॥
पर्यङ्कबन्धस्थिरपूर्वकायम् ऋज्वायतं संनमितोभयांसम् ।
उत्तानपाणिद्वयसंनिवेशात् प्रफुल्लराजीवम् इवाङ्कमध्ये॥३.४५॥
भुजंगमोन्नद्धजटाकलापं कर्णावसक्तद्विगुणाक्षसूत्रम् ।
कण्ठप्रभासङ्गविशेषनीलां कृष्णत्वचं ग्रन्थिमतीं दधानम्॥३.४६॥
किंचित्प्रकाशस्तिमितोग्रतारैर् भ्र्ऊविक्रियायां विरतप्रसङ्गैः ।
नेत्रैर् अविस्पन्दितपक्ष्ममालैर् लक्ष्यीकृतघ्राणम् अधोमयूखैः॥३.४७॥
अवृष्टिसंरम्भम् इवाम्बुवाहम् अपाम् इवाधारम् अनुत्तरङ्गम् ।
अन्तश्चराणां मरुतां निरोधान् निवातनिष्कम्पम् इव प्रदीपम्॥३.४८॥
कपालनेत्रान्तरलब्धमार्गैर् ज्योतिःप्ररोहैर् उदितैः शिरस्तः ।
मृणालसूत्राधिकसौकुमार्यां बालस्य लक्ष्मीं ग्लपयन्तम् इन्दोः॥३.४९॥
मनो नवद्वारनिषिद्धवृत्ति हृदि व्यवस्थाप्य समाधिवश्यम् ।
यम् अक्षरं क्षेत्रविदो विदुस् तम् आत्मानम् आत्मन्य् अवलोकयन्तम्॥३.५०॥
स्मरस् तथाभूतम् अयुग्मनेत्रं पश्यन्न् अदूरान् मनसाप्य् अधृष्यम् ।
नालक्षयत् साध्वससन्नहस्तः स्रस्तं शरं चापम् अपि स्वहस्तात्॥३.५१॥
निर्वाणभूयिष्ठम् अथास्य वीर्यं संधुक्षयन्तीव वपुर्गुणेन ।
अनुप्रयाता वनदेवताभ्याम् अदृश्यत स्थावरराजकन्या॥३.५२॥
अशोकनिर्भर्त्सितपद्मरागम् आकृष्टहेमद्युतिकर्णिकारम् ।
मुक्ताकलापीकृतसिन्दुवारं वसन्तपुष्पाभरणं वहन्ती॥३.५३॥
आवर्जिता किं चिद् इव स्तनाभ्यां वासो वसाना तरुणार्करागम् ।
पर्याप्तपुष्पस्तबकावनम्रा संचारिणी पल्लविनी लतेव॥३.५४॥
स्रस्तां नितम्बाद् अवलम्बमाना पुनः-पुनः केसरदामकाञ्चीम् ।
न्यासीकृतां स्थानविदा स्मरेण मौर्वीं द्वितीयाम् इव कार्मुकस्य॥३.५५॥
सुगन्धिनिःश्वासविवृद्धतृष्णं बिम्बाधरासन्नचरं द्विरेफम् ।
प्रतिक्षणं संभ्रमलोलदृष्टिर् लीलारविन्देन निवारयन्ती॥३.५६॥
तां वीक्ष्य सर्वावयवानवद्यां रतेर् अपि ह्रीपदम् आदधानाम् ।
जितेन्द्रिये शूलिनि पुष्पचापः स्वकार्यसिद्धिं पुनर् आशशंसे॥३.५७॥
भविष्यतः पत्युर् उमा च शंभोः समाससाद प्रतिहारभूमिम् ।
योगात् स चान्तः परमात्मसंज्ञं दृष्ट्वा परं ज्योतिर् उपारराम॥३.५८॥
ततो भुजंगाधिपतेः फणाग्रैर् अधः कथं चिद् धृतभूमिभागः ।
शनैः कृतप्राणविमुक्तिर् ईशः पर्यङ्कबन्धं निबिडं बिभेद॥३.५९॥
तस्मै शशंस प्रणिपत्य नन्दी शुश्र्ऊषया शैलसुताम् उपेताम् ।
प्रवेशयाम् आस च भर्तुर् एनां भ्र्ऊक्षेपमात्रानुमतप्रवेशाम्॥३.६०॥
तस्याः सखीभ्यां प्रणिपातपूर्वं स्वहस्तलूनः शिशिरात्ययस्य ।
व्यकीर्यत त्र्यम्बकपादमूले पुष्पोच्चयः पल्लवभङ्गभिन्नः॥३.६१॥
उमापि नीलालकमध्यशोभि विस्रंसयन्ती नवकर्णिकारम् ।
चकार कर्णच्युतपल्लवेन मूर्ध्ना प्रणामं वृषभध्वजाय॥३.६२॥
अनन्यभाजं पतिम् आप्नुहीति सा तथ्यम् एवाभिहिता भवेन ।
न हीश्वरव्याहृतयः कदा चित् पुष्यन्ति लोके विपरीतम् अर्थम्॥३.६३॥
कामस् तु बाणावसरं प्रतीक्ष्य पतङ्गवद् वह्निमुखं विविक्षुः ।
उमासमक्षं हरबद्धलक्ष्यः शरासनज्यां मुहुर् आममर्श॥३.६४॥
अथोपनिन्ये गिरिशाय गौरी तपस्विने ताम्ररुचा करेण ।
विशोषितां भानुमतो मयूखैर् मन्दाकिनीपुष्करबीजमालाम्॥३.६५॥
प्रतिग्रहीतुं प्रणयिप्रियत्वात् त्रिलोचनस् ताम् उपचक्रमे च ।
संमोहनं नाम च पुष्पधन्वा धनुष्य् अमोघं समधत्त बाणम्॥३.६६॥
हरस् तु किंचित्परिलुप्तधैर्यश् चन्द्रोदयारम्भ इवाम्बुराशिः ।
उमामुखे बिम्बफलाधरोष्ठे व्यापारयाम् आस विलोचनानि॥३.६७॥
विवृण्वती शैलसुतापि भावम् अङ्गैः स्फुरद्बालकदम्बकल्पैः ।
साचीकृता चारुतरेण तस्थौ मुखेन पर्यस्तविलोचनेन॥३.६८॥
अथेन्द्रियक्षोभम् अयुग्मनेत्रः पुनर् वशित्वाद् बलवन् निगृह्य ।
हेतुं स्वचेतोविकृतेर् दिदृक्षुर् दिशाम् उपान्तेषु ससर्ज दृष्टिम्॥३.६९॥
स दक्षिणापाङ्गनिविष्टमुष्टिं नतांसम् आकुञ्चितसव्यपादम् ।
ददर्श चक्रीकृतचारुचापं प्रहर्तुम् अभ्युद्यतम् आत्मयोनिम्॥३.७०॥
तपःपरामर्शविवृद्धमन्योर् भ्र्ऊभङ्गदुष्प्रेक्ष्यमुखस्य तस्य ।
स्फुरन्न् उदर्चिः सहसा तृतीयाद् अक्ष्णः कृशानुः किल निष्पपात॥३.७१॥
क्रोधं प्रभो संहर संहरेति यावद् गिरः खे मरुतां चरन्ति ।
तावत् स वह्निर् भवनेत्रजन्मा भस्मावशेषं मदनं चकार॥३.७२॥
तीव्राभिषङ्गप्रभवेण वृत्तिम् मोहेन संस्तम्भयतेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
अज्ञातभर्तृव्यसना मुहूर्तं कृतोपकारेव रतिर् बभूव॥३.७३॥
तम् आशु विघ्नं तपसस् तपस्वी वनस्पतिं वज्र इवावभज्य ।
स्त्रीसंनिकर्षं परिहर्तुम् इच्छन्न् अन्तर्दधे भूतपतिः सभूतः॥३.७४॥
शैलात्मजापि पितुर् उच्छिरसो ऽभिलाषं व्यर्थं समर्थ्य ललितं वपुर् आत्मनश् च ।
सख्योः समक्षम् इति चाधिकजातलज्जा शून्या जगाम भवनाभिमुखी कथं चित्॥३.७५॥
सपदि मुकुलिताक्षीं रुद्रसंरम्भभीत्या दुहितरम् अनुकम्प्याम् अद्रिर् आदाय दोर्भ्याम् ।
सुरगज इव बिभ्रत् पद्मिनीं दन्तलग्नां प्रतिपथगतिर् आसीद् वेगदीर्घीकृताङ्गः॥३.७६॥
अथ मोहपरायणा सती विवशा कामवधूर् विबोधिता ।
विधिना प्रतिपादयिष्यता नववैधव्यम् असह्यवेदनम्॥४.१॥
अवधानपरे चकार सा प्रलयान्तोन्मिषिते विलोचने ।
न विवेद तयोर् अतृप्तयोः प्रियम् अत्यन्तविलुप्तदर्शनम्॥४.२॥
अयि जीवितनाथ जीवसीत्य् अभिधायोत्थितया तया पुरः ।
ददृशे पुरुषाकृति क्षितौ हरकोपानलभस्म केवलम्॥४.३॥
अथ सा पुनर् एव विह्वला वसुधालिङ्गनधूसरस्तनी ।
विललाप विकीर्णमूर्धजा समदुःखाम् इव कुर्वती स्थलीम्॥४.४॥
उपमानम् अभूद् विलासिनां करणं यत् तव कान्तिमत्तया ।
तद् इदं गतम् ईदृशीं दशां न विदीर्ये कठिनाः खलु स्त्रियः॥४.५॥
क्व नु मां त्वदधीनजीवितां विनिकीर्य क्षणभिन्नसौहृदः ।
नलिनीं क्षतसेतुबन्धनो जलसंघात इवासि विद्रुतः॥४.६॥
कृतवान् असि विप्रियं न मे प्रतिकूलं न च ते मया कृतम् ।
किम् अकारणम् एव दर्शनं विलपन्त्यै रतये न दीयते॥४.७॥
स्मरसि स्मर मेखलागुणैर् उत गोत्रस्खलितेषु बन्धनम् ।
च्युतकेशरदूषितेक्षणान्य् अवतंसोत्पलताडनानि वा॥४.८॥
हृदये वससीति मत्प्रियं यद् अवोचस् तद् अवैमि कैतवम् ।
उपचारपदं न चेद् इदं त्वम् अनङ्गः कथम् अक्षता रतिः॥४.९॥
परलोकनवप्रवासिनः प्रतिपत्स्ये पदवीम् अहं तव ।
विधिना जन एष वञ्चितस् त्वदधीनं खलु देहिनां सुखम्॥४.१०॥
रजनीतिमिरावगुण्ठिते पुरमार्गे घनशब्दविक्लवाः ।
वसतिं प्रिय कामिनां प्रियास् त्वद् ऋते प्रापयितुं क ईश्वरः॥४.११॥
नयनान्य् अरुणानि घूर्णयन् वचनानि स्खलयन् पदे-पदे ।
असति त्वयि वारुणीमदः प्रमदानाम् अधुना विडम्बना॥४.१२॥
अवगम्य कथीकृतं वपुः प्रियबन्धोस् तव निष्फलोदयः ।
बहुले ऽपि गते निशाकरस् तनुतां दुःखम् अनङ्ग मोक्ष्यति॥४.१३॥
हरितारुणचारुबन्धनः कलपुंस्कोकिलशब्दसूचितः ।
वद संप्रति कस्य बाणतां नवचूतप्रसवो गमिष्यति॥४.१४॥
अलिपङ्क्तिर् अनेकशस् त्वया गुणकृत्ये धनुषो नियोजिता ।
विरुतैः करुणस्वनैर् इयं गुरुशोकाम् अनुरोदितीव माम्॥४.१५॥
प्रतिपद्य मनोहरं वपुः पुनर् अप्य् आदिश तावद् उत्थितः ।
रतिदूतिपदेषु कोकिलां मधुरालापनिसर्गपण्डिताम्॥४.१६॥
शिरसा प्रणिपत्य याचितान्य् उपगूढानि सवेपथूनि च ।
सुरतानि च तानि ते रहः स्मर संस्मृत्य न शान्तिर् अस्ति मे॥४.१७॥
रचितं रतिपण्डित त्वया स्वयम् अङ्गेषु ममेदम् आर्तवम् ।
ध्रियते कुसुमप्रसाधनं तव तच् चारु वपुर् न दृश्यते॥४.१८॥
विबुधैर् असि यस्य दारुणैर् असमाप्ते परिकर्मणि स्मृतः ।
तम् इमं कुरु दक्षिणेतरं चरणं निर्मितरागम् एहि मे॥४.१९॥
अहम् एत्य पतङ्गवर्त्मना पुनर् अङ्काश्रयिणी भवामि ते ।
चतुरैः सुरकामिनीजनैः प्रिय यावन् न विलोभ्यसे दिवि॥४.२०॥
मदनेन विनाकृता रतिः क्षणमात्रं किल जीवितेति मे ।
वचनीयम् इदं व्यवस्थितं रमण त्वाम् अनुयामि यद्य् अपि॥४.२१॥
क्रियतां कथम् अन्त्यमण्डनं परलोकान्तरितस्य ते मया ।
समम् एव गतो ऽस्य् अतर्कितां गतिम् अङ्गेन च जीवितेन च॥४.२२॥
ऋजुतां नयतः स्मरामि ते शरम् उत्सङ्गनिषण्णधन्वनः ।
मधुना सह सस्मितं कथां नयनोपान्तविलोकितं च यत्॥४.२३॥
क्व नु ते हृदयंगमः सखा कुसुमायोजितकार्मुको मधुः ।
न खलूग्ररुषा पिनाकिना गमितः सो ऽपि सुहृद्गतां गतिम्॥४.२४॥
अथ तैः परिदेविताक्षरैर् हृदये दिग्धशरैर् इवार्दितः ।
रतिम् अभ्युपपत्तुम् आतुरां मधुर् आत्मानम् अदर्शयत् पुरः॥४.२५॥
तम् अवेक्ष्य रुरोद सा भृशं स्तनसंबाधम् उरो जघान च ।
स्वजनस्य हि दुःखम् अग्रतो विवृतद्वारम् इवोपजायते॥४.२६॥
इति चैनम् उवाच दुःखिता सुहृदः पश्य वसन्त किं स्थितम् ।
यद् इदं कणशः प्रकीर्यते पवनैर् भस्म कपोतकर्बुरम्॥४.२७॥
अयि संप्रति देहि दर्शनं स्मर पर्युत्सुक एष माधवः ।
दयितास्व् अनवस्थितं नृणां न खलु प्रेम चलं सुहृज्जने॥४.२८॥
अमुना ननु पार्श्ववर्तिना जगद् आज्ञां ससुरासुरं तव ।
बिसतन्तुगुणस्य कारितं धनुषः पेलवपुष्पपत्रिणः॥४.२९॥
गत एव न ते निवर्तते स सखा दीप इवानिलाहतः ।
अहम् अस्य दशेव पश्य माम् अविषह्यव्यसनप्रधूषिताम्॥४.३०॥
विधिना कृतम् अर्धवैशसं ननु माम् कामवधे विमुञ्चता ।
अनघापि हि संश्रयद्रुमे गजभग्ने पतनाय वल्लरी॥४.३१॥
तद् इदं क्रियताम् अनन्तरं भवता बन्धुजनप्रयोजनम् ।
विधुरां ज्वलनातिसर्जनान् ननु मां प्रापय पत्युर् अन्तिकम्॥४.३२॥
शशिना सह याति कौमुदी सह मेघेन तडित् प्रलीयते ।
प्रमदाः पतिवर्त्मगा इति प्रतिपन्नं हि विचेतनैर् अपि॥४.३३॥
अमुनैव कषायितस्तनी सुभगेन प्रियगात्रभस्मना ।
नवपल्लवसंस्तरे यथा रचयिष्यामि तनुं विभावसौ॥४.३४॥
कुसुमास्तरणे सहायतां बहुशः सौम्य गतस् त्वम् आवयोः ।
कुरु संप्रति तावद् आशु मे प्रणिपाताञ्जलियाचितश् चिताम्॥४.३५॥
तद् अनु ज्वलनं मदर्पितं त्वरयेर् दक्षिणवातवीजनैः ।
विदितं खलु ते यथा स्मरः क्षणम् अप्य् उत्सहते न मां विना॥४.३६॥
इति चापि विधाय दीयतां सलिलस्याञ्जलिर् एक एव नौ ।
अविभज्य परत्र तं मया सहितः पास्यति ते स बान्धवः॥४.३७॥
परलोकविधौ च माधव स्मरम् उद्दिश्य विलोलपल्लवाः ।
निवपेः सहकारमञ्जरीः प्रियचूतप्रसवो हि ते सखा॥४.३८॥
इति देवविमुक्तये स्थितां रतिम् आकाशभवा सरस्वती ।
शफरीं ह्रदशोषविक्लवां प्रथमा वृष्टिर् इवान्वकम्पत॥४.३९॥
कुसुमायुधपत्नि दुर्लभस् तव भर्ता न चिराद् भविष्यति ।
शृणु येन स कर्मणा गतः शलभत्वं हरलोचनार्चिषि॥४.४०॥
अभिलाषम् उदीरितेन्द्रियः स्वसुतायाम् अकरोत् प्रजापतिः ।
अथ तेन निगृह्य विक्रियाम् अभिशप्तः फलम् एतद् अन्वभूत्॥४.४१॥
परिणेष्यति पार्वतीं यदा तपसा तत्प्रवणीकृतो हरः ।
उपलब्धसुखस् तदा स्मरं वपुषा स्वेन नियोजयिष्यति॥४.४२॥
इति चाह स धर्मयाचितः स्मरशापावधिदां सरस्वतीम् ।
अशनेर् अमृतस्य चोभयोर् वशिनश् चाम्बुधराश् च योनयः॥४.४३॥
तद् इदं परिरक्ष शोभने भवितव्यप्रियसंगमं वपुः ।
रविपीतजला तपात्यये पुनर् ओघेन हि युज्यते नदी॥४.४४॥
इत्थं रतेः किम् अपि भूतम् अदृश्यर्ऊपं मन्दीचकार मरणव्यवसायबुद्धिम् ।
तत्प्रत्ययाच् च कुसुमायुधबन्धुर् एनाम् आश्वासयत् सुचरितार्थपदैर् वचोभिः॥४.४५॥
अथ मदनवधूर् उपप्लवान्तं व्यसनकृशा परिपालयां बभूव ।
शशिन इव दिवातनस्य लेखा किरणपरिक्षयधूसरा प्रदोषम्॥४.४६॥
तथा समक्षं दहता मनोभवं पिनाकिना भग्नमनोरथा सती ।
निनिन्द र्ऊपं हृदयेन पार्वती प्रियेषु सौभाग्यफला हि चारुता॥५.१॥
इयेष सा कर्तुम् अवन्ध्यर्ऊपतां समाधिम् आस्थाय तपोभिर् आत्मनः ।
अवाप्यते वा कथम् अन्यथा द्वयं तथाविधं प्रेम पतिश् च तादृशः॥५.२॥
निशम्य चैनां तपसे कृतोद्यमां सुतां गिरीशप्रतिसक्तमानसाम् ।
उवाच मेना परिरभ्य वक्षसा निवारयन्ती महतो मुनिव्रतात्॥५.३॥
मनीषिताः सन्ति गृहे ऽपि देवतास् तपः क्व वत्से क्व च तावकं वपुः ।
पदं सहेत भ्रमरस्य पेलवं शिरीशपुष्पं न पुनः पतत्रिणः॥५.४॥
इति ध्रुवेच्छाम् अनुशासती सुतां शशाक मेना न नियन्तुम् उद्यमात् ।
क ईप्सितार्थस्थिरनिश्चयं मनः पयश् च निम्नाभिमुखं प्रतीपयेत्॥५.५॥
कदा चिद् आसन्नसखीमुखेन सा मनोरथज्ञं पितरं मनस्विनी ।
अयाचतारण्यनिवासम् आत्मनः फलोदयान्ताय तपःसमाधये॥५.६॥
अथानुर्ऊपाभिनिवेशतोषिणा कृताभ्यनुज्ञा गुरुणा गरीयसा ।
प्रजासु पश्चात् प्रथितं तदाख्यया जगाम गौरी शिखरं शिखण्डिमत्॥५.७॥
विमुच्य सा हारम् अहार्यनिश्चया विलोलयष्टिप्रविलुप्तचन्दनम् ।
बबन्ध बालारुणबभ्रु वल्कलं पयोधरोत्सेधविशीर्णसंहति॥५.८॥
यथा प्रसिद्धैर् मधुरं शिरोरुहैर् जटाभिर् अप्य् एवम् अभूत् तदाननम् ।
न शट्पदश्रेणिभिर् एव पङ्कजं सशैवलासङ्गम् अपि प्रकाशते॥५.९॥
प्रतिक्षणं सा कृतरोमविक्रियां व्रताय मौञ्जीं त्रिगुणां बभार याम् ।
अकारि तत्पूर्वनिबद्धया तया सरागम् अस्या रसनागुणास्पदम्॥५.१०॥
विसृष्टरागाद् अधरान् निवर्तितः स्तनाङ्गरागारुणिताच् च कन्दुकात् ।
कुशाङ्कुरादानपरिक्षताङ्गुलिः कृतो ऽक्षसूत्रप्रणयी तया करः॥५.११॥
महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः स्वकेशपुष्पैर् अपि या स्म दूयते ।
अशेत सा बाहुलतोपधायिनी निषेदुषी स्थण्डिल एव केवले॥५.१२॥
पुनर् ग्रहीतुं नियमस्थया तया द्वये ऽपि निक्षेप इवार्पितम् द्वयम् ।
लतासु तन्वीषु विलासचेष्टितं विलोलदृष्टं हरिणाङ्गनासु च॥५.१३॥
अतन्द्रिता सा स्वयम् एव वृक्षकान् घटस्तनप्रस्रवणैर् व्यवर्धयत् ।
गुहो ऽपि येषां प्रथमाप्तजन्मनां न पुत्रवात्सल्यम् अपाकरिष्यति॥५.१४॥
अरण्यबीजाञ्जलिदानलालितास् तथा च तस्यां हरिणा विशश्वसुः ।
यथा तदीयैर् नयनैः कुतूहलात् पुरः सखीनाम् अमिमीत लोचने॥५.१५॥
कृताभिशेकां हुतजातवेदसं त्वगुत्तरासङ्गवतीम् अधीतिनीम् ।
दिग्दृक्षवस् ताम् ऋषयो ऽभ्युपागमन् न धर्मवृद्धेषु वयः समीक्ष्यते॥५.१६॥
विरोधिसत्त्वोज्झितपूर्वमत्सरं द्रुमैर् अभीष्टप्रसवार्चितातिथि ।
नवोटजाभ्यन्तरसंभृतानलं तपोवनं तच् च बभूव पावनम्॥५.१७॥
यदा फलं पूर्वतपःसमाधिना न तावता लभ्यम् अमंस्त काङ्क्षितम् ।
तदानपेक्ष्य स्वशरीरमार्दवं तपो महत् सा चरितुं प्रचक्रमे॥५.१८॥
क्लमं ययौ कन्दुकलीलयापि या तया मुनीनां चरितं व्यगाह्यत ।
ध्रुवं वपुः काञ्चनपद्मनिर्मितं मृदु प्रकृत्या च ससारम् एव च॥५.१९॥
शुचौ चतुर्णां ज्वलतां हविर्भुजां शुचिस्मिता मध्यगता सुमध्यमा ।
विजित्य नेत्रप्रतिघातिनीं प्रभाम् अनन्यदृष्टिः सवितारम् ऐक्षत॥५.२०॥
तथाभितप्तं सवितुर् गभस्तिभिर् मुखं तदीयं कमलश्रियं दधौ ।
अपाङ्गयोः केवलम् अस्य दीर्घयोः शनैः-शनैः श्यामिकया कृतं पदम्॥५.२१॥
अयाचितोपस्थितम् अम्बु केवलं रसात्मकस्योडुपतेश् च रश्मयः ।
बभूव तस्याः किल पारणाविधिर् न वृक्षवृत्तिव्यतिरिक्तसाधनः॥५.२२॥
निकामतप्ता विविधेन वह्निना नभश्चरेणेन्धनसंभृतेन च ।
तपात्यये वारिभिर् उक्षिता नवैर् भुवा सहोष्माणम् अमुञ्चद् ऊर्ध्वगम्॥५.२३॥
स्थिताः क्षणं पक्ष्मसु ताडिताधराः पयोधरोत्सेधनिपातचूर्णिताः ।
वलीषु तस्याः स्खलिताः प्रपेदिरे चिरेण नाभिं प्रथमोदबिन्दवः॥५.२४॥
शिलाशयां ताम् अनिकेतवासिनीं निरन्तरास्व् अन्तरवातवृष्टिषु ।
व्यलोकयन्न् उन्मिषितैस् तडिन्मयैर् महातपःसाक्ष्य इव स्थिताः क्षपाः॥५.२५॥
निनाय सात्यन्तहिमोत्किरानिलाः सहस्यरात्रीर् उदवासतत्परा ।
परस्पराक्रन्दिनि चक्रवाकयोः पुरो वियुक्ते मिथुने कृपावती॥५.२६॥
मुखेन सा पद्मसुगन्धिना निशि प्रवेपमानाधरपत्रशोभिना ।
तुषारवृष्टिक्षतपद्मसंपदां सरोजसंधानम् इवाकरोद् अपाम्॥५.२७॥
स्वयंविशीर्णद्रुमपर्णवृत्तिता परा हि काष्ठा तपसस् तया पुनः ।
तद् अप्य् अपाकीर्णम् अतः प्रियंवदां वदन्त्य् अपर्णेति च तां पुराविदः॥५.२८॥
मृणालिकापेलवम् एवमादिभिर् व्रतैः स्वम् अङ्गं ग्लपयन्त्य् अहर्निशम् ।
तपः शरीरैः कठिनैर् उपार्जितं तपस्विनां दूरम् अधश् चकार सा॥५.२९॥
अथाजिनाषाढधरः प्रगल्भवाग् ज्वलन्न् इव ब्रह्ममयेन तेजसा ।
विवेश कश्चिज् जटिलस् तपोवनं शरीरबद्धः प्रथमाश्रमो यथा॥५.३०॥
तम् आतिथेयी बहुमानपूर्वया सपर्यया प्रत्युदियाय पार्वती ।
भवन्ति साम्ये ऽपि निविष्टचेतसां वपुर्विशेषेष्व् अतिगौरवाः क्रियाः॥५.३१॥
