ijourney.org - Inspiring website

iJourney.org started when couple of folks got together to sit in silence, on Wednesdays in the Silicon Valley. Today, it offers a weekly mailing of inspired readings to 66,448 people. Nice sections to read for inspiration.

Wednesday Meditation

In India, when we meet and greet and we say "Namaste", which means: I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us. --Ram Dass
Thirteen years ago, three people decided to sit in silence for an hour, in an everyday Silicon Valley living room. No teachers or gurus. No set agendas or proposed beliefs either. Just one strong principle -- when you change within, the world changes. And instead of closing the door, they left it open ... open to all. The rest, as they say, is history.

Simply put, Wednesday evenings are about sharing. A typical evening flows like this ...

7:00PM An hour of collective silence; its unguided, without any music. For first-timers, this primer on meditation may be helpful.
8:00PM Short reading of the weekly iJourney reading, followed by a circle of sharing of "aha" moments from everyday life.
9:00PM A vegetarian meal, offered in silence. Those who can stay afterwards, help ship some Smile Cards.

To join, RSVP in the right column and you'll be emailed the details.

There is no charge and no one is expected to bring anything. We trust that people will "pay-forward" to the world in their own ways. In fact, over the years, people in couple dozen locations around the world have inspired to host these "Wednesdays". Check out our location page, to join one in your neighborhood or to start your own!

Thousands of folks have attended the gatherings; some offered much, some received much, and all were present with the same heart. It is hard to say how exactly this spontaneous convergence of goodness happens each week, but as hosts, we feel fortunate to have such an opportunity to be of service, and to be home for such sincere and powerful inspiration. Thank you.