Bulleh Shah - Simple Heart & Where does God Live?

I translated a couple of Bulleh Shah's Punjabi poems last week to English:
Simple Heart
Where is God Found?

Translations are never perfect, but I try to maintain the meter, not just the rhyme, and also the essence of the poem. Sometimes I have to change the metaphors to make them current and understandable. But in this case, I have had to make very little changes if any ...

"Simple Heart" on a stone by D. Goth

You seek knowledge of
a thousand books
your simple heart
You have read not

You go and enter
temples and mosques
Your pious heart
you've entered not

You have prepared
for a fight with Satan
your evil intentions
You have not fought

You try hard to catch
what in the skies
what lives in your heart
you have never caught
Inspired by: God, Bulleh Shah