विधिप्रयुक्तां परिगृह्य सत्क्रियां परिश्रमं नाम विनीय च क्षणम् ।
उमां स पश्यन्न् ऋजुनैव चक्षुषा प्रचक्रमे वक्तुम् अनुज्झितक्रमः॥५.३२॥
अपि क्रियार्थं सुलभं समित्कुशं जलान्य् अपि स्नानविधिक्षमाणि ते ।
अपि स्वशक्त्या तपसि प्रवर्तसे शरीरम् आद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम्॥५.३३॥
अपि त्वदावर्जितवारिसंभृतं प्रवालम् आसाम् अनुबन्धि वीरुधाम् ।
चिरोज्झितालक्तकपाटलेन ते तुलां यद् आरोहति दन्तवाससा॥५.३४॥
अपि प्रसन्नं हरिणेषु ते मनः करस्थदर्भप्रणयापहारिषु ।
य उत्पलाक्षि प्रचलैर् विलोचनैस् तवाक्षिसादृश्यम् इव प्रयुञ्जते॥५.३५॥
यद् उच्यते पार्वति पापवृत्तये न र्ऊपम् इत्य् अव्यभिचारि तद् वचः ।
तथा हि ते शीलम् उदारदर्शने तपस्विनाम् अप्य् उपदेशतां गतम्॥५.३६॥
विकीर्णसप्तर्षिबलिप्रहासिभिस् तथा न गाङ्गैः सलिलैर् दिवश् च्युतैः ।
यथा त्वदीयैश् चरितैर् अनाविलैर् महीधरः पावित एष सान्वयः॥५.३७॥
अनेन धर्मः सविशेषम् अद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि ।
त्वया मनोनिर्विषयार्थकामया यद् एक एव प्रतिगृह्य सेव्यते॥५.३८॥
प्रयुक्तसत्कारविशेषम् आत्मना न मां परं संप्रतिपत्तुम् अर्हसि ।
यतः सतां संनतगात्रि संगतं मनीषिभिः साप्तपदीनम् उच्यते॥५.३९॥
अतो ऽत्र किंचिद् भवतीं बहुक्षमां द्विजातिभावाद् उपपन्नचापलः ।
अयं जनः प्रष्टुमनास् तपोधने न चेद् रहस्यं प्रतिवक्तुम् अर्हसि॥५.४०॥
कुले प्रसूतिः प्रथमस्य वेधसस् त्रिलोकसौन्दर्यम् इवोदितं वपुः ।
अमृग्यम् ऐश्वर्यसुखं नवं वयस् तपःफलं स्यात् किम् अतः परं वद॥५.४१॥
भवत्य् अनिष्टाद् अपि नाम दुःसहान् मनस्विनीनां प्रतिपत्तिर् ईदृशी ।
विचारमार्गप्रहितेन चेतसा न दृश्यते तच् च कृशोदरि त्वयि॥५.४२॥
अलभ्यशोकाभिभवेयम् आकृतिर् विमानना सुभ्रु कुतः पितुर् गृहे ।
पराभिमर्शो न तवास्ति कः करं प्रसारयेत् पन्नगरत्नसूचये॥५.४३॥
किम् इत्य् अपास्याभरणानि यौवने धृतं त्वया वार्द्धकशोभि वल्कलम् ।
वद प्रदोषे स्फुटचन्द्रतारके विभावरी यद्य् अरुणाय कल्पते॥५.४४॥
दिवं यदि प्रार्थयसे वृथा श्रमः पितुः प्रदेशास् तव देवभूमयः ।
अथोपयन्तारम् अलं समाधिना न रत्नम् अन्विष्यति मृग्यते हि तत्॥५.४५॥
निवेदितं निश्वसितेन सोष्मणा मनस् तु मे संशयम् एव गाहते ।
न दृश्यते प्रार्थयितव्य एव ते भविष्यति प्रार्थितदुर्लभः कथम्॥५.४६॥
अहो स्थिरः को ऽपि तवेप्सितो युवा चिराय कर्णोत्पलशून्यतां गते ।
उपेक्षते यः श्लथलम्बिनीर् जटाः कपोलदेशे कलमाग्रपिङ्गलाः॥५.४७॥
मुनिव्रतैस् त्वाम् अतिमात्रकर्शितां दिवाकराप्लुष्टविभूषणास्पदाम् ।
शशाङ्कलेखाम् इव पश्यतो दिवा सचेतसः कस्य मनो न दूयते॥५.४८॥
अवैमि सौभाग्यमदेन वञ्चितं तव प्रियं यश् चतुरावलोकिनः ।
करोति लक्ष्यं चिरम् अस्य चक्षुषो न वक्त्रम् आत्मीयम् अरालपक्ष्मणः॥५.४९॥
कियच् चिरं श्राम्यसि गौरि विद्यते ममापि पूर्वाश्रमसंचितं तपः ।
तदर्धभागेन लभस्व काङ्क्षितं वरं तम् इच्छामि च साधु वेदितुम्॥५.५०॥
इति प्रविश्याभिहिता द्विजन्मना मनोगतं सा न शशाक शंसितुम् ।
अथो वयस्यां परिपार्श्ववर्तिनीं विवर्तितानञ्जननेत्रम् ऐक्षत॥५.५१॥
सखी तदीया तम् उवाच वर्णिनं निबोध साधो तव चेत् कुतूहलम् ।
यदर्थम् अम्भोजम् इवोष्णवारणं कृतं तपःसाधनम् एतया वपुः॥५.५२॥
इयं महेन्द्रप्रभृतीन् अधिश्रियश् चतुर्दिगीशान् अवमत्य मानिनी ।
अर्ऊपहार्यं मदनस्य निग्रहात् पिनाकपाणिं पतिम् आप्तुम् इच्छति॥५.५३॥
असह्यहुंकारनिवर्तितः पुरा पुरारिम् अप्राप्तमुखः शिलीमुखः ।
इमां हृदि व्यायतपातम् अक्षणोद् विशीर्णमूर्तेर् अपि पुष्पधन्वनः॥५.५४॥
तदाप्रभृत्य् उन्मदना पितुर् गृहे ललाटिकाचन्दनधूसरालका ।
न जातु बाला लभते स्म निर्वृतिं तुषारसंघातशिलातलेष्व् अपि॥५.५५॥
उपात्तवर्णे चरिते पिनाकिनः सबाष्पकण्ठस्खलितैः पदैर् इयम् ।
अनेकशः किन्नरराजकन्यका वनान्तसंगीतसखीर् अरोदयत्॥५.५६॥
त्रिभागशेषासु निशासु च क्षणम् निमील्य नेत्रे सहसा व्यबुध्यत ।
क्व नीलकण्ठ व्रजसीत्य् अलक्ष्यवाग् असत्यकण्ठार्पितबाहुबन्धना॥५.५७॥
यदा बुधैः सर्वगतस् त्वम् उच्यसे न वेत्सि भावस्थम् इमं जनं कथम् ।
इति स्वहस्ताल्लिखितश् च मुग्धया रहस्य् उपालभ्यत चन्द्रशेखरः॥५.५८॥
यदा च तस्याधिगमे जगत्पतेर् अपश्यद् अन्यं न विधिं विचिन्वती ।
तदा सहास्माभिर् अनुज्ञया गुरोर् इयं प्रपन्ना तपसे तपोवनम्॥५.५९॥
द्रुमेषु सख्या कृतजन्मसु स्वयं फलं तपःसाक्षिषु दृष्टम् एष्व् अपि ।
न च प्ररोहाभिमुखो ऽपि दृश्यते मनोरथो ऽस्याः शशिमौलिसंश्रयः॥५.६०॥
न वेद्मि स प्रार्थितदुर्लभः कदा सखीभिर् अस्रोत्तरम् ईक्षिताम् इमाम् ।
तपःकृशाम् अभ्युपपत्स्यते सखीं वृषेव सीतां तदवग्रहक्षताम्॥५.६१॥
अगूढसद्भावम् इतीङ्गितज्ञया निवेदितो नैष्ठिकसुन्दरस् तया ।
अयीदम् एवं परिहास इत्य् उमाम् अपृच्छद् अव्यञ्जितहर्षलक्षणः॥५.६२॥
अथाग्रहस्ते मुकुलीकृताङ्गुलौ समर्पयन्ती स्फटिकाक्षमालिकाम् ।
कथं चिद् अद्रेस् तनया मिताक्षरं चिरव्यवस्थापितवाग् अभाषत॥५.६३॥
यथा श्रुतं वेदविदां वर त्वया जनो ऽयम् उच्चैःपदलङ्घनोत्सुकः ।
तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनं मनोरथानाम् अगतिर् न विद्यते॥५.६४॥
अथाह वर्णी विदितो महेश्वरस् तदर्थिनी त्वं पुनर् एव वर्तसे ।
अमङ्गलाभ्यासरतिं विचिन्त्य तं तवानुवृत्तिं न च कर्तुम् उत्सहे॥५.६५॥
अवस्तुनिर्बन्धपरे कथं नु ते करो ऽयम् आमुक्तविवाहकौतुकः ।
करेण शंभोर् वलयीकृताहिना सहिष्यते तत्प्रथमावलम्बनम्॥५.६६॥
त्वम् एव तावत् परिचिन्तय स्वयं कदा चिद् एते यदि योगम् अर्हतः ।
वधूदुकूलं कलहंसलक्षणं गजाजिनं शोणितबिन्दुवर्षि च॥५.६७॥
चतुष्कपुष्पप्रकराविकीर्णयोः परो ऽपि को नाम तवानुमन्यते ।
अलक्तकाङ्कानि पदानि पादयोर् विकीर्णकेशासु परेतभूमिषु॥५.६८॥
अयुक्तर्ऊपं किम् अतः परं वद त्रिनेत्रवक्षः सुलभं तवापि यत् ।
स्तनद्वये ऽस्मिन् हरिचन्दनास्पदे पदं चिताभस्मरजः करिष्यति॥५.६९॥
इयं च ते ऽन्या पुरतो विडम्बना यद् ऊढया वारणराजहार्यया ।
विलोक्य वृद्धोक्षम् अधिष्ठितं त्वया महाजनः स्मेरमुखो भविष्यति॥५.७०॥
द्वयं गतं संप्रति शोचनीयतां समागमप्रार्थनया कपालिनः ।
कला च सा कान्तिमती कलावतस् त्वम् अस्य लोकस्य च नेत्रकौमुदी॥५.७१॥
वपुर् विर्ऊपाक्षम् अलक्ष्यजन्मता दिगम्बरत्वेन निवेदितं वसु ।
वरेषु यद् बालमृगाक्षि मृग्यते तद् अस्ति किं व्यस्तम् अपि त्रिलोचने॥५.७२॥
निवर्तयास्माद् असदीप्सितान् मनः क्व तद्विधस् त्वं क्व च पुण्यलक्षणा ।
अपेक्ष्यते साधुजनेन वैदिकी श्मशानशूलस्य न यूपसत्क्रिया॥५.७३॥
इति द्विजातौ प्रतिकूलवादिनि प्रवेपमानाधरलक्ष्यकोपया ।
विकुञ्चितभ्र्ऊलतम् आहिते तया विलोचने तिर्यग् उपान्तलोहिते॥५.७४॥
उवाच चैनं परमार्थतो हरं न वेत्सि नूनं यत एवम् आत्थ माम् ।
अलोकसामान्यम् अचिन्त्यहेतुकं द्विषन्ति मन्दाश् चरितं महात्मनाम्॥५.७५॥
विपत्प्रतीकारपरेण मङ्गलं निषेव्यते भूतिसमुत्सुकेन वा ।
जगच्छरण्यस्य निराशिषः सतः किम् एभिर् आशोपहतात्मवृत्तिभिः॥५.७६॥
अकिञ्चनः सन् प्रभवः स संपदां त्रिलोकनाथः पितृसद्मगोचरः ।
स भीमर्ऊपः शिव इत्य् उदीर्यते न सन्ति याथार्थ्यविदः पिनाकिनः॥५.७७॥
विभूषणोद्भासि पिनद्धभोगि वा गजाजिनालम्बि दुकूलधारि वा ।
कपालि वा स्याद् अथ वेन्दुशेखरं न विश्वमूर्तेर् अवधार्यते वपुः॥५.७८॥
तदङ्गसंसर्गम् अवाप्य कल्पते ध्रुवं चिताभस्मरजो विशुद्धये ।
तथा हि नृत्याभिनयक्रियाच्युतं विलिप्यते मौलिभिर् अम्बरौकसां॥५.७९॥
असंपदस् तस्य वृषेण गच्छतः प्रभिन्नदिग्वारणवाहनो वृषा ।
करोति पादाव् उपगम्य मौलिना विनिद्रमन्दाररजोरुणाङ्गुली॥५.८०॥
विवक्षता दोषम् अपि च्युतात्मना त्वयैकम् ईशं प्रति साधु भाषितम् ।
यम् आमनन्त्य् आत्मभुवो ऽपि कारणं कथं स लक्ष्यप्रभवो भविष्यति॥५.८१॥
