Cat Samuelson: The Ending of Finals Week (A Poem)

Cat is a college student and wrote this immediately after finishing her last final of spring semester last week. The last paragraph is the most beautiful one I believe. It reminds me how graduating the tests and exams of life feels like. You are carefree; you want to play and laze around and just ... sing. It reminds me that we have to make most of the opportunity of this gift we have, this holiday of life! I am reminded that the purpose of life is to sing!!! Yes, to graduate in life, we have to learn that our purpose is to sing!

Here is her beautiful poem:

Strange sense of freedom washing past my face,
I stop to take a breath and find that I can breathe.
For three weeks now in this familiar place
Of final exams and papers and gritted teeth,
I've fought to reach the end.

Time past and present and time that is to be
Dance together swirling in my head.
The fire of summer sunlight saving me
From all the fires of inner stress and dread.
I muse in a quartet.

So gambol, Child, in wild ecstasy
Pick daffodils, make mud pies by the lake.
Spend each day in delight so carelessly,
Until the chills of Autumn fall awake.
Sing in your holiday.

More on Cat Samuelson: