Sabrina Signs

For reminding me to think about the homeless ... I would feel bad if I were homeless. Take a look at the song:

And while you listen to this hear her story:

I have a story to tell you. This isn’t a make believe story or the kind you read about in books. This is my story, well part of it. The part where I learned value of humility. The part where I learned the true meaning and importance of love. The part where I was homeless. My song tells the story in a way words cannot express.

Homeless, wow what a word. I never thought I would be one to experience it. It is a word not often thought about when your 8 or 14. Going from living the American Dream, on a tree lined street with few troubles. Then suddenly, in 2008 my Father was unemployed for the first time in his life. We knew things would change in our lives, but we had no idea how bad it would get. Before this all happened I had a dream... I knew that I would change the world.

It was not until the day I was actually homeless, that it really hit me. And then from Oct 2009-April 2010 my life changed. Homeless people were before to me just old veterans, or disabled people. I never imagined how quickly I would be one of them. Now I see how many other people and children are becoming part of the heinous statistics. Because of this experience I wrote a song about my time being homeless. It’s touched a few people, but I am hoping it will touch more. Please listen and watch my video. Help me share my story. Help me to accomplish my dream of changing the world.