अलं विवादेन यथा श्रुतस् त्वया तथाविधस् तावद् अशेषम् अस्तु सः ।
ममात्र भावैकरसं मनः स्थितं न कामवृत्तिर् वचनीयम् ईक्षते॥५.८२॥
निवार्यताम् आलि किम् अप्य् अयं बटुः पुनर् विवक्षुः स्फुरितोत्तराधरः ।
न केवलं यो महतो ऽपभाषते शृणोति तस्माद् अपि यः स पापभाक्॥५.८३॥
इतो गमिश्याम्य् अथवेति वादिनी चचाल बाला स्तनभिन्नवल्कला ।
स्वर्ऊपम् आस्थाय च तां कृतस्मितः समाललम्बे वृषराजकेतनः॥५.८४॥
तं वीक्ष्य वेपथुमती सरसाङ्गयष्टिर् निक्षेपणाय पदम् उद्धृतम् उद्वहन्ती ।
मार्गाचलव्यतिकराकुलितेव सिन्धुः शैलाधिराजतनया न ययौ न तस्थौ॥५.८५॥
अद्यप्रभृत्य् अवनताङ्गि तवास्मि दासः क्रीतस् तपोभिर् इति वादिनि चन्द्रमौलौ ।
अह्नाय सा नियमजं क्लमम् उत्ससर्ज क्लेशः फलेन हि पुनर् नवतां विधत्ते॥५.८६॥
अथ विश्वात्मने गौरी संदिदेश मिथः सखीम् ।
दाता मे भूभृतां नाथः प्रमाणीक्रियताम् इति॥६.१॥
तया व्याहृतसंदेशा सा बभौ निभृता प्रिये ।
चूतयष्टिर् इवाभ्याष्ये मधौ परभृतामुखी॥६.२॥
स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय विसृज्य कथम् अप्य् उमाम् ।
ऋषीञ् ज्योतिर्मयान् सप्त सस्मार स्मरशासनः॥६.३॥
ते प्रभामण्डलैर् व्योम द्योतयन्तस् तपोधनाः ।
सारुन्धतीकाः सपदि प्रादुर् आसन् पुरः प्रभोः॥६.४॥
आप्लुतास् तीरमन्दार- कुसुमोत्किरवीचिषु ।
आकाशगङ्गास्रोतस्सु दिङ्नागमदगन्धिषु॥६.५॥
मुक्तायज्ञोपवीतानि बिभ्रतो हैमवल्कलाः ।
रत्नाक्षसूत्राः प्रव्रज्यां कल्पवृक्षा इवाश्रिताः॥६.६॥
अधःप्रवर्त्तिताश्वेन समावर्जितकेतुना ।
सहस्ररश्मिना शश्वत् सप्रमाणम् उदीक्षिताः॥६.७॥
आसक्तबाहुलतया सार्धम् उद्धृतया भुवा ।
महावराहदंष्ट्रायां विश्रान्ताः प्रलयापदि॥६.८॥
सर्गशेषप्रणयनाद् विश्वयोनेर् अनन्तरम् ।
पुरातनाः पुराविद्भिर् धातार इति कीर्तिताः॥६.९॥
प्राक्तनानां विशुद्धानां परिपाकम् उपेयुषाम् ।
तपसाम् उपभुञ्जानाः फलान्य् अपि तपस्विनः॥६.१०॥
तेषां मध्यगता साध्वी पत्युः पादार्पितेक्षणा ।
साक्षाद् इव तपःसिद्धिर् बभासे बह्व् अरुन्धती॥६.११॥
ताम् अगौरवभेदेन मुनींश् चापश्यद् ईश्वरः ।
स्त्री पुमान् इत्य् अनास्थैषा वृत्तं हि महितं सताम्॥६.१२॥
तद्दर्शनाद् अभूच् छम्भोर् भूयान् दारार्थम् आदरः ।
क्रियाणां खलु धर्म्याणां सत्पत्न्यो मूलसाधनम्॥६.१३॥
धर्मेणापि पदं शर्वे कारिते पार्वतीं प्रति ।
पूर्वापराधभीतस्य कामस्योच्छ्वासितं मनः॥६.१४॥
अथ ते मुनयः सर्वे मानयित्वा जगद्गुरुम् ।
इदम् ऊचुर् अनूचानाः प्रीतिकण्टकितत्वचः॥६.१५॥
यद् ब्रह्म सम्यग् आम्नातं यद् अग्नौ विधिना हुतम् ।
यच् च तप्तं तपस् तस्य विपक्वं फलम् अद्य नः॥६.१६॥
यद् अध्यक्षेण जगतां वयम् आरोपितास् त्वया ।
मनोरथस्याविषयं मनोविषयम् आत्मनः॥६.१७॥
यस्य चेतसि वर्तेथाः स तावत् कृतिनां वरः ।
किं पुनर् ब्रह्मयोनेर् यस् तव चेतसि वर्तते॥६.१८॥
सत्यम् अर्काच् च सोमाच् च परम् अध्यास्महे पदम् ।
अद्य तूच्चैस्तरं तस्मात् स्मरणानुग्रहात् तव॥६.१९॥
त्वत्संभावितम् आत्मानं बहु मन्यामहे वयम् ।
प्रायः प्रत्ययम् आधत्ते स्वगुणेषूत्तमादरः॥६.२०॥
या नः प्रीतिर् विर्ऊपाक्ष त्वदनुध्यानसंभवा ।
सा किम् आवेद्यते तुभ्यम् अन्तरात्मासि देहिनाम्॥६.२१॥
साक्षाद् दृष्टो ऽसि न पुनर् विद्मस् त्वां वयम् अञ्जसा ।
प्रसीद कथयात्मानं न धियां पथि वर्तसे॥६.२२॥
किं येन सृजसि व्यक्तम् उत येन बिभर्षि तत् ।
अथ विश्वस्य संहर्ता भागः कतम एष ते॥६.२३॥
अथवा सुमहत्य् एषा प्रार्थना देव तिष्ठतु ।
चिन्तितोपस्थितांस् तावच् छाधि नः करवाम किम्॥६.२४॥
अथ मौलिगतस्येन्दोर् विशदैर् दशनांशुभिः ।
उपचिन्वन् प्रभां तन्वीं प्रत्याह परमेश्वरः॥६.२५॥
विदितं वो यथा स्वार्था न मे काश्चित् प्रवृत्तयः ।
ननु मूर्तिभिर् अष्टाभिर् इत्थंभूतो ऽस्मि सूचितः॥६.२६॥
सो ऽहं तृष्णातुरैर् वृष्टिं विद्युत्वान् इव चातकैः ।
अरिविप्रकृतैर् देवैः प्रसूतिं प्रति याचितः॥६.२७॥
अत आहर्तुम् इच्छामि पार्वतीम् आत्मजन्मने ।
उत्पत्तये हविर्भोक्तुर् यजमान इवारणिम्॥६.२८॥
ताम् अस्मदर्थे युष्माभिर् याचितव्यो हिमालयः ।
विक्रियायै न कल्पन्ते संबन्धाः सदनुष्ठिताः॥६.२९॥
उन्नतेन स्थितिमता धुरम् उद्वहता भुवः ।
तेन योजितसंबन्धं वित्त माम् अप्य् अवञ्चितम्॥६.३०॥
एवं वाच्यः स कन्यार्थम् इति वो नोपदिश्यते ।
भवत्प्रणीतम् आचारम् आमनन्ति हि साधवः॥६.३१॥
आर्याप्य् अरुन्धती तत्र व्यापारं कर्तुं अर्हति ।
प्रायेणैवंविधे कार्ये पुरन्ध्रीणां प्रगल्भता॥६.३२॥
तत् प्रयातौषधिप्रस्थं सिद्धये हिमवत्पुरम् ।
महाकोशीप्रपाते ऽस्मिन् संगमः पुनर् एव नः॥६.३३॥
तस्मिन् संयमिनाम् आद्ये जाते परिणयोन्मुखे ।
जहुः परिग्रहव्रीडां प्राजापत्यास् तपस्विनः॥६.३४॥
ततः परमम् इत्य् उक्त्वा प्रतस्थे मुनिमण्डलम् ।
भगवान् अपि संप्राप्तः प्रथमोद्दिष्टम् आस्पदम्॥६.३५॥
ते चाकाशम् असिश्यामम् उत्पत्य परमर्षयः ।
आसेदुर् ओषधिप्रस्थं मनसा समरंहसः॥६.३६॥
अलकाम् अतिवाह्येव वसतिं वसुसंपदाम् ।
स्वर्गाभिष्यन्दवमनं कृत्वेवोपनिवेशितम्॥६.३७॥
गङ्गास्रोतःपरिक्षिप्त- वप्रान्तर्ज्वलितौषधि ।
बृहन्मणिशिलासालं गुप्ताव् अपि मनोहरम्॥६.३८॥
जितसिंहभया नागा यत्राश्वा बिलयोनयः ।
यक्षाः किंपुरुषाः पौरा योषितो वनदेवताः॥६.३९॥
शिखरासक्तमेघानां व्यजन्ते यत्र वेश्मनाम् ।
अनुगर्जितसंदिग्धाः करणैर् मुरजस्वनाः॥६.४०॥
यत्र कल्पद्रुमैर् एव विलोलविटपांशुकैः ।
गृहयन्त्रपताकाश्रीर् अपौरादरनिर्मिता॥६.४१॥
यत्र स्फटिकहर्म्येषु नक्तम् आपानभूमिषु ।
ज्योतिषां प्रतिबिम्बानि प्राप्नुवन्त्य् उपहारताम्॥६.४२॥
यत्रौषधिप्रकाशेन नक्तं दर्शितसंचराः ।
अनभिज्ञास् तमिस्राणां दुर्दिनेष्व् अभिसारिकाः॥६.४३॥
यौवनान्तं वयो यस्मिन्न् आतङ्कः कुसुमायुधः ।
रतिखेदसमुत्पन्ना निद्रा संज्ञाविपर्ययः॥६.४४॥
भ्र्ऊभेदिभिः सकम्पोष्ठैर् ललिताङ्गुलितर्जनैः ।
यत्र कोपैः कृताः स्त्रीणाम् आप्रसादार्थिनः प्रियाः॥६.४५॥
संतानकतरुच्छाया- सुप्तविद्याधराध्वगम् ।
यस्य चोपवनं बाह्यं सुगन्धिर् गन्धमादनः॥६.४६॥
अथ ते मुनयो दिव्याः प्रेक्ष्य हैमवतं पुरम् ।
स्वर्गाभिसंधिसुकृतं वञ्चनाम् इव मेनिरे॥६.४७॥
ते सद्मनि गिरेर् वेगाद् उन्मुखद्वाःस्थवीक्षिताः ।
अवतेरुर् जटाभारैर् लिखितानलनिश्चलैः॥६.४८॥
गगनाद् अवतीर्णा सा यथावृद्धपुरस्सरा ।
तोयान्तर् भास्करालीव रेजे मुनिपरम्परा॥६.४९॥
तान् अर्घ्यान् अर्घ्यम् आदाय दूरात् प्रत्युद्ययौ गिरिः ।
नमयन् सारगुरुभिः पादन्यासैर् वसुन्धराम्॥६.५०॥
धातुताम्राधरः प्रांशुर् देवदारुबृहद्भुजः ।
प्रकृत्यैव शिलोरस्कः सुव्यक्तो हिमवान् इति॥६.५१॥
विधिप्रयुक्तसत्कारैः स्वयं मार्गस्य दर्शकः ।
स तैर् आक्रमयाम् आस शुद्धान्तं शुद्धकर्मभिः॥६.५२॥
तत्र वेत्रासनासीनान् कृतासनपरिग्रहः ।
इत्य् उवाचेश्वरान् वाचं प्राञ्जलिः पृथिवीधरः॥६.५३॥
अपमेघोदयं वर्षम् अदृष्टकुसुमं फलम् ।
अतर्कितोपपन्नं वो दर्शनं प्रतिभाति मे॥६.५४॥
मूढं बुद्धम् इवात्मानं हैमीभूतम् इवायसम् ।
भूमेर् दिवम् इवार्ऊढं मन्ये भवदनुग्रहात्॥६.५५॥
अद्यप्रभृति भूतानाम् अधिगम्यो ऽस्मि शुद्धये ।
यद् अध्यासितम् अर्हद्भिस् तद् धि तीर्थं प्रचक्षते॥६.५६॥
अवैमि पूतम् आत्मानं द्वयेनैव द्विजोत्तमाः ।
मूर्ध्नि गङ्गाप्रपातेन धौतपादाम्भसा च वः॥६.५७॥
जङ्गमं प्रैष्यभावे वः स्थावरं चरणाङ्कितम् ।
विभक्तानुग्रहं मन्ये द्विर्ऊपम् अपि मे वपुः॥६.५८॥
भवत्संभावनोत्थाय परितोषाय मूर्च्छते ।
अपि व्याप्तदिगन्तानि नाङ्गानि प्रभवन्ति मे॥६.५९॥
न केवलं दरीसंस्थं भास्वतां दर्शनेन वः ।
अन्तर्गतम् अपास्तं मे रजसो ऽपि परं तमः॥६.६०॥
कर्तव्यं वो न पश्यामि स्याच् चेत् किं नोपपद्यते ।
शङ्के मत्पावनायैव प्रस्थानं भवताम् इह॥६.६१॥
तथापि तावत् कस्मिंश् चिद् आज्ञां मे दातुम् अर्हथ ।
