Dorothea Grossman - Proof again that best poetry does not have to come from academics

Dorothea Grossman, called Dottie by her friends, is in her 70s. She has hardly ever been published except for one album with a Jazz musician and a few poems on "Poetry." She writes beautiful short, concentrated, poetry -- which leaves a lasting impact on your mind because of the emotion, surprise and hummor.

The tradition of Emily and Walt continues. Dorothea is inspirational for those poets who are not published. Keep writing poets!

I knew something was wrong

I knew something was wrong
By Dorothea Grossman Dorothea Grossman
I knew something was wrong
the day I tried to pick up a
small piece of sunlight
and it slithered through my fingers,
not wanting to take shape.
Everything else stayed the same—
the chairs and the carpet
and all the corners
where the waiting continued.

I have to tell you
I have to tell you
By Dorothea Grossman Dorothea Grossman
I have to tell you,
there are times when
the sun strikes me
like a gong,
and I remember everything,
even your ears.

Love Poem
Love Poem
By Dorothea Grossman Dorothea Grossman
In a lightning bolt
of memory,
I see our statue of Buddha
(a wedding gift from Uncle Gene)
which always sat
on top of the speaker cabinet.
When a visitor asked,
“So, does Buddha like jazz?”
you said, “I hope so.
He’s been getting it up the ass
for a long time.”