विनियोगप्रसादा हि किङ्कराः प्रभविष्णुषु॥६.६२॥
एते वयम् अमी दाराः कन्येयं कुलजीवितम् ।
ब्र्ऊत येनात्र वः कार्यम् अनास्था बाह्यवस्तुषु॥६.६३॥
इत्य् ऊचिवांस् तम् एवार्थं दरीमुखविसर्पिणा ।
द्विर् इव प्रतिशब्देन व्याजहार हिमालयः॥६.६४॥
अथाङ्गिरसम् अग्रण्यम् उदाहरणवस्तुषु ।
ऋषयश् चोदयाम् आसुः प्रत्युवाच स भूधरम्॥६.६५॥
उपपन्नम् इदं सर्वम् अतः परम् अपि त्वयि ।
मनसः शिखराणां च सदृशी ते समुन्नतिः॥६.६६॥
स्थाने त्वां स्थावरात्मानं विष्णुम् आहुस् तथा हि ते ।
चराचराणां भूतानां कुक्षिर् आधारतां गतः॥६.६७॥
गाम् अधास्यत् कथं नागो मृणालमृदुभिः फणैः ।
आ रसातलमूलात् त्वम् अवालम्बिष्यथा न चेत्॥६.६८॥
अच्छिन्नामलसंतानाः समुद्रोर्म्यनिवारिताः ।
पुनन्ति लोकान् पुण्यत्वात् कीर्तयः सरितश् च ते॥६.६९॥
यथैव श्लाघ्यते गङ्गा पादेन परमेष्ठिनः ।
प्रभवेण द्वितीयेन तथैवोच्छिरसा त्वया॥६.७०॥
तिर्यग् ऊर्ध्वम् अधस्ताच् च व्यापको महिमा हरेः ।
त्रिविक्रमोद्यतस्यासीत् स च स्वाभाविकस् तव॥६.७१॥
यज्ञभागभुजां मध्ये पदम् आतस्थुषा त्वया ।
उच्चैर् हिरण्मयं शृङ्गं सुमेरोर् वितथीकृतम्॥६.७२॥
काठिन्यं स्थावरे काये भवता सर्वम् अर्पितम् ।
इदं तु भक्तिनम्रं ते सताम् आराधनं वपुः॥६.७३॥
तद् आगमनकार्यं नः शृणु कार्यं तवैव तत् ।
श्रेयसाम् उपदेशात् तु वयम् अत्रांशभागिनः॥६.७४॥
अणिमादिगुणोपेतम् अस्पृष्टपुरुषान्तरम् ।
शब्दम् ईश्वर इत्य् उच्चैः सार्धचन्द्रं बिभर्ति यः॥६.७५॥
कल्पितान्योन्यसामर्थ्यैः पृथिव्यादिभिर् आत्मनि ।
येनेदं ध्रियते विश्वं धुर्यैर् यानम् इवाध्वनि॥६.७६॥
योगिनो यं विचिन्वन्ति क्षेत्राभ्यन्तरवर्तिनम् ।
अनावृत्तिभयं यस्य पदम् आहुर् मनीषिणः॥६.७७॥
स ते दुहितरं साक्षात् साक्षी विश्वस्य कर्मणः ।
वृणुते वरदः शंभुर् अस्मत्संक्रामितैः पदैः॥६.७८॥
तम् अर्थम् इव भारत्या सुतया योक्तुम् अर्हसि ।
अशोच्या हि पितुः कन्या सद्भर्त्रे प्रतिपादिता॥६.७९॥
यावद् एतानि भूतानि स्थावराणि चराणि च ।
मातरं कल्पयन्त्य् एनाम् ईशो हि जगतः पिता॥६.८०॥
प्रणम्य शितिकण्ठाय विबुधास् तदनन्तरम् ।
चरणौ रञ्जयन्त्य् अस्याश् चूडामणिमरीचिभिः॥६.८१॥
उमा वधूर् भवान् दाता याचितार इमे वयम् ।
वरः शंभुर् अलं ह्य् एष त्वत्कुलोद्भूतये विधिः॥६.८२॥
अस्तोतुः स्तूयमानस्य वन्द्यस्यानन्यवन्दिनः ।
सुतासंबन्धविधिना भव विश्वगुरोर् गुरुः॥६.८३॥
एवं वादिनि देवर्षौ पार्श्वे पितुर् अधोमुखी ।
लीलाकमलपत्राणि गणयाम् आस पार्वती॥६.८४॥
शैलः संपूर्णकामो ऽपि मेनामुखम् उदैक्षत ।
प्रायेण गृहिणीनेत्राः कन्यार्थे हि कुटुम्बिनः॥६.८५॥
मेने मेनापि तत् सर्वं पत्युः कार्यम् अभीप्सितम् ।
भवन्त्य् अव्यभिचारिण्यो भर्तुर् इष्टे पतिव्रताः॥६.८६॥
इदम् अत्रोत्तरं न्याय्यम् इति बुद्ध्या विमृश्य सः ।
आददे वचसाम् अन्ते मङ्गलालङ्कृतां सुताम्॥६.८७॥
एहि विश्वात्मने वत्से भिक्षासि परिकल्पिता ।
अर्थिनो मुनयः प्राप्तं गृहमेधिफलं मया॥६.८८॥
एतावद् उक्त्वा तनयाम् ऋषीन् आह महीधरः ।
इयं नमति वः सर्वांस् त्रिलोचनवधूर् इति॥६.८९॥
ईप्सितार्थक्रियोदारं ते ऽभिनन्द्य गिरेर् वचः ।
आशीर्भिर् एधयाम् आसुः पुरःपाकाभिर् अम्बिकाम्॥६.९०॥
तां प्रणामादरस्रस्त- जाम्बूनदवतंसकाम् ।
अङ्कम् आरोपयाम् आस लज्जमानाम् अरुन्धती॥६.९१॥
तन्मातरं चाश्रुमुखीं दुहितृस्नेहविक्लवाम् ।
वरस्यानन्यपूर्वस्य विशोकाम् अकरोद् गुणैः॥६.९२॥
वैवाहिकीं तिथिं पृष्टास् तत्क्षणं हरबन्धुना ।
ते त्र्यहाद् ऊर्ध्वम् आख्याय चेलुश् चीरपरिग्रहाः॥६.९३॥
ते हिमालयम् आमन्त्र्य पुनः प्रेक्ष्य च शूलिनम् ।
सिद्धं चास्मै निवेद्यार्थं तद्विसृष्टाः खम् उद्ययुः॥६.९४॥
पशुपतिर् अपि तान्य् अहानि कृच्छ्राद् अगमयद् अद्रिसुतासमागमोत्कः ।
कम् अपरम् अवशं न विप्रकुर्युर् विभुम् अपि तं यद् अमी स्पृशन्ति भावाः॥६.९५॥
अथौषधीनाम् अधिपस्य वृद्धौ तिथौ च जामित्रगुणान्वितायाम् ।
समेतबन्धुर् हिमवान् सुताया विवाहदीक्षाविधिम् अन्वतिष्ठत्॥७.१॥
वैवाहिकैः कौतुकसंविधानैर् गृहे गृहे व्यग्रपुरंध्रिवर्गम् ।
आसीत् पुरं सानुमतो ऽनुरागाद् अन्तःपुरं चैककुलोपमेयम्॥७.२॥
संतानकाकीर्णमहापथं तच् चीनांशुकैः कल्पितकेतुमालम् ।
भासा ज्वलत् काञ्चनतोरणानां स्थानान्तरस्वर्ग इवाबभासे॥७.३॥
एकैव सत्याम् अपि पुत्रपङ्क्तौ चिरस्य दृष्टेव मृतोत्थितेव ।
आसन्नपाणिग्रहणेति पित्रोर् उमा विशेषोच्छ्वसितं बभूव॥७.४॥
अङ्काद् ययाव् अङ्कम् उदीरिताशीः सा मण्डनान् मण्डनम् अन्वभुङ्क्त ।
संबन्धिभिन्नो ऽपि गिरेः कुलस्य स्नेहस् तदेकायतनं जगाम॥७.५॥
मैत्रे मुहूर्ते शशलाञ्छनेन योगं गतासूत्तरफल्गुनीषु ।
तस्याः शरीरे प्रतिकर्म चक्रुर् बन्धुस्त्रियो याः पतिपुत्रवत्यः॥७.६॥
सा गौरसिद्धार्थनिवेशवद्भिर् दूर्वाप्रवालैः प्रतिभिन्नरागम् ।
निर्नाभिकौशेयम् उपात्तबाणम् अभ्यङ्गनेपथ्यम् अलञ्चकार॥७.७॥
बभौ च संपर्कम् उपेत्य बाला नवेन दीक्षाविधिसायकेन ।
करेण भानोर् बहुलावसाने संधुक्ष्यमाणेव शशाङ्कलेखा॥७.८॥
तां लोध्रकल्केन हृताङ्गतैलाम् आश्यानकालेयकृताङ्गरागाम् ।
वासो वसानाम् अभिषेकयोग्यं नार्यश् चतुष्काभिमुखं व्यनैषुः॥७.९॥
विन्यस्तवैदूर्यशिलातले ऽस्मिन्न् अविद्धमुक्ताफलभक्तिचित्रे ।
आवर्जिताष्टापदकुम्भतोयाः सतूर्यम् एनां स्नपयां बभूवुः॥७.१०॥
सा मङ्गलस्नानविशुद्धगात्री गृहीतपत्युद्गमनीयवस्त्रा ।
निर्वृत्तपर्जन्यजलाभिषेका प्रफुल्लकाशा वसुधेव रेजे॥७.११॥
तस्मात् प्रदेशाच् च वितानवन्तं युक्तं मणिस्तम्भचतुष्टयेन ।
पतिव्रताभिः परिगृह्य निन्ये कॢप्तासनं कौतुकवेदिमध्यम्॥७.१२॥
तां प्राङ्मुखीं तत्र निवेश्य तन्वीं क्षणं व्यलम्बन्त पुरो निषण्णाः ।
भूतार्थशोभाह्रियमाणनेत्राः प्रसाधने सन्निहिते ऽपि नार्यः॥७.१३॥
धूपोष्मणा त्याजितम् आर्द्रभावं केशान्तम् अन्तःकुसुमं तदीयम् ।
पर्याक्षिपत् काचिद् उदारबन्धं दूर्वावता पाण्डुमधूकदाम्ना॥७.१४॥
विन्यस्तशुक्लागुरु चक्रुर् अस्या गोरोचनापत्रविभङ्गम् अङ्गम् ।
सा चक्रवाकाङ्कितसैकतायास् त्रिस्रोतसः कान्तिम् अतीत्य तस्थौ॥७.१५॥
लग्नद्विरेफं परिभूय पद्मं समेघलेखं शशिनश् च बिम्बम् ।
तदाननश्रीर् अलकैः प्रसिद्धैश् चिच्छेद सादृश्यकथाप्रसङ्गम्॥७.१६॥
कर्णार्पितो लोध्रकषायर्ऊक्षे गोरोचनाक्षेपनितान्तगौरे ।
तस्याः कपोले परभागलाभाद् बबन्ध चक्षूंषि यवप्ररोहः॥७.१७॥
रेखाबिभक्तश् च विभक्तगात्र्याः किंचिन्मधूच्छिष्टविमृष्टरागः ।
काम् अप्य् अभिख्यां स्फुरितैर् अपुष्यद् आसन्नलावण्यफलो ऽध्ररोष्ठः॥७.१८॥
पत्युः शिरश्चन्द्रकलाम् अनेन स्पृशेति सख्या परिहासपूर्वम् ।
सा रञ्जयित्वा चरणौ कृताशीर् माल्येन तां निर्वचनं जघान॥७.१९॥
तस्याः सुजातोत्पलपत्रकान्ते प्रसाधिकाभिर् नयने निरीक्ष्य ।
न चक्षुषोः कान्तिविशेषबुद्ध्या कालाञ्जनं मङ्गलम् इत्य् उपात्तम्॥७.२०॥
सा संभवद्भिः कुसुमैर् लतेव ज्योतिर्भिर् उद्यद्भिर् इव त्रियामा ।
सरिद् विहङ्गैर् इव लीयमानैर् आमुच्यमानाभरणा चकासे॥७.२१॥
आत्मानम् आलोक्य च शोभमानम् आदर्शबिम्बे स्तिमितायताक्षी ।
हरोपयाने त्वरिता बभूव स्त्रीणां प्रियालोकफलो हि वेषः॥७.२२॥
अथाङ्गुलिभ्यां हरितालम् आर्द्रं माङ्गल्यम् आदाय मनःशिलां च ।
कर्णावसक्तामलदन्तपत्रं माता तदीयं मुखम् उन्नमय्य॥७.२३॥
उमास्तनोद्भेदम् अनुप्रवृद्धो मनोरथो यः प्रथमो बभूव ।
तम् एव मेना दुहितुः कथंचिद् विवाहदीक्षातिलकं चकार॥७.२४॥
बबन्ध चास्राकुलदृष्टिर् अस्याः स्थानान्तरे कल्पितसन्निवेशम् ।
धात्र्यङ्गुलीभिः प्रतिसार्यमाणम् ऊर्णमयं कौतुकहस्तसूत्रम्॥७.२५॥
क्षीरोदवेलेव सफेनपुञ्जा पर्याप्तचन्द्रेव शरत्त्रियामा ।
नवं नवक्षौमनिवासिनी सा भूयो बभौ दर्पणम् आदधाना॥७.२६॥
ताम् अर्चिताभ्यः कुलदेवताभ्यः कुलप्रतिष्ट्ःआं प्रणमय्य माता ।??
अकारयत् कारयितव्यदक्षा क्रमेण पादग्रहणं सतीनाम्॥७.२७॥
अखण्डितं प्रेम लभस्व पत्युर् इत्य् उच्यते ताभिर् उमा स्म नम्रा ।
तया तु तस्यार्धशरीरभाजा पश्चात्कृताः स्निग्धजनाशिषो ऽ पि॥७.२८॥
इच्छाविभूत्योर् अनुर्ऊपम् अद्रिस् तस्याः कृती कृत्यम् अशेषयित्वा ।
सभ्यः सभायां सुहृदास्थितायां तस्थौ वृषाङ्कागमनप्रतीक्षः॥७.२९॥
तावद् वरस्यापि कुबेरशैले तत्पूर्वपाणिग्रहणानुर्ऊपम् ।
प्रसाधनं मातृभिर् आदृताभिर् न्यस्तं पुरस्तात् पुरशासनस्य॥७.३०॥
तद्गौरवान् मङ्गलमण्डनश्रीः सा पस्पृशे केवलम् ईश्वरेण ।
स्व एव वेषः परिणेतुर् इष्टं भावान्तरं तस्य विभोः प्रपेदे॥७.३१॥
बभूव भस्मैव सिताङ्गरागः कपालम् एवामलशेखरश्रीः ।
उपान्तभागेषु च रोचनाङ्को गजाजिनस्यैव दुकूलभावः॥७.३२॥
शङ्खान्तरद्योति विलोचनं यद् अन्तर्निविष्टामलपिङ्गतारम् ।
सान्निध्यपक्षे हरितालमय्यास् तद् एव जातं तिलकक्रियायाः॥७.३३॥
यथाप्रदेशं भुजगेश्वराणां करिश्यताम् आभरणान्तरत्वम् ।
शरीरमात्रं विकृतिं प्रपेदे तथैव तस्थुः फणरत्नशोभाः॥७.३४॥
दिवापि निष्ठ्यूतमरीचिभासा बाल्याद् अनाविष्कृतलाञ्छनेन ।
चन्द्रेण नित्यं प्रतिभिन्नमौलेश् चूडामणेः किं ग्रहणं हरस्य॥७.३५॥
इत्य् अद्भुतैकप्रभवः प्रभावात् प्रसिद्धनेपथ्यविधेर् विधाता ।
आत्मानम् आसन्नगणोपनीते खड्गे निषक्तप्रतिमं ददर्श॥७.३६॥
स गोपतिं नन्दिभुजावलम्बी शार्दूलचर्मान्तरितोरुपृष्ठम् ।
तद्भक्तिसंक्षिप्तबृहत्प्रमाणम् आरुह्य कैलासम् इव प्रतस्थे॥७.३७॥
तं मातरो देवम् अनुव्रजन्त्यः स्ववाहनक्षोभचलावतंसाः ।
मुखैः प्रभामण्डलरेणुगौरैः पद्माकरं चक्रुर् इवान्तरीक्षम्॥७.३८॥
तासां च पश्चात् कनकप्रभाणां काली कपालाभरणा चकासे ।
बलाकिनी नीलपयोदराजी दूरं पुरःक्षिप्तशतह्रदेव॥७.३९॥
ततो गणैः शूलभृतः पुरोगैर् उदीरितो मङ्गलतूर्यघोषः ।
विमानशृङ्गाण्य् अवगाहमानः शशंस सेवावसरं सुरेभ्यः॥७.४०॥
उपाददे तस्य सहस्ररश्मिस् त्वष्ट्रा नवं निर्मितम् आतपत्रम् ।
स तद्दुकूलाद् अविदूरमौलिर् बभौ पतद्गङ्ग इवोत्तमाङ्गे॥७.४१॥
मूर्ते च गङ्गायमुने तदानीं सचामरे देवम् असेविषाताम् ।
समुद्रगार्ऊपविपर्यये ऽपि सहंसपाते इव लक्ष्यमाणे॥७.४२॥
तम् अन्वगच्छत् प्रथमो विधाता श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मा पुरुषश् च साक्षात् ।
जयेति वाचा महिमानम् अस्य संवर्धयन्त्या हविषेव वह्निम्॥७.४३॥
एकैव मूर्तिर् बिभिदे त्रिधा सा सामान्यम् एषां प्रथमावरत्वम् ।
विष्णोर् हरस् तस्य हरिः कदाचिद् वेधास् तयोस् ताव् अपि धातुर् आद्यौ॥७.४४॥
तं लोकपालाः पुरुहूतमुख्याः श्रीलक्षणोत्सर्गविनीतवेषाः ।
दृष्टिप्रदाने कृतनन्दिसंज्ञास् तद्दर्शिताः प्राञ्जलयः प्रणेमुः॥७.४५॥
कम्पेन मूर्ध्नः शतपत्रयोनिं वाचा हरिं वृत्रहणं स्मितेन ।
आलोकमात्रेण सुरान् अशेषान् संभावयाम् आस यथाप्रधानम्॥७.४६॥
तस्मै जयाशीः ससृजे पुरस्तात् सप्तर्षिभिस् तान् स्मितपूर्वम् आह ।
विवाहयज्ञे वितते ऽत्र यूयम् अध्वर्यवः पूर्ववृता मयेति॥७.४७॥
विश्वावसुप्राग्रहरैः प्रवीणैः संगीयमानत्रिपुरावदानः ।
अध्वानम् अध्वान्तविकारलङ्घ्यस् ततार ताराधिपखण्डधारी॥७.४८॥
खे खेलगामी तम् उवाह वाहः सशब्दचामीकरकिङ्किणीकः ।
तटाभिघाताद् इव लग्नपङ्के धुन्वन् मुहुः प्रोतघने विषाणे॥७.४९॥
स प्रापद् अप्राप्तपराभियोगं नगेन्द्रगुप्तं नगरं मुहूर्तात् ।
पुरो विलग्नैर् हरदृष्टिपातैः सुवर्णसूत्रैर् इव कृष्यमाणः॥७.५०॥
तस्योपकण्ठे घननीलकण्ट्ःअः कुतूहलाद् उन्मुखपौरदृष्टः ।
स्वबाणचिह्नाद् अवतीर्य मार्गाद् आसन्नभूपृष्ठम् इयाय देवः॥७.५१॥
तम् ऋद्धिमद्बन्धुजनाधिर्ऊढैर् वृन्दैर् गजानां गिरिचक्रवर्ती ।
प्रत्युज्जगामागमनप्रतीतः प्रफुल्लवृक्षैः कटकैर् इव स्वैः॥७.५२॥
वर्गाव् उभौ देवमहीधराणां द्वारे पुरस्योद्घटितापिधाने ।
समीयतुर् दूरविसर्पिघोषौ भिन्नैकसेतू पयसाम् इवौघौ॥७.५३॥
ह्रीमान् अभूद् भूमिधरो हरेण त्रैलोक्यवन्द्येन कृतप्रणामः ।
पूर्वं महिम्ना स हि तस्य दूरम् आवर्जितं नात्मशिरो विवेद॥७.५४॥
स प्रीतियोगाद् विकसन्मुखश्रीर् जामातुर् अग्रेसरताम् उपेत्य ।
प्रावेशयन् मन्दिरम् ऋद्धम् एनम् आगुल्फकीर्णापणमार्गपुष्पम्॥७.५५॥
तस्मिन् मुहूर्ते पुरसुन्दरीणाम् ईशानसंदर्शनलालसानाम् ।
प्रासादमालासु बभूवुर् इत्थं त्यक्तान्यकार्याणि विचेष्टितानि॥७.५६॥
आलोकमार्गं सहसा व्रजन्त्या कयाचिद् उद्वेष्टनवान्तमाल्यः ।
बन्धुं न संभावित एव तावत् करेण रुद्धो ऽपि न केशपाशः॥७.५७॥
प्रसाधिकालम्बितम् अग्रपादम् आक्षिप्य काचिद् द्रवरागम् एव ।
उत्सृष्टलीलागतिर् आगवाक्षाद् अलक्तकाङ्कां पदवीं ततान॥७.५८॥
विलोचनं दक्षिणम् अञ्जनेन संभाव्य तद्वञ्चितवामनेत्रा ।
तथैव वातायनसंनिकर्षं ययौ शलाकाम् अपरा वहन्ती॥७.५९॥
जालान्तरप्रेषितदृष्तिर् अन्या प्रस्थानभिन्नां न बबन्ध नीवीम् ।
नाभिप्रविष्टाभरणप्रभेण हस्तेन तस्थाव् अवलम्ब्य वासः॥७.६०॥
अर्धाचिता सत्वरम् उत्थितायाः पदे पदे दुर्निमिते गलन्ती ।
कस्याश्चिद् आसीद् रशना तदानीम् अङ्गुष्ठमूलार्पितसूत्रशेषा॥७.६१॥
तासां मुखैर् आसवगन्धगर्भैर् व्याप्तान्तराः सान्द्रकुतूहलानाम् ।
विलोलनेत्रभ्रमरैर् गवाक्षाः सहस्रपत्राभरणा इवासन्॥७.६२॥
तावत् पताकाकुलम् इन्दुमौलिर् उत्तोरणं राजपथं प्रपेदे ।
प्रासादशृङ्गाणि दिवापि कुर्वञ् ज्योत्स्नाभिषेकद्विगुणद्युतीनि॥७.६३॥
तम् एकदृश्यं नयनैः पिबन्त्यो नार्यो न जग्मुर् विषयान्तराणि ।
तथा हि शेषेन्द्रियवृत्तिर् आसां सर्वात्मना चक्षुर् इव प्रविष्टा॥७.६४॥
स्थाने तपो दुश्चरम् एतदर्थम् अपर्णया पेलवयापि तप्तम् ।
या दास्यम् अप्य् अस्य लभेत नारी सा स्यात् कृतार्था किम् उताङ्कशय्याम्॥७.६५॥
परस्परेण स्पृहणीयशोभं न चेद् इदं द्वन्द्वम् अयोजयिष्यत् ।
अस्मिन् द्वये र्ऊपविधानयत्नः पत्युः प्रजानां विफलो ऽभविश्यत्॥७.६६॥
न नूनम् आर्ऊढरुषा शरीरम् अनेन दग्धं कुसुमायुधस्य ।
व्रीडाद् अमुं देवम् उदीक्ष्य मन्ये संन्यस्तदेहः स्वयम् एव कामः॥७.६७॥
अनेन संबन्धम् उपेत्य दिष्ट्या मनोरथप्रार्थितम् ईश्वरेण ।
मूर्धानम् आलि क्षितिधारणोच्चम् उच्चैस्तरां वक्ष्यति शैलराजः॥७.६८॥
इत्य् ओषधिप्रस्थविलासिनीनां शृण्वन् कथाः श्रोत्रसुखास् त्रिनेत्रः ।
केयूरचूर्णीकृतलाजमुष्टिं हिमालयस्यालयम् आससाद॥७.६९॥
तत्रावतीर्याच्युतदत्तहस्तः शरद्घनाद् दीधितिमान् इवोक्ष्णः ।
क्रान्तानि पूर्वं कमलासनेन कक्ष्यान्तराण्य् अद्रिपतेर् विवेश॥७.७०॥
तम् अन्वग् इन्द्रप्रमुखाश् च देवाः सप्तर्षिपूर्वाः परमर्षयश् च ।
गणाश् च गिर्यालयम् अभ्यगच्छन् प्रशस्तम् आरम्भम् इवोत्तमार्थाः॥७.७१॥
तत्रेश्वरो विष्टरभाग् यथावत् सरत्नम् अर्घ्यं मधुमच् च गव्यम् ।
नवे दुकूले च नगोपनीतं प्रत्यग्रहीत् सर्वम् अमन्त्रवर्जम्॥७.७२॥
दुकूलवासाः स वधूसमीपं निन्ये विनीतैर् अवरोधरक्षैः ।
वेलासमीपं स्फुटफेनराजिर् नवैर् उदन्वान् इव चन्द्रपादैः॥७.७३॥
तया प्रवृद्धाननचन्द्रकान्त्या प्रफुल्लचक्षुःकुमुदः कुमार्या ।
प्रसन्नचेतःसलिलः शिवो ऽभूत् संसृज्यमानः शरदेव लोकः॥७.७४॥
तयोः समापत्तिषु कातराणि किंचिद्व्यवस्थापितसंहृतानि ।
ह्रीयन्त्रणां तत्क्षणम् अन्वभूवन्न् अन्योन्यलोलानि विलोचनानि॥७.७५॥
तस्याः करं शैलगुर्ऊपनीतं जग्राह ताम्राङ्गुलिम् अष्टमूर्त्तिः ।
उमातनौ गूढतनोः स्मरस्य तच्छङ्किनः पूर्वम् इव प्ररोहम्॥७.७६॥
रोमोद्गमः प्रादुर् अभूद् उमायाः स्विन्नाङ्गुलिः पुङ्गवकेतुर् आसीत् ।
वृत्तिस् तयोः पाणिसमागमेन समं विभक्तेव मनोभवस्य॥७.७७॥
प्रयुक्तपाणिग्रहणं यद् अन्यद् वधूवरं पुष्यति कान्तिम् अग्र्याम् ।
सान्निध्ययोगाद् अनयोस् तदानीं किं कथ्यते श्रीर् उभयस्य तस्य॥७.७८॥
प्रदक्षिणप्रक्रमणात् कृशानोर् उदर्चिषस् तन् मिथुनं चकासे ।
मेरोर् उपान्तेष्व् इव वर्तमानम् अन्योन्यसंसक्तम् अहस्त्रियामम्॥७.७९॥
तौ दम्पती त्रिः परिणीय वह्निम् कराग्रसंस्पर्शनिमीलिताक्षीम् ।
तां कारयाम् आस वधूं पुरोधास् तस्मिन् समिद्धार्चिषि लाजमोक्षम्॥७.८०॥
सा लाजधूमाञ्जलिम् इष्टगन्धं गुर्ऊपदेशाद् वदनं निनाय ।
कपोलसंसर्पिशिखः स तस्या मुहूर्तकर्णोत्पलतां प्रपेदे॥७.८१॥
तद् ईषदार्द्रारुणगण्डलेखम् उच्छ्वासिकालाञ्जनरागम् अक्ष्णोः ।
वधूमुखं क्लान्तयवावतंसम् आचारधूमग्रहणाद् बभूव॥७.८२॥
वधूं द्विजः प्राह तवैष वत्से वह्निर् विवाहं प्रति पूर्वसाक्षी ।
शिवेन भर्त्रा सह धर्मचर्या कार्या त्वया मुक्तविचारयेति॥७.८३॥
आलोचनान्तं श्रवणे वितत्य पीतं गुरोस् तद्वचनं भवान्या ।
निदाघकालोल्बणतापयेव माहेन्द्रम् अम्भः प्रथमं पृथिव्या॥७.८४॥
ध्रुवेण भर्त्रा ध्रुवदर्शनाय प्रयुज्यमाना प्रियदर्शनेन ।
सा दृष्ट इत्य् आननम् उन्नमय्य ह्रीसन्नकण्ठी कथम् अप्य् उवाच॥७.८५॥
इत्थं विधिज्ञेन पुरोहितेन प्रयुक्तपाणिग्रहणोपचारौ ।
प्रणेमतुस् तौ पितरौ प्रजानां पद्मासनस्थाय पितामहाय॥७.८६॥
वधूर् विधात्रा प्रतिनन्द्यते स्म कल्याणि वीरप्रसवा भवेति ।
वाचस्पतिः सन्न् अपि सो ऽष्टमूर्त्तव् आशास्य चिन्तास्तिमितो बभूव॥७.८७॥
कॢप्तोपचारां चतुरस्रवेदीं ताव् एत्य पश्चाट् कनकासनस्थौ ।
जायापती लौकिकम् एषितव्यम् आर्द्राक्षतारोपणम् अन्वभूताम्॥७.८८॥
पत्रान्तलग्नैर् जलबिन्दुजालैर् आकृष्टमुक्ताफलजालशोभम् ।
तयोर् उपर्य् आयतनालदण्डम् आधत्त लक्ष्मीः कमलातपत्रम्॥७.८९॥
द्विधा प्रयुक्तेन च वाङ्मयेन सरस्वती तन् मिथुनं नुनाव ।
संस्कारपूतेन वरं वरेण्यं वधूं सुखग्राह्यनिबन्धनेन॥७.९०॥
तौ सन्धिषु व्यञ्जितवृत्तिभेदं रसान्तरेषु प्रतिबद्धरागम् ।
अपश्यताम् अप्सरसां मुहूर्तं प्रयोगम् आद्यं ललिताङ्गहारम्॥७.९१॥
देवास् तदन्ते हरम् ऊढभार्यं किरीटबद्धाञ्जलयो निपत्य ।
शापावसाने प्रतिपन्नमूर्त्तेर् ययाचिरे पञ्चशरस्य सेवाम्॥७.९२॥
तस्यानुमेने भगवान् विमन्युर् व्यापारम् आत्मन्य् अपि सायकानाम् ।
काले प्रयुक्ता खलु कार्यविद्भिर् विज्णापना भर्तृषु सिद्धिम् एति॥७.९३॥
अथ विबुधगणांस् तान् इन्दुमौलिर् विसृज्य क्षितिधरपतिकन्याम् आददानः करेण ।
कनककलशरकśाभक्तिशोभासनाथं क्षितिविरचितशय्यं कौतुकागारम् आगात्॥७.९४॥
नवपरिणयलज्जाभूषणां तत्र गौरीं वदनम् अपहरन्तीं तत्कृतोत्क्षेपम् ईशः ।
अपि शयनसखीभ्यो दत्तवाचं कथंचित् प्रमथमुखविकारैर् हासयाम् आस गूढम्॥७.९५॥
पाणिपीडनविधेर् अनन्तरं शैलराजदुहितुर् हरं प्रति ।
भावसाध्वसपरिग्रहाद् अभूत् कामदोहदमनोहरं वपुः॥८.१॥
व्याहृता प्रतिवचो न सन्दधे गन्तुम् ऐच्छद् अवलम्बितांशुका ।
सेवते स्म शयनं पराङ्मुखी सा तथापि रतये पिनाकिनः॥८.२॥
कैतवेन शयिते कुतूहलात् पार्वती प्रतिमुखं निपातितम् ।
चक्षुर् उन्मिषति सस्मितं प्रिये विद्युदाहतम् इव न्यमीलयत्॥८.३॥
नाभिदेशनिहितः सकम्पया शङ्करस्य रुरुधे तया करः ।
तद्दुकूलम् अथ चाभवत् स्वयं दूरम् उच्छ्वसितनीविबन्धनम्॥८.४॥
एवम् आलि निगृहीतसाध्वसं शङ्करो रहसि सेव्यताम् इति ।
सा सखीभिर् उपदिष्टम् आकुला नास्मरत् प्रमुखवर्तिनि प्रिये॥८.५॥
अप्य् अवस्तुनि कथाप्रवृत्तये प्रश्नतत्परम् अनङ्गशासनम् ।
वीक्षितेन परिगृह्य पार्वती मूर्धकम्पमयम् उत्तरं ददौ॥८.६॥
शूलिनः करतलद्वयेन सा संनिरुध्य नयने हृतांशुका ।
तस्य पश्यति ललाटलोचने मोघयत्नविधुरा रहस्य् अभूत्॥८.७॥
चुम्बनेष्व् अधरदानवर्जितं सन्नहस्तम् अदयोपगूहने ।
क्लिष्टमन्मथम् अपि प्रियं प्रभोर् दुर्लभप्रतिकृतं वधूरतम्॥८.८॥
यन् मुखग्रहणम् अक्षताधरं दत्तम् अव्रणपदं नखं च यत् ।
यद् रतं च सदयं प्रियस्य तत् पार्वती विषहते स्म नेतरत्॥८.९॥
रात्रिवृत्तम् अनुयोक्तुम् उद्यतं सा विभातसमये सखीजनम् ।
नाकरोद् अपकुतूहलं ह्रिया शंसितुं च हृदयेन तत्वरे॥८.१०॥
दर्पणे च परिभोगदर्शिनी पृष्ठतः प्रणयिनो निषेदुषः ।
प्रेक्ष्य बिम्बम् अनु बिम्बम् आत्मनः कानि कानि न चकार लज्जया॥८.११॥
नीलकण्ठपरिभुक्तयौवनां तां विलोक्य जननी समाश्वसत् ।
भर्तृवल्लभतया हि मानसीं मातुर् अस्यति शुचं वधूजनः॥८.१२॥
वासराणि कतिचित् कथञ्चन स्थाणुना रतम् अकारि चानया ।
ज्ञातमन्मथरसा शनैः शनैः सा मुमोच रतिदुःखशीलताम्॥८.१३॥
सस्वजे प्रियम् उरोनिपीडिता प्रार्थितं मुखम् अनेन नाहरत् ।
मेखलापणयलोलतां गतं हस्तम् अस्य शिथिलं रुरोध सा॥८.१४॥
भावसूचितम् अदृष्टविप्रियं चाटुमत् क्षणवियोगकातरम् ।
कैश्चिद् एव दिवसैस् तदा तयोः प्रेम र्ऊढम् इतरेतराश्रयम्॥८.१५॥
तं यथात्मसदृशं वरं वधूर् अन्वरज्यत वरस् तथैव ताम् ।
सागराद् अनपगा हि जाह्नवी सो ऽपि तन्मुखरसैकनिर्वृतिः॥८.१६॥
शिष्यतां निधुवनोपदेशिनः शङ्करस्य रहसि प्रपन्नया ।
शिक्षितं युवतिनैपुणं तया यत् तद् एव गुरुदक्षिणीकृतम्॥८.१७॥
दष्टमुक्तम् अधरोष्ठम् आम्बिका वेदनाविधुतहस्तपल्लवा ।
शीतलेन निरवापयत् क्षणं मौलिचन्द्रशकलेन शूलिनः॥८.१८॥
चुम्बनादलकचूर्णदूषितं शङ्करो ऽपि नयनं ललाटजम् ।
उच्छ्वसत्कमलगन्धये ददौ पार्वतीवदनगन्धवाहिने॥८.१९॥
एवम् इन्द्रियसुखस्य वर्त्मनः सेवनाद् अनुगृहीतमन्मथः ।
शैलराजभवने सहोमया मासमात्रम् अवसद् वृषध्वजः॥८.२०॥
सो ऽनुमान्य हिमवन्तम् आत्मभूर् आत्मजाविरहदुःखखेदितम् ।
तत्र तत्र विजहार संपतन्न् अप्रमेयगतिना ककुद्मता॥८.२१॥
मेरुम् एत्य मरुदाशुगोक्षकः पार्वतीस्तनपुरस्कृतान् कृती ।
हेमपल्लवविभङ्गसंस्तरान् अन्वभूत् सुरतमर्दनक्षमान्॥८.२२॥
पद्मनाभचरणाङ्किताश्मसु प्राप्तवत्स्व् अमृतविप्रुषो नवाः ।
मन्दरस्य कटकेषु चावसत् पार्वतीवदनपद्मषट्पदः॥८.२३॥
वारणध्वनितभीतया तया कण्ठसक्तघनबाहुबन्धनः ।
एकपिङ्गलगिरौ जगद्गुरुर् निर्विवेश विशदाः शशिप्रभाः॥८.२४॥
तस्य जातु मलयस्थलीरते धूतचन्दनलतः प्रियाक्लमम् ।
आचचाम सलवङ्गकेसरश् चाटुकार इव दक्षिणानिलः॥८.२५॥
हेमतामरसताडितप्रिया तत्कराम्बुविनिमीलितेक्षणा ।
खे व्यगाहत तरङ्गिणीम् उमा मीनपङ्क्तिपुनरुक्तमेखला॥८.२६॥
तां पुलोमतनयालकोचितैः पारिजातकुसुमैः प्रसाधयन् ।
नन्दने चिरम् अयुग्मलोचनः सस्पृहं सुरवधूभिर् ईक्षितः॥८.२७॥
इत्य् अभौमम् अनुभूय शङ्करः पार्थिवं च दयितासखः सुखम् ।
लोहितायति कदाचिद् आतपे गन्धमादनगिरिं व्यगाहत॥८.२८॥
तत्र काञ्चनशिलातलाश्रयो नेत्रगम्यम् अवलोक्य भास्करम् ।
दक्षिणेतरभुजव्यपाश्रयां व्याजहार सहधर्मचारिणीम्॥८.२९॥
पद्मकान्तिम् अरुणत्रिभागयोः संक्रमय्य तव नेत्रयोर् इव ।
संक्षये जगद् इव प्रजेश्वरः संहरत्य् अहर् असाव् अहर्पतिः॥८.३०॥
सीकरव्यतिकरं मरीचिभिर् दूरयत्य् अवनते विवस्वति ।
इन्द्रचापपरिवेषशून्यतां निर्झरास् तव पितुर् व्रजन्त्य् अमी॥८.३१॥
दष्टतामरसकेसरस्रजोः क्रन्दतोर् विपरिवृत्तकण्ठयोः ।
निघ्नयोः सरसि चक्रवाकयोर् अल्पम् अन्तरम् अनल्पतां गतम्॥८.३२॥
स्थानम् आह्निकम् अपास्य दन्तिनः सल्लकीविटपभङ्गवासितम् ।
आविभातचरणाय गृह्णाते वारि वारिरुहबद्धषट्पदम्॥८.३३॥
पश्य पश्चिमदिगन्तलम्बिना निर्मितं मितकथे विवस्वता ।
दीर्घया प्रतिमया सरो ऽम्भसां तापनीयम् इव सेतुबन्धनम्॥८.३४॥
उत्तरन्ति विनिकीर्य पल्वलं गाढपङ्क्तम् अतिवाहितातपाः ।
दंष्ट्रिणो वनवराहयूथपा दष्टभङ्गुरबिसाङ्कुरा इव॥८.३५॥
एष वृक्षशिखरे कृतास्पदो जातर्ऊपरसगौरमण्डलः ।
हीयमानम् अहर् अत्ययातपं पीवरोरु पिबतीव बर्हिणः॥८.३६॥
पूर्वभागतिमिरप्रवृत्तिभिर् व्यक्तपङ्कम् इव जातम् एकतः ।
खं हृतातपजलं विवस्वता भाति किञ्चिद् इव शेषवत् सरः॥८.३७॥
आविशद्भिर् उटजाङ्गणं मृगैर् मूलसेकसरसैश् च वृक्षकैः ।
आश्रमाः प्रविशदग्निधेनवो बिभ्रति श्रियम् उदीरिताग्नयः॥८.३८॥
बद्धकोशम् अपि तिष्ठति क्षणं सावशेषविवरं कुशेशयम् ।
षट्पदाय वसतिं ग्रहीष्यते प्रीतिपूर्वम् इव दातुम् अन्तरम्॥८.३९॥
दूरमग्रपरिमेयरश्मिना वारुणी दिग् अरुणेन भानुना ।
भाति केसरवतेव मण्डिता बन्धुजीवतिलकेन कन्यका॥८.४०॥
सामभिः सहचराः सहस्रशः स्यन्दनाश्वहृदयङ्गमस्वरैः ।
भानुम् अग्निपरिकीर्णतेजसं संस्तुवन्ति किरणोष्मपायिनः॥८.४१॥
सो ऽयम् आनतशिरोधरैर् हयैः कर्णचामरविघट्टितेक्षणैः ।
अस्तम् एति युगभुग्नकेसरैः संनिधाय दिवसं महोदधौ॥८.४२॥
खं प्रसुप्तम् इव संस्थिते रवौ तेजसो महत ईदृशी गतिः ।
तत् प्रकाशयति यावद् उद्गतं मीलनाय खलु तावतश् च्युतम्॥८.४३॥
संध्ययाप्य् अनुगतं रवेर् वपुर् वन्द्यम् अस्तशिखरे समर्पितम् ।
येन पूर्वम् उदये पुरस्कृता नानुयास्यति कथं तम् आपदि॥८.४४॥
रक्तपीतकपिशाः पयोमुचां कोटयः कुटिलकेशि भान्त्य् अमूः ।
द्रक्ष्यसि त्वम् इति संध्ययानया वर्तिकाभिर् इव साधुमण्डिताः॥८.४५॥
सिंहकेसरसटासु भूभृतां पल्लवप्रसविषु द्रुमेषु च ।
पश्य धातुशिखरेषु भानुना संविभक्तम् इव सांध्यम् आतपम्॥८.४६॥
अद्रिराजतनये तपस्विनः पावनाम्बुविहिताञ्जलिक्रियाः ।
ब्रह्म गूढम् अभिसंध्यम् आदृताः शुद्धये विधिविदो गृणन्त्य् अमी॥८.४७॥
तन् मुहूर्त्तम् अनुमन्तुम् अर्हसि प्रस्तुताय नियमाय माम् अपि ।
त्वां विनोदनिपुणः सखीजनो वल्गुवादिनि विनोदयिष्यति॥८.४८॥
निर्विभुज्य दशनच्छदं ततो वाचि भर्तुर् अवधीरणापरा ।
शैलराजतनया समीपगाम् आललाप विजयाम् अहेतुकम्॥८.४९॥
ईश्वरो ऽपि दिवसात्ययोचितं मन्त्रपूर्वम् अनुतस्थिवान् विधिम् ।
पार्वतीम् अवचनाम् असूयया प्रत्युपेत्य पुनर् आह सस्मितम्॥८.५०॥
मुञ्च कोपम् अनिमित्तकोपने संध्यया प्रणमितो ऽस्मि नान्यया ।
किं न वेत्सि सहधर्मचारिणं चक्रवाकसमवृत्तिम् आत्मनः॥८.५१॥
निर्मितेषु पितृषु स्वयंभुवा या तनुः सुतनु पूर्वम् उज्झिता ।
सेयम् अस्तम् उदयं च सेवते तेन मानिनि ममात्र गौरवम्॥८.५२॥
ताम् इमां तिमिरवृद्धिपीडितां शैलराजतनये ऽधुना स्थिताम् ।
एकतस् तटतमालमालिनीं पश्य धातुरसनिम्नगाम् इव॥८.५३॥
सान्ध्यम् अस्तमितशेषम् आतपं रक्तलेखम् अपरा बिभर्ति दिक् ।
सांपरायवसुधा सशोणितं मण्डलाग्रम् इव तिर्यगुज्झितम्॥८.५४॥
यामिनीदिवससन्धिसम्भवे तेजसि व्यवहिते सुमेरुणा ।
एतद् अन्धतमसं निरङ्कुशं दिक्षु दीर्घनयने विजृम्भते॥८.५५॥
नोर्ध्वम् ईक्षणगतिर् न चाप्य् अधो नाभितो न पुरतो न पृष्ठतः ।
लोक एष तिमिरौघवेष्टितो गर्भवास इव वर्तते निशि॥८.५६॥
शुद्धम् आविलम् अवस्थितं चलं वक्रम् आर्जवगुणान्वितं च यत् ।
सर्वम् एव तमसा समीकृतं धिङ् महत्त्वम् असतां हृतान्तरम्॥८.५७॥
नूनम् उन्नमति यज्वनां पतिः शार्वरस्य तमसो निषिद्धये ।
पुण्डरीकमुखि पूर्वदिङ्मुखं कैतकैर् इव रजोभिर् आवृतम्॥८.५८॥
मन्दरान्तरितमूर्तिना निशा लक्ष्यते शशभृता सतारका ।
त्वं मया प्रियसखीसमागता श्रोष्यतेव वचनानि पृष्ठतः॥८.५९॥
रुद्धनिर्गमनम् आ दिनक्षयात् पूर्वदृष्टतनुचन्द्रिकास्मितम् ।
एतद् उद्गिरति चन्द्रमण्डलं दिग्रहस्यम् इव रात्रिचोदितम्॥८.६०॥
पश्य पक्वफलिनीफलत्विषा बिम्बलाञ्छितवियत्सरो ऽम्भसा ।
विप्रकृष्टविवरं हिमांशुना चक्रवाकमिथुनं विडम्ब्यते॥८.६१॥
शक्यम् ओषधिपतेर् नवोदयाः कर्णपूररचनाकृते तव ।
अप्रगल्भयवसूचिकोमलाश् छेत्तुम् अग्रनखसंपुटैः कराः॥८.६२॥
अङ्गुलीभिर् इव केशसंचयं सन्निगृह्य तिमिरं मरीचिभिः ।
कुड्मलीकृतसरोजलोचनं चुम्बतीव रजनीमुखं शशी॥८.६३॥
पश्य पार्वति नवेन्दुरश्मिभिः सामिभिन्नतिमिरं नभस्तलम् ।
लक्ष्यते द्विरदभोगदूषितं संप्रसीदद् इव मानसं सरः॥८.६४॥
रक्तभावम् अपहाय चन्द्रमा जात एष परिशुद्धमण्डलः ।
विक्रिया न खलु कालदोषजा निर्मलप्रकृतिषु स्थिरोदया॥८.६५॥
उन्नतेषु शशिनः प्रभा स्थिता निम्नसंश्रयपरं निशातमः ।
नूनम् आत्मसदृशी प्रकल्पिता वेधसेह गुणदोषयोर् गतिः॥८.६६॥
चन्द्रपादजनितप्रवृत्तिभिश् चन्द्रकान्तजलबिन्दुभिर् गिरिः ।
मेखलातरुषु निद्रितान् अमून् बोधयत्य् असमये शिखण्डिनः॥८.६७॥
कल्पवृक्षशिखरेषु संप्रति प्रस्फुरद्भिर् इव पश्य सुन्दरि ।
हारयष्टिगणनाम् इवांशुभिः कर्तुम् आगतकुतूहलः शशी॥८.६८॥
उन्नतावनतभाववत्तया चन्द्रिका सतिमिरा गिरेर् इयम् ।
भक्तिभिर् बहुविधाभिर् अर्पिता भाति भूतिर् इव मत्तदन्तिनः॥८.६९॥
एतद् उच्छ्वसितपीतम् ऐन्दवं वोढुम् अक्षमम् इव प्रभारसम् ।
मुक्तषट्पदविरावम् अञ्जसा भिद्यते कुमुदम् आ निबन्धनात्॥८.७०॥
पश्य कल्पतरुलम्बि शुद्धया ज्योत्स्नया जनितर्ऊपसंशयम् ।
मारुते चलति चण्डि केवलं व्यज्यते विपरिवृत्तम् अंशुकम्॥८.७१॥
शक्यम् अङ्गुलिभिर् उद्धृतैर् अधः शाखिनां पतितपुष्पपेशलैः ।
पत्रजर्जरशशिप्रभालवैर् एभिर् उत्कचयितुं तवालकान्॥८.७२॥
एष चारुमुखि योगतारया युज्यते तरलबिम्बया शशी ।
साध्वसाद् उपगतप्रकम्पया कन्ययेव नवदीक्षया वरः॥८.७३॥
पाकभिन्नशरकाण्डगौरयोर् उल्लसत्प्रतिकृतिप्रसन्नयोः ।
रोहतीव तव गण्डलेखयोश् चन्द्रबिम्बनिहिताक्ष्णि चन्द्रिका॥८.७४॥
लोहितार्कमणिभाजनार्पितं कल्पवृक्षमधु बिभ्रती स्वयम् ।
त्वाम् इयं स्थितिमतीम् उपस्थिता गन्धमादनवनाधिदेवता॥८.७५॥
आर्द्रकेसरसुगन्धि ते मुखं मत्तरक्तनयनं स्वभावतः ।
अत्र लब्धवसतिर् गुणान्तरं किं विलासिनि मदः करिष्यति॥८.७६॥
मान्यभक्तिर् अथवा सखीजनः सेव्यताम् इदम् अनङ्गदीपनम् ।
इत्य् उदारम् अभिधाय शङ्करस् ताम् अपाययत पानम् अम्बिकाम्॥८.७७॥
पार्वती तदुपयोगसम्भवां विक्रियाम् अपि सतां मनोहराम् ।
अप्रतर्क्यविधियोगनिर्मिताम् आम्रतेव सहकारतां ययौ॥८.७८॥
तत्क्षणं विपरिवर्तितह्रियोर् नेष्यतोः शयनम् इद्धरागयोः ।
सा बभूव वशवर्तिनी द्वयोः शूलिनः सुवदना मदस्य च॥८.७९॥
घूर्णमाननयनं स्खलत्कथं स्वेदिबिन्दुमद् अकारणस्मितम् ।
आननेन न तु तावद् ईश्वरश् चक्षुषा चिरम् उमामुखं पपौ॥८.८०॥
तां विलम्बितपनीयमेखलाम् उद्वहञ् जघनभारदुर्वहाम् ।
ध्यानसंभृतविभूतिर् ईश्वरः प्राविशन् मणिशिलागृहं रहः॥८.८१॥
तत्र हंसधवलोत्तरच्छदं जाह्नवीपुलिनचारुदर्शनम् ।
अध्यशेत शयनं प्रियासखः शारदाभ्रम् इव रोहिणीपतिः॥८.८२॥
क्लिष्टकेशम् अवलुप्तचन्दनं व्यत्ययार्पितनखं समत्सरम् ।
तस्य तच् छिदुरमेखलागुणं पार्वतीरतम् अभून् न तृप्तये॥८.८३॥
केवलं प्रियतमादयालुना ज्योतिषाम् अवनतासु पङ्क्तिषु ।
तेन तत्परिगृहीतवक्षसा नेत्रमीलनकुतूहलं कृतम्॥८.८४॥
स व्यबुध्यत बुधस्तवोचितः शतकुम्भकमलाकरैः समम् ।
मूर्च्छनापरिगृहीतकैशिकैः किन्नरैर् उषसि गीतमङ्गलः॥८.८५॥
तौ क्षणं शिथिलितोपगूहनौ दम्पती चलितमानसोर् मयः ।
पद्मभेदपिशुनाः सिषेविरे गन्धमादनवनान्तमारुताः॥८.८६॥
ऊरुमूलनखमार्गराजिभिस् तत्क्षणं हृतविलोचनो हरः ।
वाससः प्रशिथिलस्य संयमं कुर्वतीं प्रियतमाम् अवारयत्॥८.८७॥
स प्रजागरकषायलोचनं गाढदन्तपदताडिताधरम् ।
आकुलालकम् अरंस्त रागवान् प्रेक्ष्य भिन्नतिलकं प्रियामुखम्॥८.८८॥
तेन भङ्गिविषमोत्तरच्छदं मध्यपिण्डितविसूत्रमेखलम् ।
निर्मले ऽपि शयनं निशात्यये नोज्झितं चरणरागलाञ्छितम्॥८.८९॥
स प्रियामुखरसं दिवानिशं हर्षवृद्धिजननं सिषेविषुः ।
दर्शनप्रणयिनाम् अदृश्यताम् आजगाम विजयानिवेदनात्॥८.९०॥
समदिवसनिशीथं सङ्गिनस् तत्र शम्भोः शतम् अगमद् ऋतूनां साग्रम् एका निशेव ।
न तु सुरतसुखेषु छिन्नतृष्णो बभूव ज्वलन इव समुद्रान्तर्गतस् तज्जलेषु॥८.९१॥
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